EntCom week 1 Flashcards
Media Entertainment
Any mediated product created for the purpose of entertainment.
Entertainment /ɛntәˈteɪnm(ә)nt/
The action of providing or being provided with amusement or enjoyment
* Latin: Inter (among) Tenere (keep)
* The opposite of entertainment is boredom; if we are not entertained, we are
bored (Stromberg, 2009).
Defining Entertainment
* Entertainment is a complex, dynamic, and multi-faceted experience.
through while being exposed to this type of media (Vorderer, 2001).
* Entertainment has been understood not so much as a product (movie, game or
tv show) or as a feature of such a product (action, comedy) but rather as a
response to it (Zillmann & Bryant, 1994).
* At the heart of the entertainment experience lies enjoyment, a product of
numerous interactions between conditions on both the user’s and the media’s
side (Vorderer, Klimmt, & Ritterfeld, 2004)
Entertainment is ‘any market offering whose main purpose is to provide
pleasure to consumers, versus offering primarily functional utility’ (Hennig-Thurau & Houston, 2019 (p. 41).
Differential Susceptibility to Media Effects Model - DSMM
(Valkenburg & Peter, 2013)
Three factors predict media use: Preference, Developmental level, and Social environment
* Media effects are transactional, meaning that effects of media use also influence media use
This model places audience first
Vorderer, Klimmt, & Ritterfeld (2004) Model Media Entertainment
Praising the model:
the circularity of this model
Criticizing this model:
Enjoyment at the heart of the entertainment experience
⤷ downside: enjoyment is not the only outcome of entertainment experience
enjoyment should have been labeled response state
throws together user prerequisites with media prerequisites and motives
Label> design >experience> response> preferences> selection
Circular process model
The user’s preference for entertainment determines which entertainment products are selected. This entertainment product can have all sorts of design elements that provide users with the experience and the user’s response to this experience will then affect his/her preference for this or similar types of entertainment
Lasswell’s linear model of communication (1948)
who? (speaker) >what? (message) > channel (medium)> whom? (audience) > The Effect
With the updated model we choose
Describes your mental and emotional attitude, your opinion, your beliefs, your state of mind regarding entertainment products
Relevant influences/predictors - preference
demographic [gender, age, income, education, location, ethnicity]
social [culture, family, friends, peers, society]
trait and state [psychosocial traits; cognitive capabilities; attitudes, values, beliefs; state, mood]
media entertainment [experience, knowledge]
Popular culture
The core of any culture is a set of attitudes, values, and beliefs that is shaped by a group of people. Culture provides members of the group with norms for their behavior.
Popular culture (or pop culture) is the domain of entertainment products created in mass quantities for a mass audience.
Generally recognized as a constantly evolving set of practices, beliefs, and values that are dominant or ubiquitous in a society at a given point in time.
Culture Congruence
A nation transmits the values of what is to be appreciated (and what is not) to its members, as part of a continuous and often lifelong socialization process
consumers’ entertainment choices show their personal values, ambitions beliefs, and perceptions of the world and themselves
the ‘culture congruence’ between a movie and the audience influences how much consumers like the movie
Preference Zeitgeist
cultural trends can make consumers “ripe” for a product
→ the fit of any entertainment product’s genres and themes with people’s interests and desires may be high or low during certain periods
history provides examples that entertainment can become an embodiment of a certain cultural zeitgeist, capturing and reflecting the lifestyle of a certain period
entertainment products are more attractive in bleaker economic times, despite consumers having less money at their disposal
Motivational explanations
Specific preferences lead to selection, as explained by the following set of theories:
The tendency to seek distraction and relief from unpleasant realities, especially by seeking entertainment or engaging in fantasy
escapism attempts to explicate how media, particularly narratives presented through media may provide some sort of transient mental retreat for users who feel uncomfortable in their actual lives and social worlds
this escapism motivation can relate to a person’s immediate social environment, his/her general work and life situation or simply the sense of emptiness that is perceived when there is nothing to do
Mood management theory
→ describes that the use of entertainment serves to regulate positive mood states
based on the hedonistic premise that individuals are motivated to experience pleasure and avoid pain, individuals tend to select entertainment in order to maximize or maintain a good mood, and/or diminish or alleviate a bad mood
empirical evidence for mood management exists for music consumption, as well as TV viewing patterns, and for movie preferences
Hedonism → light-hearted entertainment
→ refers to a consumer perceiving a sense of connection with an entertainment product and/or its elements and characters
nostalgia involves preferences for things or experiences that were more common when one was younger
the reminiscence bump effect: we recall early-life memories most readily. We like songs, movies and television programs that were popular when we were between 16 and 24
the modern-discrepancy hypothesis: means that anything that is slightly different from what we are very familiar with tends to get our attention more than when we encounter something that is greatly diverse or extremely similar and we are very familiar with
Social Cognitive Theory
Children’s behavior is learned by watching what others do and will not do in the environment in which one grows up. By imitating the observed behavior (e.g., family or friends), the observer solidifies that behavior and is rewarded with positive reinforcement (Bandura, 1986)
The Bandwagon Effect
A phenomenon whereby the probability of individual adoption increases with respect to the proportion of those who have already done so
Asch (1951) indicate the power of social conformity and normative social influence; the willingness to conform to public opinion to attain social acceptance and/or avoid social exclusion