EOT- First Midterm Study Guide Flashcards
What does ortho mean?
straight, upright, correct
What does doxa mean?
opinion, to think, to seem, glory, belief
What is apophatic theology?
a way of unknowing
What does eternity mean?
no beginning, no end
What does immortality mean?
has a beginning, but no end
What is the defining doctrine of Christianity?
the Holy Trinity
What are some indications in the Old Testament that support the Holy Trinity?
God refers to Himself in the plural, “Holy, Holy, Holy,” & Tower of Babel
What events in the New Testament that reveal the Holy Trinity?
Baptism of Jesus, Great Commission, Transfiguration
Define the doctrine of God creating “ex nihilo”
means creation out of nothing, and is seen in the book of Maccabees
What events did the Angel Gabriel announce?
the birth of John the Baptist to Zechariah, Incarnation of Mary
What is recorded in the New Testament regarding the actions of the Angel Michael?
dispute with the Devil about Moses’ body, battle with the angels in Heaven against the dragon
What is the number of choirs/ranks of the angels?
there are 9 choirs/ranks
What did St. John of Chrysostom teach about the origin of the human soul?
the human soul was shaped from the Earth, and the breath given from God is its vital force
Why does Orthodox tradition attribute the two witnesses mentioned in Revelation to Enoch and Elias (Elijah)?
they were taken to Heaven, they were given power to carry out prophecies for 1,260 days in sackcloth
What are the three parts of human nature that manifest the image of God?
free will, human reason, immortality