EP Procedures - Main Flashcards
Go Around
- Announce the Go-Around to the crew
1) Advance throttles as required to establish safe airspeed and appropriate climb profile.
2) When appropriate airspeed, altitude and climb profile are established, direct the PM to set/check flaps to 50.
3) Direct the PM to raise the landing gear when certain that the airplane will not touch down (as required).
4) After the above procedures have been accomplished, proceed as though from take-off.
What are the Steps to all emergencies
1) Maintain Airplane Control
2) Analyze the situation
3) Take Coordinated Corrective Action
Engine Shutdown Conditions
1) Engine Fire
2) Turbine Overheat
3) Nacelle Overheat
4) Uncontrollable Power
5) Uncontrollable rise in TIT
6) Uncontrollable drop in oil pressure.
7) Uncontrollable rise in oil temperature
8) Prop Malfunctions
9) Vibrations or Roughness
10) Throttle Control Cable Failure
11) Excessive Visible Fluid Leak.
ESP Checklist
1) Condition Level - “Feather”
- If Throttle Cable Failure - SKIP THIS and just pull fire handle.
- Pull all the way to detent. If midway might make NTS inoperative.
2) Fire Handle - “Pulled”
3) Agent - “Discharged” (For FIre or Nacelle Overheat)
- If conditions persists - Isolate the wing by closing the engine bleed air valve.
- Do not hold the discharge switch for more than 1-2 seconds. - if not followed could cause the FIre EXT circuit breaker to open.
4) Flaps
5) LDG Gear
6) IFF Switch
7) Clean up
8) Land as soon as practical
GTC Emergency shutdown
1) Fire Handle - “Pulled”
2) Agent - “Discharged” (For Fire)
- If condition persists - isolate wing by closing wing isolation valves and place GTC bleed air valve switch to closed.
- Do not hold discharge switch for more than 1 or 2 seconds.
3) Clean Up
Bleed Air System Failure (Ground or Air)
1) Two types: a. uncontrollable loss of bleed air. b. failure of an Engine Bleed Air Valve.
2) Reduced bleed air manifold pressure. Lowe than charted engine torque.
3) Wing overheat may occur without an accompanying leading edge over temperature warning due to possible wiring damage.
4) Illumination of any fire warning lights. Erratic operation of engine instruments. Erratic electrical equipment. zero or fluctuating liquid oxygen quantity. Inoperative or intermittent radar operation.
1) All engine bleed air valve switches - closed.
- When bleed air switches are closed - airflow to both AC units is lost. THEREFORE the plane is depressurized.
2) If engine Bleed Air Valve cannot be closed and the bleed air system is leaking – you may have to SHUTDOWN THAT ENGINE.
3) Do not operate GTC after landing - if uncontrolled loss of bleed air is experienced.
- operating the GTC may represurized the areas where the failure has occurred.
4) Land as Soon as Possible.
Engine Fire Ground or Inflight
1) Move all throttles to Ground Idle and Follow the Engine Shutdown Procedure.
1) Follow the Engine Shutdown procedure.
Tailpipe Fires or Tourching
1) During Starting - Condition lever GROUND STOP and MOTOR engine.
- If flame spread beyond the tailpipe - follow the ENGINE shutdown procedure.
1) If the aircrew sees poof of smoke follow Engine Shutdown Procedures.
Turbine Overheat Warning
On the Ground:
1) Move all throttles to Ground Idle. Place condition Level GROUND STOP
1) Retard the throttle toward Flight Idle. If condition persists - ESP engine.
Nacelle Overheat Warning
On the Ground:
1) Move all throttles to ground IDLE and ESP engine.
In Flight:
1) proceed with ESP
High Turbine Inlet Temperature
On The Ground:
1) Retard the throttle for affected engine toward Ground Idle.
2) TD switches to Null position
3) Condition Lever to Ground Stop for effected engine
1) retard throttle affected engine to flight idle.
2) Place TD switch to Null
3) If fails, Then ESP affected engine.
Emergency Ground Egress
1) Set - Tower - Tie - Pull - Pull - Notify - DC power switch - Oxygen - chocks
Brake system Failure
1) Select Emergency BRakes.
Engine Failure During Take-Off - Abort
1) Abort Procedure.
- Throttles - Flight IDLE
- Condition Level - Feather (If required)
- Throttles - Ground Idle
- Reverse Symmetrical engines and apply brakes as required.
- Initiate or continue Engine Shutdown procedure after safe control of aircraft is assured.
Take-Off Continued after Engine Failure
1) Maintain Directional Control with flight controls and engine power as necessary
2) Safely Airborne and certain will not touch down - raise gear
3) gear up - flaps up stay at 20% until VMA2 is achieved. then fully up.
4) continue take-off to 3 engine climb speed.
