EOY Y7 Revision biology Flashcards
What is the role for alveoli
To carry out gas exchange
where does respiration take place
What is the length of the menstrual cycle
28 days
what is the placenta
where the oxygen and nurtrience for the foetus is
What is the umbilical cord
The cord that carries the oxygen and nutrience from the placenta to the developing foetus
What connects bones to bones in a joint
What connects muscles to bones in a joint
What is the thing on the end of a bone to reduce friction
articular cartilage
What stops the articular cartilage from rubbing and wearing away
Synovial fluid
Name 3 types of joints
Hinge, pivot, ball and socket
What holds up the anther
the filament
What produces pollen
the anther
What is the male gamete of a plant
the anther
What is the female gamete of a plant
What is the female gamete of a human
egg cell
what is the male gamete of a human
sperm cell
Why do wind pollinated plants have lots of pollen
to increase the change of fertilisation
Why do insect pollinated plants have vibrant petals and nectar
To attract pollinators
What is the condition where the end of bones become inflamed because of friction
What is the cause of puberty
What are antagonistic muscles
A pair of muscles that do the opposite to work together
What is a flagellum
A tail like thing for movement
How do we inhale
The diaphragm flattens increasing the lung volume reducing the pressure and allowing air in
How do we exhale
The diaphragm contracts reducing the lung volume increasing the pressure and forcing gas out of the body
What is respiration
The process in which gas is exchanged in the alveolus with oxygen entering the red blood cells and carbon dioxide leaving the lungs and out the body
Where dies photosynthesis take place
What controls what leaves and enters a cell
The cell membrane
What is the most outer layer of a animal cell
Cell membrane
What is the most outer layer of the plant cell
Cell wall
What is diffusion
When particles move from an area of low concentration to an area of low concentration
What is the job of the vacuole
to store cell sap
What is the job of the nucleus
To store the dna
What is the job of the ribysomes
To create amino acids used for protein
What is the job of the cytoplasm
Carry out chemical reactions
What is the role of the Stigma
To grab the pollen from pollenation
What tube does the pollen go down too reach the ovule and ovary
What are the leaves on the stem called
How many sperm cells complete fertilisation
How many sperm cells are released in ejaculation
Why do sperm cells have flagellums
To swim towards the egg cell
What are the stems of the alveolus called
What is the sweet substance in plants that pollinators are attracted to