Environmentally induced cracking Flashcards
What is EIC?
corrosion due to mechanical stresses and corrosive environment; includes stress corrosion cracking, corrosion fatigue, hydrogen induced cracking, and liquid metal embrittlement
–>What are the general characteristics of stress corrosion cracking?
> cracks propogate under tensile stress
cracking generally restricted to specific metal/environment conditions
in general alloys are more susceptible to metals
specific environments cause SCC
SCC is brittle in macroscopic appearance
What are the stages of environmental induced cracking?
- crack initiation
- steady growth
- final fast fracture
Crack initiation process
> localized breakdown of passive oxide film due to mechanical damage or chemical attack
cracks usually start at surface discontinuities
Hydrogen embrittlement
> can be easily picked up by metals during melting,
casting, working, electroplating, welding,
fabrication and use
minute amounts can damage metals