Environmental Emergencies Flashcards
heat stroke
life threatening condition characterized by CNS dysfunction and multi-organ derangements
hyperthermia NOT fever
most severe form of heat illness
temperature ranges of hyperthermia
T < 106: heat stroke unlikely
T > 107: cellular dysfunction begins; requires immediate cooling
T > 109: severe organ damage
body protective mechanisms against heat stroke
- thermoregulation
- normal heat dissipation mechanisms
controlled by the hypothalamus; maintains balance between heat load and heat dissipation
- radiation
- convection
- conduction
- evaporation
what are the main heat dissipation mechanisms in dogs/cats
radiation and convection
- radiation: heat exchange between objects in environment
- convection: movement of fluid or air over surface of body
evaporation occurs with panting when temperatures start to rise
causes of heat stroke
- increased heat load
- decreased dissipation
causes of increased heat load
environmental: non-exertional (temperature)
metabolic/exercise: exertional (occurs w/ exercise or seizures)
causes of decreased heat dissipation
- confinement/poor ventilation
- water deprivation
- upper respiratory abnormalities
- obesity/thick hair coat
- lack of acclimatization
- hypovolmeia/poor CO
- drugs
pathogenesis of heat stroke
heat –>
1. direct cytotoxicity
2. increased immune modulators
3. coagulopathies
–> SIRS –> MODS –> death
clinical signs of heat stroke
affects ALL systems - CNS, GI, coagulation, CV, respiratory, renal, hepatic
- CNS: mentation changes, tremors, ataxia, cortical blindness, seizure
- GI: vomiting, diarrhea, melena
- coagulation: petechiae, ecchymosis, hematuria, bloody vomit/stools
lab values with heat stroke
CBC: hemoconcentration, high nRBCs, low platelets
chem: hypoglycemia, azotemia, high liver enzymes and bilirubin, low cholesterol and CCK
UA: glucosuria, casts
coag: prolonged PT/PTT, ACT
blood gas: lactic acidosis, hypoxemia
treatment of heat stroke
- cooling - wetting w/ room temperature water + fans
- fluid therapy - treats hypovolemia
- O2 supplementation
- neurologic treatments
- supportive GI care
- coagulation monitoring
at what temperature should you stop active cooling
will continue to drop temperature, want to avoid hypothermia and shivering
prognosis for heat stroke
depends on the degree and duration of hyperthermia
dogs: up to 50%; guarded if onset of SIRS or severe CNS signs
RARELY occurs in cats
primary hypothermia
caused by excessive exposure to low temperatures