EPC titles Flashcards
title only
Art. 1
General Provisions
European law for the grant of patents
title only
Art. 2
General Provisions
European patent
title only
Art. 3
General Provisions
Territorial effect
title only
Art. 4
General Provisions
European Patent Organisation
title only
Art. 4a
General Provisions
Conference of ministers of the Contracting States
title only
Art. 5
The European Patent Organisation
Legal status
title only
Art. 6
The European Patent Organisation
title only
Art. 7
The European Patent Organisation
Sub-offices of the European Patent Office
title only
Art. 8
The European Patent Organisation
Privileges and immunities
title only
Art. 9
The European Patent Organisation
title only
Art. 10
The European Patent Office
title only
Art. 11
The European Patent Office
Appointment of senior employees
title only
Art. 12
The European Patent Office
Duties of office
title only
Art. 13
The European Patent Office
Disputes between the Organ. and employees of the EPO
title only
Art. 14
The European Patent Office
Languages of the EPO EU patent appl. and other doc.
title only
Art. 15
The European Patent Office
Departments entrusted with the procedure
title only
Art. 16
The European Patent Office
Receiving Section
title only
Art. 17
The European Patent Office
Search Divisions
title only
Art. 18
The European Patent Office
Examining Divisions
title only
Art. 19
The European Patent Office
Opposition Divisions
title only
Art. 20
The European Patent Office
Legal Division
title only
Art. 21
The European Patent Office
Boards of Appeal
title only
Art. 22
The European Patent Office
Enlarged Board of Appeal
title only
Art. 23
The European Patent Office
Independence of the members of the Boards
title only
Art. 24
The European Patent Office
Exclusion and objection
title only
Art. 25
The European Patent Office
Technical opinion
title only
Art. 26
The Administrative Council
title only
Art. 27
The Administrative Council
title only
Art. 28
The Administrative Council
title only
Art. 29
The Administrative Council
title only
Art. 30
The Administrative Council
Attendance of observers
title only
Art. 31
The Administrative Council
Languages of the Administrative Council
title only
Art. 32
The Administrative Council
Staff, premises and equipment
title only
Art. 33
The Administrative Council
Competence of the Administrative Council in certain cases
title only
Art. 34
The Administrative Council
Voting rights
title only
Art. 35
The Administrative Council
Voting rules
title only
Art. 36
The Administrative Council
Weighting of votes
title only
Art. 37
Financial Provisions
Budgetary funding
title only
Art. 38
Financial Provisions
The Organisation’s own resources
title only
Art. 39
Financial Provisions
Pay. by the CStates in respect of renewal fees for EU pat
title only
Art. 40
Financial Provisions
Level of fees and payments - Special financial contributions
title only
Art. 41
Financial Provisions
title only
Art. 42
Financial Provisions
title only
Art. 43
Financial Provisions
Authorisation for expenditure
title only
Art. 44
Financial Provisions
Appropriations for unforeseeable expenditure
title only
Art. 45
Financial Provisions
Accounting period
title only
Art. 46
Financial Provisions
Preparation and adoption of the budget
title only
Art. 47
Financial Provisions
Provisional budget
title only
Art. 48
Financial Provisions
Budget implementation
title only
Art. 49
Financial Provisions
Auditing of accounts
title only
Art. 50
Financial Provisions
Financial Regulations
title only
Art. 51
Financial Provisions
title only
Art. 52
Patentable inventions
title only
Art. 53
Exceptions to patentability
title only
Art. 54
title only
Art. 55
Non-prejudicial disclosures
title only
Art. 56
Inventive step
title only
Art. 57
Industrial application
title only
Art. 58
Persons entitled to apply for/obtain EP
Entitlement to file a European patent application
title only
Art. 59
Persons entitled to apply for/obtain EP
Multiple applicants
title only
Art. 60
Persons entitled to apply for/obtain EP
Right to a European patent
title only
Art. 61
Persons entitled to apply for/obtain EP
European patent applications filed by non-entitled persons
title only
Art. 62
Persons entitled to apply for/obtain EP
Right of the inventor to be mentioned
title only
Art. 63
Effects of the EP and EPApp
Term of the European patent
title only
Art. 64
Effects of the EP and EPApp
Rights conferred by a European patent
title only
Art. 65
Effects of the EP and EPApp
Translation of the European patent
title only
Art. 66
Effects of the EP and EPApp
Equivalence of European filing with national filing
