EO-7(2) Flashcards
Why classify radars and signals by function?
Can help sorting through numerous signals to determine if weapons systems are present, allows a platform to preform in different ways based on the environment
Identify some examples of “Search Radar” systems:
Early Warning (EW), Height Finder (HF), Surface Search (SS), Navigation (NA), Range Instrumentation (RI), Meteorological Radar (ME), Over-the-Horizon Radar, Synthetic Array (Aperture) Radar (SAR)
Identify some examples of “Threat Radar” functions:
Target Acquisition (TA), Target Tracking (TT), Fire Control (FC), Airborne Intercept (AI), Anti-Aircraft Artillery (AA), Multi Function (MF), Missile Guidance (MG)
Does early warning detect targets at a close distance or far away?
As far away as possible
What system typically uses large PDs and circular scans? (can be air, land, or ship borne platforms)
early warning (EW)
what radar is designed to determine altitude of an airborne target
height finder
height finders are usually co located with what radar?
Surface Search (SS)
Short range system that provides tracking data on ships for coastal defense or vessel movement control.
what radar group does harbor search (HS) and coastal search (CS) fall under?
surface search (SS)
Primarily used to prevent collisions
navigation (NA)
provide terrain surveillance by detecting and identifying targets like tanks, trucks, and people.
Battle field surveillance (BS)
Battle field surveillance (BS)
Tend to be low power, man portable systems. larger ones can be mounted on vehicles or aircraft.
Acquires and automatically tracks airborne targets to provide trajectory information on objects of interest
range Instrumentation (RI)
used to locate precipitation, calculate motion, and estimate its type. (snow, rain ect) (Most use pulsed doppler radars)
meteorological radar (ME)
what causes the limitation of line of sight for most radars
the curvature of the earth
type of radar used to detect and track targets from beyond the horizon
over the horizon radar (OTH)
What are the 2 types of OTH radars?
Sky wave and ground wave systems
Explain skywave systems
Uses certain angles and certain RFs (usually 3-30 MHz) to “bounce” radio waves off the ionosphere and back to Earth to targets beyond the horizon.
What factors affect the changing ionic densities?
Time of day, time of year, solar activity, weather
Explain ground wave
Uses lower frequencies (below 3MHz), uses atmospheric layers as a waveguide “ducting”
Explain synthetic array (aperture) radar (SAR)
transmits pulses, adds the returned pulses together to get larger “picture”
Which radar does terrain imaging, and ground mapping?
Synthetic Array (Aperture) Radar (SAR)
used upon initial detection of a target to refine angle and range measurements
Target acquisition (TA)
Used to maintain the location of a target by constantly calculating the targets range, angle, and velocity
Target Tracking (TT)