Environmental Health Regulations Flashcards
How deep to dig holes for soil samples?
How much suitable soil must we have above the water table for a drain bed?
24 inches
Minimum inches of suitable soil below grade for a drain field
must have at least 12 inches below grade because you can build a field a maximum of 12 inches above grade
must have ______ inches of suitable soil______ of which must be above grade
24, 12
filled ground must be sampled to a depth of _________ft
fill material shall not be allowed over:
unstable soil, peat, muck, and organic material
Designated replacement drain fields shall be:
at least same size as original field and at least 5 feet away from bed and berm
sewer lines shall be constructed of
schedule 40 PVC pipe or cast iron pipe with sealed joints
septic lines below a driveway:
requires 6 in or larger schedule 40 PVC pipes, concentric piping
any sewer line greater or equal to 100 feet or a turn of more than 45 degrees requires a:
sewer cleanout extended to the ground surface
sewer clean outs shall be constructed of:
schedule 40 PVC pipe
aggregate or stone intended for use in a drain field must be:
washed, clean,
a minimum of _____ inches of ____ or other approved material shall be placed between the stone and final cover of a drain field
2, straw
Isolation distances from Septic Tank / Sewer Line, Isolation distances from drain field: Well
50, 50ft
Isolation distances from Septic Tank / Sewer Line, Isolation distances from drain field: Pressurized water line
10, 10ft