title only
Art. 67
Effects of the EP and EPApp
Rights conferred by a EU pat application after publication
title only
Art. 68
Effects of the EP and EPApp
Effect of revocation or limitation of the European patent
title only
Art. 69
Effects of the EP and EPApp
Extent of protection
title only
Art. 70
Effects of the EP and EPApp
Authentic text of a EU pat application or European patent
title only
Art. 71
The EPApp as an object of Property
Transfer and constitution of rights
title only
Art. 72
The EPApp as an object of Property
title only
Art. 73
The EPApp as an object of Property
Contractual licensing
title only
Art. 74
The EPApp as an object of Property
Law applicable
title only
Art. 75
Filing and requirements of EPApp
Filing of a European patent application
title only
Art. 76
Filing and requirements of EPApp
European divisional applications
title only
Art. 77
Filing and requirements of EPApp
Forwarding of European patent applications
title only
Art. 78
Filing and requirements of EPApp
Requirements of a European patent application
title only
Art. 79
Filing and requirements of EPApp
Designation of Contracting States
title only
Art. 80
Filing and requirements of EPApp
Date of filing
title only
Art. 81
Filing and requirements of EPApp
Designation of the inventor
title only
Art. 82
Filing and requirements of EPApp
Unity of invention
title only
Art. 83
Filing and requirements of EPApp
Disclosure of the invention
title only
Art. 84
Filing and requirements of EPApp
title only
Art. 85
Filing and requirements of EPApp
title only
Art. 86
Filing and requirements of EPApp
Renewal fees for the European patent application
title only
Art. 87
Priority right
title only
Art. 88
Claiming priority
title only
Art. 89
Effect of priority right
title only
Art. 90
Procedure up to Grant
Exam. on filing and examination as to formal requirements
title only
Art. 91
Procedure up to Grant
formerly- Examination of the European Patent
title only
Art. 92
Procedure up to Grant
Drawing up of the European search report
title only
Art. 93
Procedure up to Grant
Publication of the European patent application
title only
Art. 94
Procedure up to Grant
Examination of the European patent application
title only
Art. 95
Procedure up to Grant
formerly- Extension of the period within which requests for examination may be filed
title only
Art. 96
Procedure up to Grant
formerly- Examination of the European patent application
title only
Art. 97
Procedure up to Grant
Grant or refusal
title only
Art. 98
Procedure up to Grant
Publication of the specification of the European patent
title only
Art. 99
Opposition and Limitation Procedure
title only
Art. 100
Opposition and Limitation Procedure
Grounds for opposition
title only
Art. 101
Opposition and Limitation Procedure
Exam. of the opposition - Rev. or main. of the EU pat
title only
Art. 102
Opposition and Limitation Procedure
formerly- Revocation or maintenance of the European Patent
title only
Art. 103
Opposition and Limitation Procedure
Publication of a new specification of the European patent
title only
Art. 104
Opposition and Limitation Procedure
title only
Art. 105
Opposition and Limitation Procedure
Intervention of the assumed infringer
title only
Art. 105a
Opposition and Limitation Procedure
Request for limitation or revocation
title only
Art. 105b
Opposition and Limitation Procedure
Limitation or revocation of the European patent
title only
Art. 105c
Opposition and Limitation Procedure
Publication of the amended specification of the EU pat
title only
Art. 106
Appeals Procedure
Decisions subject to appeal
title only
Art. 107
Appeals Procedure
Persons entitled to app and to be parties to app proceed
title only
Art. 108
Appeals Procedure
Time limit and form
title only
Art. 109
Appeals Procedure
Interlocutory revision
title only
Art. 110
Appeals Procedure
Examination of appeals
title only
Art. 111
Appeals Procedure
Decision in respect of appeals
title only
Art. 112
Appeals Procedure
Decision or opinion of the Enlarged Board of Appeal
title only
Art. 112a
Appeals Procedure
Petition for review by the Enlarged Board of Appeal
title only
Art. 113
Common Provisions Governing Procedure
Right to be heard and basis of decisions
title only
Art. 114
Common Provisions Governing Procedure
Examination by the EPO of its own motion
title only
Art. 115
Common Provisions Governing Procedure
Observations by third parties
title only
Art. 116
Common Provisions Governing Procedure
Oral proceedings
title only
Art. 117
Common Provisions Governing Procedure
Means and taking of evidence
title only
Art. 118
Common Provisions Governing Procedure
