EOY Y7 Flashcards
What is a covenant?
A solemn promise between two people / groups of people.
What is the difference between a monotheist and a polytheist?
A monotheist is a person believing in one god and a polytheist is someone believing in multiple.
Which three religions did Abram found?
Judaism, Christianity and Islam
What are the Jews’ special place?
The Promised Land (modern day Israel)
What are examples of God’s covenants with Abram?
- He chose Abram to be founder of three religions and father of all nations.
- He promised Abram and descendants could have the Promised Land
- He gave Abram and his wife new names (Abraham and Sarah)
- He commanded that Abraham’s male descendants must be circumcised.
What were the ten plagues put on the Egyptians?
- River Nile turns to blood
- Frogs
- Lice
- Flies and Insects
- Animal diseases
- Boils
- Hail
- Locusts
- Darkness
- Death of the first born children.
What is the meaning of Matzvah at Pesach?
It represents the speed they left Egypt.
What is the meaning of the roasted egg at Pesach?
It represents a new life after Egypt.
What is the meaning of the parsley and salt water at Pesach?
The parsley represents a fresh start after Egypt.
The salt water represents the tears of the Israelites’ slavery.
The parsley is dipped in the salt water.
What does the lamb bone represent at Pesach?
It represents the lamb sacrificed in Egypt and later the Temple.
What does the charoset represent at Pesach?
It represents the mortar used to make bricks in Egypt.
What do the bitter herbs represent at Pesach?
They represent the bitter times in Egypt.
What are the ten commandments?
- Worship no god but Yahweh.
- Do not worship idols.
- Do not use Yahweh’s name for evil purposes.
- Do not work on the Sabbath.
- Respect your mother and father.
- Do not murder.
- Do not commit adultery.
- Do not steal.
- Do not lie.
- Do not be jealous.
What happened on the seven days of creation?
- God created day and night.
- God created the sky.
- God created earth, sea and plants.
- God created the sun, moon and stars.
- God created fish and birds.
- God created all other animals.
- God rested.
How were men and women created?
God formed Man out of dirt, blew breath of life into his nostrils, put him in a deep sleep, removed one of his ribs and used it to make Woman.