Multiple Engine Power loss/stall/flameout
1) TD control switches - “null”
2) Prop governor control switches - “mech gov”
3) synchrophase master - off
4) engine bleed air valve switches - closed.
Prop Malfunctions
1) Prop low oil warning light
2) An overspeed or underspeed
3) RPM surge or fluctuation
4) failure of prop to feather.
Prop Low Oil Light
1) Check RPM for overspeed, underspeed, or fluctuation
2) RPM in limits - continue operations but Monitor RPM. b) if goes out of limits then go to step 3.
- with this Prop could become Pitchlocked.
- with this prop feathering may not happen - so a windmilling prop could occur.
- Reversing should not be attempted on malfunctioning aircraft.
3) Out of limits go to MECH GOV.
4) RPM in limits in Mech gov - continue operations
5) RPM out of limits in Mech Gov, perform PITCHLOCK CHECK PROCEDURE - execpt when immediate landing is feasible.
if landing feasible - shutdown engine and land.
Pitchlock check procedure
1) Prop Governonr Control - Mech Gov.
2) Tem Datum Control valve - Locked
3) Slowly move throttle until TIT change is noted. Maintain Constant TAS.
4) IF RPM DOES NOT follow throttle movement - Engine Shutdown Procedure.
5) IF RPM follows throttle movement or TAS - continue with pitch locked prop operation.
Pitchlocked Prop Operation
1) Prop Gov Control Switch - Mech Gov
2) Temp Datum control Valve - Locked
3) Engine Bleed Air Valve - Closed
4) Establish 96-98 RPM with throttle and/or airspeed modification
5) Obtain 150 Knots do not allow speed to decrease below
6) Upon reaching 150 KTAS or when 150 knots can’t be maintained shut down engine.
Prop Fails to Feather
1) Note Drag will be higher
2) If fire handle is pulled - be sure to pull ignition circuit breaker - prevents inadvertent ignition.
3) Reset Fire Handle if no fire indications exists
4) Hold Prop feather override button in for 30 Seconds and then pull out.
5) attain 150 Knots true.
7) Maintain above VMCA2
8) Should not attempt a go around below 2 engine VMCA.
Prop Brake Failure
1) Identify by counter-trotation of a fully feathered prop.
2) Reduce airspeed 160 KIAS. Maintain this or above 2 engine VMCA
3) Once Prop Stops Rotating - Accelerate in 10 Knokt increments to 200 KAIS, if appropriate.
4) Land as soon as practical
Engine System Failure:
1) Throttle Control Cable Failure
1) Throttle moves independently of pilot input. Throttle frozen or binding. Power indications unrelated to throttle position.
2) Shutdown engine by pulling Fire Handle Only.
TD system malfunction
1) This indicated by sudden increase or decrease in TIT without corresponding FF or Torque movement.
2) TD switches to Null
3) If TIT stabilizes - move to Locked position
4) If malfunction continues - ESP engine.
TIT Indication Malfunction
Engine Shows lower TIT and/or Higher FF than other engines… when lined up ABOVE CROSSOVER.
1) Put TD switch - Null
2) if stable - note in 781 all engine stack info.
3) if continues - ESP engine
Tach Generator Failure
- Decrease or Fluctuation of RPM
- Decrease or fluctuation of torque
1) Synchrophase Master Switch - Off or other master
2) Prop Gov - Mech Gov.
1) Advise an air traffic control
2) SPS interface control - safe/of
3) Fuel System - Tank to engine
4) Dump valve switches - open
5) Dump pump switches - Dump
4 pumps - 3 minutes = 5,000 lbs
6 pumps - 2 minutes = 5,000 lbs
8 pumps - 1.5 minutes = 5,000
10 pumps - 1.3 mintes = 5,000 lbs
Wing Fire
1) Engine Bleed Air Switch - Off
2) Wing Isolation Valve - Closed
3) Slide slip plane to keep fire away from fuselage
4) Land as Soon as Possible.
Engine Shutdown Procedure
1) Condition Level - Feather
2) Fire Handled - Pulled
3) Agent - Discharged for Fire or Nacelle Overheat
4) Flaps
5) Landing Gear
6) IFF - TA only
7) Clean up f
8) Land as soon as Practical
Breakaway Procedures
1) AR Disconnect Button - Pressed (P, CP, E)
2) Throttles - Flight Idle
3) Transition to Instruments 1,000 feet below Tanker.
3) Top Strobe - On
Air Refueling Line Rupture
1) Disconnect - PF, PM, E
2) Throttles - Slowly Retard
3) Oxygen - On, 100% all
4) Pressurization - emergency Depress (pilot command)
5) Air Conditioning Master switch - Aux vent
6) Engine bleed air - Closed
7) Attitude - Slight nose-up
8) Ar Valve Switch - Closed
9) Land as soon as possible