EOC Flashcards
English Bill of right
A gov document that expanded powers of the powers of the English parliament and expanded the rights of the people, as well as further limited the rights of the king – limited gov/ due process/ rule of law
Magna Carta
A government document that limited the power of the king of England and protected the rights of the nobility. It was written by the English nobility in 1215. – limited gov /rule of law/ due process
Limited gov
The gov can do only what the people allow it to do
Cruel and oppressive or rule
Rule of law
The principal that the law applies to everyone , even those who govern.
Mayflower contact
The mayflower compact was an agreement between individual that created a gov. That would provide over and protect the rights of the colonists.
Self gov
Tomas Paine - common sense
“Common sense” was a pamphlet written by that’s Paine in 1776 to convince the American colonists to support becoming independent from England
Self gov
Enlightenment thinkers wanted to apply the laws that ruled nature to people and society
Montesquieu idea was called the separation of power. That the power of government should be divided into branches.
Separation of powers
The split of authority among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches.
John Locke
People have the right to life liberty and property that the government must protect for the common good. All people are born equal with natural Rights . Believed In a form of social contract
Social contract
An agreement among people In a society with their gov
Founding fathers / framers
The delegates who framed, or wrote the Declaration of Independence and constitution
Declaration of Independence
July 4.1776 – declared independence from great Britain – established idea that all people are equal under law
Unalienable rights
Basic rights of the people that may not be taken away – life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
4 parts of the DOI
Natural rights
List of grievance
Articles of confederation
The first Constituion if the United States, created a confederal system, of gov. , weaknesses of central government (ex. No power to tax or enforce laws)- led to constitution
Shays rebellions
An uprising of Massachusetts farmers who did not wanna lose there farms because of the dept caused by heavy state taxes after the American revolution.
Consitutional convection
Meeting of the state delegates in 1787 leading to adoption of a new constitution.
A person who opposed the ratification of the COnsitution argument: no bill of rights to protect individual people.
A supporter of the constitution. Main argument was to get a stronger central government.
Federalist papers
A series of essays written to defend the constitution.
To approve - they needed 9 of the 13 to states to approve, ratify the constitution. They promised of a bill of rights helped win support for the constitution.
U.S Consitution
Purpose is to provide a plan of gov.
Preamble of the us constitution
Starts with “ we the people” which States 6 goal and purpose of government, that the power of gov. Comes from the people and exist 2 serve the people
Article 1 of the Consitution
Outlines the lawmaking powers of the legislative branch, or congress
Says the congress is made up of the senate and the house of representative
Describes how each member of the house I’d chosen and how they can be removed from office.
Article 2 of the constitution
Sets out the executive branch it explains how these leaders are elected and how they can be removed.
Article 3
Lists the the federal court . They set up the judicial branch, they interpret the laws and see that they are fairly applied, describes the kind of cases the court may hear.
Any change made in the constitution. 27 so far
Bill of rights
First 10 amendment of the constitution.
The shared power between the central/ national and the state governments.
Concurrent powers
Powers shared by the states and the federal gov
Reserved powers
Powers the constitution doesnt give to the federal gov. Powers set aside for the states.
Enumerated powers
Powers directly granted to the national government by the Constitution. The word enumerated means “listed” or “spelled out”. Enumerated powers are also called the expressed powers.
Delegated powers
Powers directly granted to the national gov. Under the United States constitution.
Supremacy clause
The Consitution and other laws and treaties made by the national gov. Are “the supreme law of the land.”
A government in which the people hold the power to rule. Rule by the people
Direct democracy
Form of democracy in which the people vote first handed. People govern themselves.
Representative democracy
People choose leaders to govern for them – government based on representative democracy is called a republic
Society controls all aspects of the economy, either directly or indirectly through the government. The government decides which items industries will produce and what jobs workers will have. It is hoped that a nation’s wealth would be more evenly divided among its citizens.
Government owned all resources and directed all economic activities. People had few freedoms, unlike the people in the United States and Western Europe.
