Envirnment amd medical issues Flashcards
Forms of pollution and their solutions
- acid rain: fossil fuels release chemicals into the atmosphere making rain water change pH destroying things it rains on
- eutrophication: fertilisers being washed into streams polluting rivers making water plants grow rapidly and use all the oxygen in the water leading to fish die and water poisoned
- waste: litter, sewage, rubbish causes water pollution and eutrophication and brings diseased rats
- radioactive pollution: no CO2 Burja radioactive waste causes cancer death and genetic mutations
electricity from renewable energy such as wind farms or hydroelectric plants, don’t drop litter and have better rubbish/sewage/fertiliser systems
Christian teachings on stewardship
Christians believe God gave humans the stewardship of the earth and its resources. the bible teaches that Christians were given the right to rule over gods creation as God stewards so they must treat the animals and land
- Jesus taught humans will be judged on whether they have been good stewards of God earth
- humans have a responsibility to leave the earth a better place
Christian attitudes on stewardship
- christians should try to reduce pollution and preserve resources
- christians should show stewardship by working to share the earths resources more fairly and improving the standard of living in LEDCs
- christians should help the work of groups that try to reduce pollution and conserve resources
- some Christians believe human interest come first
non-Christian attitudes to stewardship
only government actions can deal with the issue
islam and stewardship
- God created Adam as his Khalifa so Muslims are gods Khalifa’s who have to look after gods creation as it says in the Quran
- people will be judged by God on how they treat earth as life is a test and this is part of gods test
- muslims aim to not pollute, share resources and conserve resources
- human interests come first
catholic Christian attitudes against infertility treatments
- Life is given by God and no one has the right to children so only natural methods of conception okay
- IVF involves fertilising several eggs some are thrown away or used for experimentation this does not promote the sanctity of life and may be seen as murder
- all forms of artificial insemination/surrogacy involves the sin of male masturbation
- all forms of embryo technology involves fertilisation being separated from sex which is not gods plan for procreation
- infertility may be part of gods plan for the person to do something else with their life
Christian attitudes for infertility treatments
- one of the purposes of Christian marriage is to have children so in fertility treatments must be good
- the discarded embryos are not foetuses and so life is not being taken
- IVF gives Christians the opportunity to share their love with children and raise them as Christians to do gods work
attitudes for infertility treatments in Islam
Islam allows IVF and artificial insemination by husband because..
- The egg and sperm from the husband and wife
- all Muslims should have a family
- and used embryos are not foetuses so life is not taken
attitudes against infertility treatments in Islam
all other types of infertility treatments are wrong..
- they deny a child’s right to know it’s natural parents
- they are the same as adoption which is banned in islam
- egg or sperm donation is like adultery
Christian attitudes for transplant surgery
- immortality of the soul means the body isn’t needed after death
- leaving organs for others is a way of loving your neighbour
- leaving organs for others as a way of treating others as you would like to be treated
Christian attitudes against transplant surgery
- transplanting from the dead to the living is playing God which is a great sin
- it ignores the sanctity of life
- it isn’t natural so might not be gods plan
- it raises the problem of when someone is dead if they are on life support should they stay on or their organs to be donated
muslim attitudes against transplant surgery
- The Shariah teaches that nothing should be removed from the body after death
- transplant surgery is playing God which is the greatest sin of shirk
- The Quran teaches only God has the right to give and take life
- muslims believe they need their organs for resurrection on the last day
muslim attitudes for transplant surgery
- The Muslim law Council of the UK says that Muslims can carry donor cards and have transplants
- Islam aims to do good and help people