Entertaining a Guest, Part III Flashcards
I get it! You’re a rice fiend.
Fiend: Noun - Someone who really likes something.
Susanto is a gaming fiend. He plays online games all day.
Fiend: Noun - Someone who really likes something.
The airlines have cut back on in-flight amenities.
Cut back: Phrasal Verb - To reduce the amount of something
Joanna cut back on soda and lost ten pounds!
Cut back: Phrasal Verb - To reduce the amount of something
A medium-rare steak would definitely hit the spot.
Hit the spot: Phrasal - To make one feel satisfied.
Carlo’s mother’s lasagna really hit the spot.
Hit the spot: Phrasal - To make one feel satisfied.
I can put lunch on my expense account. You don’t have to worry about treating me.
Expense account: Noun - An arrangement where a company agrees to pay back an employee for things paid for while on business.
Reza put his hotel and dinner bills on his expense account.
Expense account: Noun - An arrangement where a company agrees to pay back an employee for things paid for while on business.
What are you in the mood for?
Be in the mood for: To want - To feel like doing something
I’m in the mood for a run. Do you want to go with me?
Be in the mood for: To want - To feel like doing something
A medium-rare T-bone would definitely hit the spot.
T-bone: A type of steak with a bone shaped like a “t”.
There are many popular kinds of steaks: T-bones, New York strips, sirloins, etc.
T-bone: A type of steak with a bone shaped like a “t”.
I promise you’ll find something here that will stick to your ribs.
Stick to ones rib’s: Phrase - To make you feel full for a long time after eating.
The fish we had for lunch was good; it really stuck to my ribs.
Stick to ones rib’s: Phrase - To make you feel full for a long time after eating.
This restaurant looks like a hole in the wall.
Hole in the wall: Noun - A small, often ugly or old building.
The coffee shop was a little hole in the wall, but they served excellent coffee and desserts.
Hole in the wall: Noun - A small, often ugly or old building.
Anything you get here will be out of this world.
Out of this world:Phrase - Fantastic
The music at the club is out of this world. You’re going to love it!
Out of this world:Phrase - Fantastic
I could go for a steak.
Go for: Phrasal Verb - To want; to choose
Sam could really go for a big slice of chocolate cake, but he’s on a diet.
Go for: Phrasal Verb - To want; to choose
A medium-rare steak would be great!
Medium-rare: Adjective - Cooked until done on the outside but light red on the inside.
Medium-rare steaks are too red for me. I prefer my steaks well done.
Medium-rare: Adjective - Cooked until done on the outside but light red on the inside.
Let’s grab lunch before I drop you off at the hotel.
Vamos almoçar antes de deixá-lo no hotel.
Why don’t we stop and get some lunch?
Porque não paramos para almoçar?
Let me take you out for a good meal before I take you back to the hotel.
Deixe-me levá-lo para uma boa refeição antes de levá-lo de volta ao hotel.
What do you think about getting a bite to eat?
O que você acha de comer alguma coisa? -
There are many ways to invite a guest out for a meal. For example, you can use “let’s …,” “why don’t we …,” “let me …,” or “what do you think about …” to politely ask guests if they would like to go out to eat.
“My Treat”
What do you think about getting a bite to eat? My treat.
Waiter, please put everything on one check. This is my treat.
Oh, thanks for offering to pay, but this is my company’s treat. I’ll take the check.
In the United States, the usual assumption is that each person will pay his or her own check regardless of who suggested going out for a meal. “My treat” is used to show that the speaker intends to pay for both people.
Agreeing with a Positive Statement
I love fried rice.
I do, too. (I do love fried rice, too).
I can put this on my expense account.
I can, too. (I can put this on my expense account, too).
When showing that a statement is also true for you, you can use an auxiliary verb and “too.” Auxiliary verbs are words like “do,” “can,” have,” etc. They help give meaning to the main verb. Notice how in each agreement example above, the sentence is shortened to use only the auxiliary verb.
I love fried rice.
I do, too./So do I.
I already ate.
I did, too./So did I.
I can put this on my expense account.
I can, too./So can I.
I could go for a steak.