Unity of the EU patent application or European patent
title only
Art. 119
Common Provisions Governing Procedure
title only
Art. 120
Common Provisions Governing Procedure
Time limits
title only
Art. 121
Common Provisions Governing Procedure
Further processing of the European patent application
title only
Art. 122
Common Provisions Governing Procedure
Re-establishment of rights
title only
Art. 123
Common Provisions Governing Procedure
title only
Art. 124
Common Provisions Governing Procedure
Information on prior art
title only
Art. 125
Common Provisions Governing Procedure
Reference to general principles
title only
Art. 126
Common Provisions Governing Procedure
formerly- Termination of financial obligations
title only
Art. 127
Information to the public or to Official Authorities
European Patent Register
title only
Art. 128
Information to the public or to Official Authorities
Inspection of files
title only
Art. 129
Information to the public or to Official Authorities
Periodical publications
title only
Art. 130
Information to the public or to Official Authorities
Exchange of information
title only
Art. 131
Information to the public or to Official Authorities
Administrative and legal co-operation
title only
Art. 132
Information to the public or to Official Authorities
Exchange of publications
title only
Art. 133
General principles of representation
title only
Art. 134
Representation before the European Patent Office
title only
Art. 134a
Institute of Professional Representatives before the EPO
title only
Art. 135
Conversion into a national patent application
Request for conversion
title only
Art. 136
Conversion into a national patent application
formerly- Submission and Transmission of the request
title only
Art. 137
Conversion into a national patent application
Formal requirements for conversion
title only
Art. 138
Revocation and prior rights
Revocation of European patents
title only
Art. 139
Revocation and prior rights
Prior rights and rights arising on the same date
title only
Art. 140
Miscellaneous effects
National utility models and utility certificates
title only
Art. 141
Miscellaneous effects
Renewal fees for European patents
title only
Art. 142
Special Agreements
Unitary patents
title only
Art. 143
Special Agreements
Special departments of the European Patent Office
title only
Art. 144
Special Agreements
Representation before special departments
title only
Art. 145
Special Agreements
Select committee of the Administrative Council
title only
Art. 146
Special Agreements
Cover for expenditure for carrying out special tasks
title only
Art. 147
Special Agreements
Payments in respect of renewal fees for unitary patents
title only
Art. 148
Special Agreements
The European patent application as an object of property
title only
Art. 149
Special Agreements
Joint designation
title only
Art. 149a
Special Agreements
Other agreements between the Contracting States
title only
Art. 150
Euro-PCT applications
Application of the Patent Cooperation Treaty
title only
Art. 151
Euro-PCT applications
The European Patent Office as a receiving Office
title only
Art. 152
Euro-PCT applications
The EPO as an ISA or International PExamining Authority
title only
Art. 153
Euro-PCT applications
The EPO as designated Office or elected Office
title only
Art. 154
Euro-PCT applications
formerly- The EPO as an International Searching Authority
title only
Art. 155
Euro-PCT applications
formerly- The EPO as an International Preliminary Examining Authority
title only
Art. 156
Euro-PCT applications
formerly- The EPO as an Elected Office
title only
Art. 157
Euro-PCT applications
formerly- International Search Report
title only
Art. 158
Euro-PCT applications
formerly- Publication of the international application and its supply to the EPO
title only
Art. 164
Final Provisions
Implementing Regulations and Protocols
title only
Art. 165
Final Provisions
Signature - Ratification
title only
Art. 166
Final Provisions
title only
Art. 167
Final Provisions
formerly- Reservations
title only
Art. 168
Final Provisions
Territorial field of application
title only
Art. 169
Final Provisions
Entry into force
title only
Art. 170
Final Provisions
Initial contribution
title only
Art. 171
Final Provisions
Duration of the Convention
title only
Art. 172
Final Provisions
title only
Art. 173
Final Provisions
Disputes between Contracting States
title only
Art. 174
Final Provisions
title only
Art. 175
Final Provisions
Preservation of acquired rights
title only
Art. 176
Final Provisions
Financial rights and obligations of former Cont. States
title only
Art. 177