A system of gov on which head of the state is a king or queen
Parliamentary system
System of gov in which the power to make and execute laws is held by a parliament.
Federal system
National gov and the state gov. Share and divide powers
Confederal system
System of gov. Where powers of government are concentrated at the state level a loose union of states
Unitary system
System of gov where the central body retains supreme power
Amendment process
2/3 vote of Congress to propose Amendment or 2/3 of states at Constitutional Convention then ratified by ¾ of state legislatures or ¾ of special Constitutional Conventions called by states
13th amendment
abolished slavery
14tb amendment
Guarantees due process, equal protection under the law and granted rights of citizenship to African Americans
15th amendment
All citizens votes can’t be denied based on race, color.
Guaranteed the right of suffrage (the right to vote) regardless of previous condition of servitude.
19th amendment
Gave women the right to vote
24th amendment
Prohibit poll taxes in federal
26th amendment
Lowered the voting age elections to 18
Legislative branch
Legislative Branch
Makes the laws – Congress made up of Senate and House of Representatives
Executive branch
Executive Branch
Enforces the laws – President, Vice-president, and cabinet
Judicial branch
Judicial Branch
Interprets the laws- to see if they are Constitutional, dual court system of state and federal courts
Judicial review
Court can review any federal state or.lcal law or action to see whether it goes against the constitution.
Chief justices
Supreme Court is made up of 9 justices , a chef justice and 8 associate justices. Chef is the leader
Elastic clause
Elastic clause
Clause in Article I of the Constitution that gives Congress the right to make all laws “necessary and proper” to carry out its expressed powers.
President pro tempore of the senate
Fills in as the presiding officer of the Senate when the Vice-president cannot be present. Is from the majority party and is usually the senior member or one in Senate the longest from the majority party. Also in line of succession for presidency after the Speaker of the House
Speaker of the house
Speaker of the House page 200
Presides over the House of Representatives and leads its majority party, next in line of succession after VP for presidency
Two- house legislature; divided into two parts – 49 states have a bicameral legislature, with two houses, like Congress - as it is divided into House of Representatives and Senate.
A city is officially called a municipally an incorporated place a local area within an organized gov that provide service to residents
Gives power to a local gov. Area must meet certain standards in order for a charter, describes the type of city gov, it’s structures and it’s power
A law, usually of a city or country
Political units that are similar than city’s and larger than villages
Special district
Units of gov that is formed to handle a specific task
Home rule
Cities have the power it write their own charters
Similar to a state gov/governor or the president. Is the cheif executive of a city gov
To head the executive branch of gov. Responsible for making sure that the laws of the states are carried out. Cheif executive officer of the state
Civil law
Disputes between people or groups could be a disagreement over a broken contract. Doesn’t concern society at large or criminal offenses
Criminal law
Seek to protect public safely. Crimes are graded as either felonies or misdemeanors
Constitutional law
Deals with the structure and meaning of the Consitution, constitutional cases decide the limit of the government power and the rights of individual
Military law
statues that apply to those serving in the armed forces of the United States and civilians who work for the military, examples - disrespect to superior officers, desertion, mutiny - serious offenses may end up at a court-martial which is a court made up of officers that tries to those accused of breaking military laws
District court
Lowest level of the federal system. Authority to hear cases for the first time. Tria. Courts
Appeal courts
Between the district courts and the Supreme court in the federal system, also called court of appeals, appellate courts, do not decide guilt or innocence but review a case to decide if the lower decision was fair
Marbury vs. Madison
First claimed the right to declare acts of the legislative and executive branch unconstitutional. Judicial branch independent of and equal to the other branches
Plessy vs. ferguson
Said African American could be provided with “separate but equal” public facilities , began school integration
Broad vs. board of education
Overturned Plessy vs. ferguson.
Miranda v. Arizona
Ruled that at the time arrest suspects cannot be questioned until informed of their rights.
