Environmental (3) Flashcards
Element required for amino acids, nucleic acids, ATP, chlorophyll etc
Chlorosis, red leaf bases, long roots, reduced growth
Symptoms of nitrogen deficiency
Element required for ATP nucleic acids, NADP etc
Red leaf bases and reduced growth
Symptoms of phosphorus deficiency
Element involved in membrane transport
Element present in chlorophyll molecule
Nicotine and Alcohol
Two drugs which restrict growth and mental development of the foetus
More permeable to water
Effect of increased ADH level on kidney tubules
Hormone produced by pancreas which promotes conversion of glucose to glycogen
Hormone produced by pancreas which promotes breakdown of glycogen to glucose
Hormone which promotes breakdown of glycogen to glucose in times of stress
Chlorotic leaves and reduced growth
Symptoms of magnesium deficiency
Element in haemoglobin, many enzymes and hydrogen carrier systems
Element in shells, bones, teeth and needed for blood clotting
Vitamin D
Substance needed for calcium absorption in the intestine
Result of deficiency in Vitamin D and poor calcium absorption in the intestine
Drug which causes limb deformities in the foetus
Long day plants
Plants which flower when number of hours of light per day is greater than a critical level
Short day plants
Plants which flower when the number of hours of light per day is less than a critical level
Mechanism where plants flower and animals breed in response to the number of hours light per day
Negative feedback
Process where a change from set point is detected and mechanism switched on to correct it
Maintaining conditions within tolerable limits - around set point
Hormone produced by pituitary in response to decreased blood water concentration