Final Provisions
Languages of the Convention
title only
Art. 178
Final Provisions
Transmission and notifications
title only
R. 1
General Provisions
Written proceedings
title only
R. 2
General Provisions
Filing of and formal requirements for documents
title only
R. 3
General Provisions
Language in written proceedings
title only
R. 4
General Provisions
Language in oral proceedings
title only
R. 5
General Provisions
Certification of translations
title only
R. 6
General Provisions
Filing of translations and reduction of fees
title only
R. 7
General Provisions
Legal authenticity of the translation of the EU pat application
title only
R. 8
General Matters
Patent classification
title only
R. 9
General Matters
Administrative structure of the European Patent Office
title only
R. 10
General Matters
Responsibility of the Rec. Section and the Exam. Division
title only
R. 11
General Matters
Allocation of duties to the departments of first instance
title only
R. 12
Organization of the BoA and the EBoA
Presidium of the Boards of Appeal
title only
R. 13
Organization of the BoA and the EBoA
Business distribution scheme for the Enlarged BoA and adoption of its Rules of Procedure
title only
R. 14
Procedure where the applicant is not entitled
Stay of proceedings
title only
R. 15
Procedure where the applicant is not entitled
Limitation on withdrawals
title only
R. 16
Procedure where the applicant is not entitled
Procedure under Article 61, paragraph 1
title only
R. 17
Procedure where the applicant is not entitled
Filing of a new EU patent application by the entitled person
title only
R. 18
Procedure where the applicant is not entitled
Partial transfer of the right to the European patent
title only
R. 19
Mention of the inventor
Designation of the inventor
title only
R. 20
Mention of the inventor
Publication of the mention of the inventor
title only
R. 21
Mention of the inventor
Rectification of the designation of an inventor
title only
R. 22
Registration of transfers, licenses, and other rights
Registration of transfers
title only
R. 23
Registration of transfers, licenses, and other rights
Registration of licences and other rights
title only
R. 24
Registration of transfers, licenses, and other rights
Special entries for licence registrations
title only
R. 25
Certificate of exhibition
Certificate of exhibition
title only
R. 26
Biotechnological inventions
General and definitions
title only
R. 27
Biotechnological inventions
Patentable biotechnological inventions
title only
R. 28
Biotechnological inventions
Exceptions to patentability
title only
R. 29
Biotechnological inventions
The human body and its elements
title only
R. 30
Biotechnological inventions
Req. of EU pat. app. relating to nucleo. and amino acid seq
title only
R. 31
Biotechnological inventions
Deposit of biological material
title only
R. 32
Biotechnological inventions
Expert solution
title only
R. 33
Biotechnological inventions
Availability of biological material
title only
R. 34
Biotechnological inventions
New deposit of biological material
title only
R. 35
Filing of the EPApp
General provisions
title only
R. 36
Filing of the EPApp
European divisional applications
title only
R. 37
Filing of the EPApp
Forwarding of European patent applications
title only
R. 38
Filing of the EPApp
Filing fee and search fee
title only
R. 39
Filing of the EPApp
Designation fees
title only
R. 40
Filing of the EPApp
Date of filing
title only
R. 41
Provisions governing the application
Request for grant
title only
R. 42
Provisions governing the application
Content of the description
title only
R. 43
Provisions governing the application
Form and content of claims
title only
R. 44
Provisions governing the application
Unity of invention
title only
R. 45
Provisions governing the application
Claims incurring fees
title only
R. 46
Provisions governing the application
Form of the drawings
title only
R. 47
Provisions governing the application
Form and content of the abstract
title only
R. 48
Provisions governing the application
Prohibited matter
title only
R. 49
Provisions governing the application
General prov. governing the presentation of the appl doc
title only
R. 50
Provisions governing the application
Documents filed subsequently
title only
R. 51
Renewal Fees
Payment of renewal fees
title only
R. 52
Declaration of priority
title only
R. 53
Priority documents
title only
R. 54
Issuing priority documents
title only
R. 55
Examination by the Receiving Section
Examination on filing
title only
R. 56
Examination by the Receiving Section
Missing parts of the description or missing drawings