Gideon vs. wainwright
Declared that a person accused of a major crime had the right to a legal council during a trial
In re Gault
Extended due process protection to juveniles
Tinker vs. Des Moines
Entitled to freedom of expression of their view. 1st amendment
Unites states vs. Nixon
No one is above the law not even the president.
Bush vs. gore
Ruled that fl. Recount of presidental votes violated the 14th amendment recount stopped and bush became president
Member of a government who own loyalty to a government and in turn, are entitled to the protection of the gov.
Native born also called natural born
Any body born in any 50 states and the District of Columbia is automatically becomes an American citizen/ natural born
Naturalization process legal
- 18 or older
- Been a lawful permanent resident for 5 years
- Able to read, write, and speak English.
- Good moral character
- Understanding of U.S civics
Foreign born residents who have not been naturalized
To meet a shared goal
Actions that we are required to perform
Bill of rights
The first 10 amendments In the constitution are known as the bill of rights of the people and were written first
Amendment 1
Freedom of speech,press,religion,assembly and freedom of petition
Amnedment 2
The right to bear arm
Amendment 3
No war soldiers may not stay insoles home without permission of the home owner
Amendment 4
No unreasonable searches and seizures without a warrent search
Amendment 5
Prevents putting people on trial more than once for the same crime, protects an accused person rights to remain silent
Amendment 6
Right it hear and question all witnesses against him or her, right to a lawyer, allowed a trail by jury
Amemdment 7
Civil cases
Amendment 8
Prevents cruel or unusual punishment
Amendment 9
Not all rights are listed in the Consitution but we still have to follow it.
Amendment 10
Federal government are limited in power any power the constitution doesn’t specifically give to the federal gov. Belongs to the state or people
Due process
Following set legal procedures
Eminent domain
Government must pay a fair price if they take ur property for public use like building a road
Rights of the accused
4th,5th,6th,8th amendments are known as the rights of the accused
Enumerated rights
Enumerated rights are those rights that are written one by one in the constitution and amendments
Political parties
Group of people broad , shared interest
Two party system
System of government In which 2- political party’s compete for power
Someone thinking of running for president
1st step primary election chooses 1 canidate from each party to run in the general election - most votes is the party’s canidate for an office. General elections -presidental elections - majority votes win- held every 4 years
Electoral college
Group of people named by each state legislature to select the president and Vice President.
Public agenda
Issues considered most significant by government officials
Public opinion
Ideas and attitudes that people hold about an issue or a person
Interest groups
Group of people who share a point of view about an issue and unite to promote their belief
People who represent interest groups
Political action committee
Organizations set up interest groups to collect and direct money to candidates and their campaigns
Mass media
Various methods of communications that reach large amount of people
One point of view instead of presenting all sides of an issue
Use or misuse of symbols when appealing to the public
Form of communication aimed at influencing the population towards some idea, cause, or position
Help someone out like how U.S joined woth Great Britain and Soviet Union as allies to defeat Germany
An official representative of a country’s government
Who represent their country’s gov meet and try to work out ways to address common concerns
A formal agreement between the gov. Of two or more country’s
Executive agreement
Agreement between the president and the leader of another country
Agreement among a group of nations that prohibits them all from trading with a target nation
Trade sanction
Effort to punish another nation by imposing trade barriers
Foreign policy
Nations plan for dealing with other nations
Foreign aid
Help carry our foreign policy , consist of money, food, military help,other supplies
United Nations
Main goal is to help keep peace among nations
International court of justice
Settles legal disputes between nations
International organizations not linked to any government, private citizens to meet a need or to work for a cause, depends on volunteer and donations
Officials who represent their country’s gov, meet and try to work out ways to address common concerns
28 nations - main goal are to keep peace and defend all members in time of war
Part of the United Nations -improve health for all people, fight and prevent desieses
Promote free trade
Talk a bill to death to delay a vote on a bill until the bill’s sponsor is persuaded to withdraw it
3/5 of Senate vote for cloture and then no senator can speak for more than one hour