Enzymes and Bioenergetics Flashcards
- Km= 1/2 Vmax
- Lower Km …high affinity of enzyme for substrate (need less conc of substrate to saturate)
- Higher Km…lower affinity of enzyme for substrate (need inc conc of substance to saturate)
Vmax = velocity at which enzyme is saturated w/ substrate so adding additional enzyme does not inc velocity anymore
Km and Vmax on Lineweaver-Burke Plot
Dbl Reciprocal of M-M —> Lineweaver-Burke Plot (linear)
- Slope = Km/Vmax - Y-int = 1/Vmax - X-int = -1/Km
How do competitive inhibitors affect Lineweaver-Burke plot?
Vmax unchanged but inc Km
So inc/steeper slope and dec x-int (more negative)
How do non-competitive inhibitors affect Lineweaver-Burke plot?
Km unchanged but Vmax dec
So inc/steeper slope and inc y-int (higher)
Competitive Enzyme v Noncompetitive Enzyme
Comp- - Resembles substrate; competes w/ substrate @ ACTIVE SITE; overcome by inc conc of substrate
Non-Comp- Does not resemble substrate; binds to enzyme NOT NEC @ ACTIVE SITE; cannot be overcome by inc conc of substrate
Suicide Substrate (+4 clinical examples)
Irreversible enzyme inhibitor- reacts COVALENTLY on some functional group of enzyme —> poison/inactivate enzyme
Ex) Viagra, Aspirin (modifies cycloxygenase in prostaglandin formation), Flurouracil (inhibits thymidylate synthase in chemo), allopurinol (inhibits xanthine oxidase to treat gout)
3 Characteristics of Reg Enzymes
- Catalyze Irreversible rxns (non-equilibrium)
- Catalyze the rate-limiting step in a pathway (slowest step)
- Catalyze the committed step in a pathway (first step committed solely to formation particular product)
3 Mechanisms of Enzyme Regulation
1- Change amount of enzyme (inc enzyme amount)
**Alt transcription
2-Change catalytic properties of enzyme (inc activity- change kinetics)
**Alt substrate conc, covalent mod, allosterics
3-Multienzyme complexes (inc efficiency)
**Mult enzymes so rxn cont 1 after other w/o mixing product w/ solvent (efficiency)
What is the most important type of reversible covalent modification and what enzymes does it use?
- P added by kinases (transfer from ATP —> hydroxyl on serine/threonine/tyrosine—> phosphate ester linkage)
- P removed by phosphatases (use water to hydrolyze phosphate ester)
How do you know if phosphorylation activates or inactivates?
- If enzyme in CATABOLIC path —> P activates it
- If enzyme in ANABOLIC path —> P deactivates it
Allostery (+ example)
-Allosteric Effector- pos/act or neg/inact effect on enzyme activity by binding to site DISTINCT FROM ACTIVE SITE
- Allosteric act- dec Km, inc Vmax or both
- Allosteric inhib- inc Km, dec Vmax or both
- Usually either end products of pathway or metabolites that reflect energy status of cell
- Acts by changing conformation of enzyme
- Ex) phosphofructokinase-1
- rate limiting step in glycolysis - commits glucose to glycolysis
- allosteric effectors for this enzyme - AMP, ADP, ATP, fructose-2,6-P2 and citrate
- ATP inhibits while ADP and AMP relieve the ATP inhibition
Limited Proteolysis (what is it an example of?)
Irreversible Covalent Modification!
- Cleave peptide bonds at limited # sites
- Remove conformational restraints
- New conformation —> new function —> cascade act
Ex) blood clotting, complement act, etc
Free Energy Change
- Value shows the energy diff b/n substrate and products
- Sign (+/-) shows if the rxn requires/yields energy
+ delta G requires energy (endergonic)
- delta G yields energy (exergonic)
deltaG=0 at equilibrium - *Indep of path by which rxn occurs
- *Rxn goes toward neg deltaG
What is required for coupled enzymatic reactions?
Reactions must share a common intermediate