Enumeration Flashcards
Enumeration extracted information such as:
- network shares
- network resources
- routing tables
- audit and service settings
- SNMP & DNS details
- Machine names
- Users & groups ( and user last log in)
- Application and banners
Enumeration techniques are conducted in what type of environment?
What is enumeration?
The attacker creates an active connection to a vulnerable system and performs direct queries to gain info about the target
Attacker then uses the info to 1- identify system attack points and 2- perform password attacks, to gain unauthorized acess
list some services and ports to enumerate
TCP port 25: SMTP TCP port 53: DNS transfer zone TCP port 21: FTP TCP port 23: telenet TCP 135 : used by email client to connect to email services (RPC) Remote Procedure Call TCP 138: NetBIOS datagram service TCP 137: NetBIOS name service TCP 139: NetBIOS session service TCP/UDP 445 SMB (service message block ) UDP 161: SNMP network mangment protocol
What is SMB protocol?
SIMPLE MESSAGE BLOCK is a microsoft application layer protocol for file and print sharing functions for LAN manger
What is NBSS (NetBIOS session service)?
is a method to connect two computers for transmitting large messages ( located in session layer)
what is NetBIOS?
is a program that allows applications on a different computers to communicate within a LAN
explian what is NetBIOS name and what it is consists of?
is a unique 16 ASCII character string used to identify the network devices
first 15 char: device name
the 16th char: service type
Attackers use NetBIOS ro obtain what info?
- list of computers that belong to a domain
- list of shares on the individual hosts (in the network)
- polices and passwords
what is RPC? and what port?
Remote procedure call an interprocess communication mechanism allows a program running on one host to run code on a remote host. uses port 135 tcp
What commands can be used for NetBIOS emmunartion?. mention for win and linux
nbtstat -a [ip]
nbtscan [ip]
nmblookup -A
what happens when you use firweall rules for port 137?
when you use nbtstat or nbtscan it will show that the hst is not uo ( it has been blocked by the firewall)
what is a NULL session attack?
uses vulnerblity in SMB for creating connection, by default they areenabled in windows 2000 and windows NT
why is a null session attack possible?
because it uses SMB that has trust for any kind of relationship between devices in a network
what command to establish null session? in win and Linux
windows: net
net use \[ip]\IPC$ “ “ /u:” “
Linux: smbclient
smbclient -L [ip]
what command used to show ip adress and shares on remote system & to list
net view \[ip]
what command used to eumnertate SMB shares on both win & linux ?
enum4linux -a
use -a option to get all oinfo
what is the command used for DNS enumeration? (not nmap)
host -t ns [ip]
for name server records
host -t mx
for mail exchange brecords (email servers)
host -t a
a records that tranlate human to ip in IPv4
host -t aaa
same as a records but for IPv6
host -t soa
start of authority that contains 1- primary DNS name 2- serial number and if the serial no for primery is higher than secondary a zone tranfer will be instiated
what is the nmap command used for DNS enumartion
nmap T4 -p 53 –script dns-brute [target]
In SNMP, the default community string for read-only is____ and the default community string for read-write is ____
what command is used in SNMP to query network device for tree of information? and what command query info in human friendly format?
snmpwalk, snmp-check
what command to uses to manilpate snmp info?
what are the two types of community strings?
1- read only
allow to query network devices and read information. no modfication allowed
2-read write
changes to device are allowed
a virtual database contains a formal description of all network objects that can be managed using SNMP is caleed___
Management Information base (MIB), it is hierarchal and each managed object is addressed through object identifiers (OID)
what is LDAP?
Lightweight Directory Acess Protocol is for acessing and maintaing dirubted directory information sercvies in a heirarlical and logial structure.
LDAP provides a central place to store usernames and passord so apps and services uses it to identify users
What command is used for LDAP?
enum4linux -U -O -U to get userlist -M to get machine list -s to get sharelist -G to get group and member list -P passord policy info see slide 61 for more