I could, too./So could I.
You can also use the format “so” + auxiliary verb + “I.” Make sure to put the auxiliary verb before “I” if you use this option. For the simple present, use auxiliary verb “do.” For the simple past tense, use auxiliary verb “did.”
Agreeing with a Negative Statement
I don’t like sushi very much.
I don’t either./Neither do I.
I didn’t eat breakfast.
I didn’t either./Neither did I.
I can’t stand greasy food.
I can’t either./Neither can I.
When showing that a negative statement is also true for you, you can use the negative form of the auxiliary verb and “either.” You can also use the format “neither” + positive form of auxiliary verb + “I.” Again, make sure to put the auxiliary verb before “I” if you use this option, and make sure that the verb is positive.
The oatmeal John had for breakfast really stuck to his for hours. He wasn’t even hungry at lunchtime!
A aveia que John tinha no café da manhã realmente ficou com ele por horas. Ele nem estava com fome na hora do almoço!
I could really go a big bowl of my grandmother’s spaghetti right about now
Eu poderia realmente ir uma grande tigela de espaguete da minha avó agora
Carrie goes skating every chance she gets. She’s a skating .
Carrie vai patinar todas as chances que ela recebe. Ela é viciada em patinação.
I’m having a surprise birthday party for Robert on Friday. Where? Central Park. We’ll be in the rear of the park at three, and the party will start at four. Please, don’t bring a present, but we would like people to contribute something to the dessert table if you’re able. He loves rice pudding and rice cakes. Wear royal blue because that’s his favorite color. There are no open flames allowed this time of year, so make sure to prepare everything at home. Also, there is no glass allowed in the grassy areas, so please bring plastic or other nonbreakable containers. Roger is coordinating our efforts, so please call him if you have any questions. I give you my word: the party will be out of this world!
Estou preparando uma festa de aniversário surpresa para Robert na sexta-feira. Onde? Parque Central. Estaremos na parte de trás do parque às três e a festa começará às quatro. Por favor, não traga um presente, mas gostaríamos que as pessoas contribuíssem com algo para a mesa de sobremesa, se você puder. Ele adora arroz doce e bolos de arroz. Use azul royal, porque essa é sua cor favorita. Não há chamas abertas permitidas nesta época do ano, portanto, certifique-se de preparar tudo em casa. Além disso, não há vidro permitido nas áreas gramadas, portanto, traga plástico ou outros recipientes não quebráveis. Roger está coordenando nossos esforços, então, por favor, ligue para ele se tiver alguma dúvida. Eu dou minha palavra: a festa estará fora deste mundo!
I can’t stand mean people. What about you?
Eu não suporto pessoas más. E se você?
Karen: Hi, Lisa. Since we’ve just closed that deal, why don’t we celebrate by going to lunch? Lisa: I thought we were cutting back on company expenses. Karen: It’s my treat. I’m proud of the work you’ve done. Lisa: Well, going to lunch would certainly hit the spot . The muffin I had for breakfast didn’t stick to my ribs at all. Karen: Great. If you’re a steak fiend , I know a place that does a terrific T-bone. It’s always perfectly cooked, whether you like it rare, medium-rare, or well done!
Karen: Oi, Lisa. Como acabamos de fechar o acordo, por que não comemoramos indo almoçar? Lisa: Eu pensei que estávamos cortando as despesas da empresa. Karen: É o meu prazer. Estou orgulhoso do trabalho que você fez. Lisa: Bem, ir almoçar certamente seria o melhor. O muffin que eu comi no café da manhã não estava grudado nas minhas costelas. Karen: ótimo. Se você é um viciado em bife, conheço um lugar que faz um ótimo T-bone. É sempre perfeitamente cozido, quer você goste de raro, médio-raro ou bem feito!
Jacob is on a company business trip. His airfare, hotel costs, and meals are all paid for by the company.
For this business trip, Jacob’s bills go onto his expense account.
Jacob está em uma viagem de negócios da empresa. Sua passagem aérea, os custos do hotel e as refeições são todos pagos pela empresa.
Para esta viagem de negócios, as contas de Jacob vão para sua conta de despesas.