Entering the Customer's Order Flashcards
Eat In
Take Out
To build a half and half Pizza
Use the:
“Left 1/2” and the “Right 1/2” keys
To have your pizza cooked longer
Add Desciption key or type:
“Well Done”
For pizza with no sauce
Add Desciption key or type;
“no sau”
For pizza with light sauce
Add Desciption key or type;
“lite sau”
For pizza with extra sauce
Add Desciption key or type;
“x sau”
For Pizza with no cheese
Add Desciption key or type:
“no cheese”
For Submarines with extra cheese
Add Desciption key or type:
“x chs sub”
For Submarines with no Italian dressing
Add Desciption key or type:
“no dress”
For submarines with no tomato
Add Desciption key or type:
no tom
If the customer wants a side of an item
The “Side” key will charge the customer the item.
You need to press the “ add Description” and add the item what the customer wanted
The customer wants an extra dresing
Press the “xtra dressing key” and select the type of dressing and select the number preceding the dressing and press enter.
The customer would like to use a coupon
The “coup” key is for coupons.
Pres the ‘coup” key and enter the coupon number (found on the the bottom right of the coupon). The discount will appear on the right hand side of the screen.
If you need to change the quantity of an item entered on the right side:
Use the “C” key Press the “C” key then move the cursor up or down with the arrow keys. Type in the new quanitity and press enter
Then press quit to continue oder entry.
You will need to use this key in two situations:
- To change the quanity because the customer ordered changed.
- To change or remove something entered on the right side. Type 0 for quanitity and the item will disappear when you press enter. Enter the new order before deleting the old one. this will avoid inputting incorrect information or asking the customer for their order again