title only
R. 57
Examination by the Receiving Section
Examination as to formal requirements
title only
R. 58
Examination by the Receiving Section
Correction of deficiencies in the application documents
title only
R. 59
Examination by the Receiving Section
Deficiencies in claiming priority
title only
R. 60
Examination by the Receiving Section
Subsequent designation of the inventor
title only
R. 61
European Search Report
Content of the European search report
title only
R. 62
European Search Report
Extended European search report
title only
R. 62a
(European Search
Applications containing a
plurality of independent
title only
R. 63
European Search Report
Incomplete search
title only
R. 64
European Search Report
European search report where the invention lacks unity
title only
R. 65
European Search Report
Transmittal of the European search report
title only
R. 66
European Search Report
Definitive content of the abstract
title only
R. 67
Publication of the EPApp
Technical preparations for publication
title only
R. 68
Publication of the EPApp
Form of the publication of EU pat appl and EU search rep
title only
R. 69
Publication of the EPApp
Information about publication
title only
R. 70
Publication of the EPApp
Request for examination
title only
R. 70a
(Examination by the
Examining Division)
Response to the
extended European
search report
title only
R. 70b
(Examination by the
Examining Division)
Request for a copy of
search results
title only
R. 71
Examination by the Examining Division
Examination procedure
title only
R. 72
Examination by the Examining Division
Grant of the European patent to different applicants
title only
R. 73
The European Patent Specification
Content and form of the specification
title only
R. 74
The European Patent Specification
Certificate for a European patent
title only
R. 75
Opposition Procedure
Surrender or lapse of the patent
title only
R. 76
Opposition Procedure
Form and content of the opposition
title only
R. 77
Opposition Procedure
Rejection of the opposition as inadmissible
title only
R. 78
Opposition Procedure
Procedure where the proprietor of the patent is not entitled
title only
R. 79
Opposition Procedure
Preparation of the examination of the opposition
title only
R. 80
Opposition Procedure
Amendment of the European patent
title only
R. 81
Opposition Procedure
Examination of opposition
title only
R. 82
Opposition Procedure
Maintenance of the European patent in amended form
title only
R. 83
Opposition Procedure
Request for documents
title only
R. 84
Opposition Procedure
Continuation of the oppo pro by the EPO of its own motion
title only
R. 85
Opposition Procedure
Transfer of the European patent
title only
R. 86
Opposition Procedure
Documents in opposition proceedings
title only
R. 87
Opposition Procedure
Content and form of the new specification of the EU patent
title only
R. 88
Opposition Procedure
title only
R. 89
Opposition Procedure
Intervention of the assumed infringer
title only
R. 90
Procedure for Limitation or Revocation
Subject of proceedings
title only
R. 91
Procedure for Limitation or Revocation
Responsibility for proceedings
title only
R. 92
Procedure for Limitation or Revocation
Requirements of the request
title only
R. 93
Procedure for Limitation or Revocation
Precedence of opposition proceedings
title only
R. 94
Procedure for Limitation or Revocation
Rejection of the request as inadmissible
title only
R. 95
Procedure for Limitation or Revocation
Decision on the request
title only
R. 96
Procedure for Limitation or Revocation
Content and form of the amended EU patent specification
title only
R. 97
Appeals Procedure
Appeal against apportionment and fixing of costs
title only
R. 98
Appeals Procedure
Surrender or lapse of the patent
title only
R. 99
Appeals Procedure
Content of the notice of appeal and the statement of grounds
title only
R. 100
Appeals Procedure
Examination of appeals
title only
R. 101
Appeals Procedure
Rejection of the appeal as inadmissible
title only
R. 102
Appeals Procedure
Form of decision of the Board of Appeal
title only
R. 103
Appeals Procedure
Reimbursement of appeal fees
title only
R. 104
Petitions for review by the EBoA
Further fundamental procedural defects
title only
R. 105
Petitions for review by the EBoA
Criminal acts
title only
R. 106
Petitions for review by the EBoA
Obligation to raise objections
title only
R. 107
Petitions for review by the EBoA
Contents of the petition for review
title only
R. 108
Petitions for review by the EBoA
Examination of the petition
title only
R. 109
Petitions for review by the EBoA
Procedure in dealing with petitions for review
