Environmental Change And Management Flashcards
What is global warming?
‘Global warming’ refers to the increasing temperatures that the earth is currently experiencing. Naturally. The earth has gone through stages of becoming extremely hot and cold, in accordance to changes in earths orbit and thus distance from sun. However this occurs over a large time frame, whereas in the past few hundred years, earths temperature has been rapidly rising, and the popular belief is that this is thanks to the greenhouse gas effect. The earth’s atmosphere acts like a giant heater by regulating the earths temperature by trapping radiation from the sun with natural gases, like carbon, water molecules, nitrogen, oxygen and more. However thanks to the recent hike in carbon being released in the atmosphere as a result of human activities like burning fossils fuels, and burning large sections of forests, which releases mass amounts of carbon back into the atmosphere, unbalancing the carbon cycle, and making the greenhouse effect stronger, hearing up the earth, and as a result we have global warming.
What is the carbon cycle?
The movement of carbon, in its many forms, between the biosphere, atmosphere, oceans and geosphere. Carbon is important in the process of photosynthesis in plants, that results in plants soaking up carbon and releasing oxygen, for humans to breathe. The cycle is balanced with different events and and life forms storing, using, releasing and converting carbon.
What is a ‘sink function’
The safe absorption of wastes and pollution caused by human activities, is referred to as the earth’s sink function. Humans rely on the earth to breakdown recycle, or safely store their waste, rubbish, gas emissions form cars, fertiliser run offs, industrial wastes and effluent.
What is a ‘source function’
Earth’s source function refers to the supplying of naturally made materials such as timber, fish, water, minerals, soils, fossil fuels and more. How quickly the earth can naturally replace these materials classify them into one of there categories: renewable (can quickly replace itself in a short period of time, for example, a human lifetime), non-renewable (takes longer than a human lifetime to renew itself) or perpetual or constant (are unlimited in supply such as wind and solar radiation)
What is a ‘service function’
The provision of environmental or ecosystem services that support life with human action. These natural processes and cycles include; the green house effect, water cycle, carbon cycle, photosynthesis. A budget and more.
What is a ‘spiritual function’.
Earths intrinsic recreational, psychological, aesthetic and spiritual valueless environments, which vary in meaning, importance and value with the beliefs and values or those who use this environment.
What are ecological services?
What nature provides for humanity-biological and physical processes that occur in natural or semi-natural ecosystems and maintain the habitability and livelihood of people on the planet
What is stewardship?
An ethic that embodies the responsibility humans take about caring for the land-such as responsible planning and management of resources
What is biocapacity?
The amount of resources the environment can produce and the amount of waste it can absorb.
What is the definition of sustainability?
The ability or capacity of something to be maintained or sustain itself.
What is global warming?
A type of climate change, which is the gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth generally attributed to the greenhouse effect.
What is an ecological footprint?
The impact of a person or community on the environment, expressed as the amount of land required to sustain their use of natural resources.
What is the definition of climate change?
The steady change in the earths overall climate level large periods of time (natural influxes of climate occur over time, with the earth having gone through both ice ages and warm periods)
What is an increased greenhouse effect?
A term developed to show that heating of the atmosphere is moving at a rate that is above what could be expected by naturally processed change.
In this context, what is the definition of space?
A continuous area or expanse which is free, available or unoccupied.