Environmental Chemistry 04.04.17 Flashcards
What is the right answer?
a) It is more likely to find Fe3+ dissolved in river waters than in underground waters.
b) It is more likely to find Fe2+ dissolved in river waters than in underground waters.
c) It is more likely to find Fe2+ at the surface of a lake that in its sediments.
a) It is more likely to find Fe3+ dissolved in river waters than in underground waters
Which one of the following statements concerning the two inorganic species of nitrogen (NO3- and NH4+)
found in the hydrosphere is true?
a) The concentration of both NO3- and NH4+ in natural waters is always high.
b) The nitrate ion forms highly insoluble compounds that precipitate in sediments and soil.
c) The concentration of nitrate ion can be particularly high in underground water because soil particles cannot retain that ion.
c) The concentration of nitrate ion can be particularly high in underground water because soil particles cannot retain that ion.
Eutrophized lake waters:
a) have a high oxygen content.
b) are anaerobic.
c) are more oxidizing that surface sea waters.
b) are anaerobic.
Phenolphthaleinic alkalinity refers to the concentration of:
a) HO- and CO32-.
b) HO-.
c) HO-, CO32- and HCO3- .
a) HO- and CO32-.
Which one of the following sentences is true?
a) A wastewater is more biodegradable when BOD and COD values are high.
b) A wastewater is more biodegradable when BOD and COD values are low.
c) A wastewater is more biodegradable the higher the BOD value and the lower the COD value.
c) A wastewater is more biodegradable the higher the BOD value and the lower the COD value.
Which one of the following reactions is the responsible for the high Ca2+ content of natural continental waters?
a) CaCO3 + CO2 +H2O ⇌ Ca +2 + 2HCO3-
b) CaCO3 +Humus —>Ca+2 + Humus + CO3-2
c) Ca(OH )2 + 2HCl –> Ca+2 + 2Cl- + 2H2O
a) CaCO3 + CO2 +H2O ⇌ Ca +2 + 2HCO3-
Which one of the following conditions is a valid reason for colloid flocculation in natural waters?
a) An increase of O2 content.
b) An increase of organic materials.
c) A conductivity increase.
c) A conductivity increase.
Which one is the right statement?
a) Compounds that are more bioaccumulative normally have more acute toxicity.
b) BCF (Bioconcentration factor) values are always bigger than KOW values.
c) Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification are not the same concept.
c) Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification are not the same concept.
Normally, the water of a continental lake can show stratification:
a) Only in summer.
b) In summer and winter if the surface temperature is near 0ºC.
c) All year.
b) In summer and winter if the surface temperature is near 0ºC.
Let’s take into account the following water samples: marine sediment, Pyrenees river, atmospheric water, tropical river. What would be the most logical order of pe values (from high to low):
a) Atmospheric water > Pyrenees river > tropical river > marine sediment.
b) Atmospheric water > Pyrenees river ~ tropical river > marine sediment.
c) Atmospheric water > tropical river > Pyrenees river > marine sediment.
a) Atmospheric water > Pyrenees river > tropical river > marine sediment.
The pH of surface sea water is 8,2 (slightly basic). What is the reason of that?
a) The presence of large amounts of hydroxides (Fe(HO)3, Al(HO)3, etc.) poured in the sea by continental rivers.
b) The sea is a medium where alkaline cations like Ca2+ and Mg2+ predominate.
c) The sea is a highly saline medium where the Ca2+/CO2/HCO3-/CaCO3 system is in equilibrium.
Which one of the following compounds has a larger acute toxicity?
a) Dioxine.
b) Polychlorinated byphenil.
c) Polyaromatic hydrocarbon.
a) Dioxine.
not sure
Which one of the following metal cations is a micronutrient?
a) Na+.
b) K+.
c) Zn2+.
c) Zn2+.
What is the best combination of semidegradation time (t1/2) and soil/water distribution constant (KS,A)
values for an organic pollutant to leach to the aquifer?
a) Low t1/2 and low KS,A.
b) Low t1/2 and high KS,A.
c) High t1/2 and low KS,A.
c) High t1/2 and low KS,A.
Municipal wastewaters are characterized by:
a) Presence of toxic substances.
b) High level of biodegradable organic pollution.
c) Low level of pollution.
b) High level of biodegradable organic pollution.