title only
R. 110
Petitions for review by the EBoA
Reimbursement of the fee for petitions for review
title only
R. 111
Decisions and Communications of the EPO
Form of decisions
title only
R. 112
Decisions and Communications of the EPO
Noting of loss of rights
title only
R. 113
Decisions and Communications of the EPO
Signature, name, seal
title only
R. 114
Observations by third parties
Observations by third parties
title only
R. 115
Oral Proceedings and Taking of Evidence
Summons to oral proceedings
title only
R. 116
Oral Proceedings and Taking of Evidence
Preparation of oral proceedings
title only
R. 117
Oral Proceedings and Taking of Evidence
Decision on taking of evidence
title only
R. 118
Oral Proceedings and Taking of Evidence
Summons to give evidence before the EPO
title only
R. 119
Oral Proceedings and Taking of Evidence
Examination of evidence before the European Patent Office
title only
R. 120
Oral Proceedings and Taking of Evidence
Hearing by a competent national court
title only
R. 121
Oral Proceedings and Taking of Evidence
Commissioning of experts
title only
R. 122
Oral Proceedings and Taking of Evidence
Costs of taking of evidence
title only
R. 123
Oral Proceedings and Taking of Evidence
Conservation of evidence
title only
R. 124
Oral Proceedings and Taking of Evidence
Minutes of oral proceedings and of taking of evidence
title only
R. 125
General provisions
title only
R. 126
Notification by post
title only
R. 127
Notification by technical means of communication
title only
R. 128
Notification by delivery by hand
title only
R. 129
Public notification
title only
R. 130
Notification to representatives
title only
R. 131
Time Limits
Calculation of periods
title only
R. 132
Time Limits
Periods specified by the European Patent Office
title only
R. 133
Time Limits
Late receipt of documents
title only
R. 134
Time Limits
Extension of periods
title only
R. 135
Time Limits
Further processing
title only
R. 136
Time Limits
Re-establishment of rights
title only
R. 137
Amendments and Corrections
Amendment of the European patent application
title only
R. 138
Amendments and Corrections
Diff. claims, description and drawings for different States
title only
R. 139
Amendments and Corrections
Correction of errors in documents filed with the EPO
title only
R. 140
Amendments and Corrections
Correction of errors in decisions
title only
R. 141
Information on Prior Art
Information on prior art
title only
R. 142
Interruption of Proceedings
Interruption of proceedings
title only
R. 143
Information to the Public
Entries in the European Patent Register
title only
R. 144
Information to the Public
Parts of the file excluded from inspection
title only
R. 145
Information to the Public
Procedures for the inspection of files
title only
R. 146
Information to the Public
Communication of information contained in the files
title only
R. 147
Information to the Public
Constitution, maintenance and preservation of files
title only
R. 148
Legal and Administrative Co-operation
Comm between the EPO and the authorities of the CStates
title only
R. 149
Legal and Administrative Co-operation
Inspection of files by or via courts or authorities of the CS
title only
R. 150
Legal and Administrative Co-operation
Procedure for letters rogatory
title only
R. 151
Appointment of a common representative
title only
R. 152
title only
R. 153
Attorney evidentiary privilege
title only
R. 154
Amendment of the list of professional representatives
title only
R. 155
National Law Implementing Regulations
Filing and transmission of the request for conversion
title only
R. 156
National Law Implementing Regulations
Information to the public in the event of conversion
title only
R. 157
PCT Implementing Regulations
The European Patent Office as a receiving Office
title only
R. 158
PCT Implementing Regulations
The EPO as an ISA or International PEA
title only
R. 159
PCT Implementing Regulations
The EPO as a designated or elected Office - Requirements for entry into the European phase
title only
R. 160
PCT Implementing Regulations
Consequences of non-fulfilment of certain requirements
title only
R. 161
PCT Implementing Regulations
Amendment of the application
title only
R. 162
PCT Implementing Regulations
Claims incurring fees
title only
R. 163
PCT Implementing Regulations
Examination of certain formal requirements by the EPO
title only
R. 164
PCT Implementing Regulations
Consideration of unity by the European Patent Office
title only
R. 165
PCT Implementing Regulations
The Euro-PCT application as conflicting application under Article 54, paragraph 3