ENT stuff Flashcards
what duct allows passage of saliva from the submandibular gland to the sublingual papula?
whartons duct
what duct allows passage of saliva from parotid gland to mouth?
Stensens duct
long term condition in which there is inflammation of the tympanic membrane in the inner ear and formation of granulation tissue within the TM
Granular mytingitits
Treatment options for meniers
1: Diet, low salt, caffine and ETOH
2: ,edocatopms Dizide and beahistime ( not FDA )
3: Intra TM steroid injections
4: Endolymphatic sac decompression
5: Genamycin inner ear injection or labrithectomy
ECOG reading in Meniers
the increase of endolymphatic fluid in Meniers causes a larger summinating potential to action potential ( SP/AP) so eCOG for Meniers is large SP/AP ratio
Sudden SN hearing loss
Defin: acute SN hearing loss, Nearly always unilateral, that occurs within 72 hours,
Dx Audio with a 30 DB drop from prior readings, MRI brain
Treatment: Steroid either oral at 60 mg daily x 10 days or Intratympanic dexamethasone 10mg/mL approx 0.5 mL once a week x 3 weeks . Lastly Hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
Prognosis: 78% recover in 3 months
Palulous estachian Tube (PET)
What can patients do for symptom relief.
Define: The ET is usually closed except for when we swallow or try to pop our ears. If the ET is consistently open its Patulous
- Autophony: hear ones own voice/breath
- Ear fullness, stuffiness, muffled
- Tinnitus in time with patients breathing.
Who: Anyone but common in extream weight loss.
- Exam ear.
- Nasal endoscopy looking at ET opening.
- CT of temporal bone to look for symptoms that can mimic PET like superior canal dehiscence
- ear tube can give some relief.
- Narrowing of the ET tube with cartilage
- Premarin nasal ggts, swell ET
- Hypertrophic saline ggts nasal - swells the ET
Symptom relief, by putting head between legs or laying down.
Nasal spray for Vasomotor rhinitis
Astelin (Azelastine)
Culture for CFS leak test name
Beta 2 transferin
Nose bleed in the ER with packing, how long does it stay in and what Abx is needed
3-5 days before removal, abx with Keflex.
Topical ggt for itchy ear
Demotic 0.1% ml use 3 ggt PRN for itch ears.
If that is not covered baby oil ggts.
what is the Capula?
The ampullary cupula, or cupula, is a structure in the vestibular system, providing the sense of spatial orientation. The cupula is located within the ampullae of each of the three semicircular canals. … As a result, the cupula is deflected opposite the direction of head movement.
Concha bullosa
A concha bullosa is a pneumatized cavity within a nasal concha, also known as a turbinate. Bullosa refers to the air-filled cavity within the turbinate. It is a normal anatomic variant seen in up to half the population.
abnormal readings on Sleep study
> 10 apnic episodes per hour or an O2 sat drop less then 90%
Otitis externa bacteria
Is an inflammation of the EAC caused by S. Aureus, pseudomonas aeriginosa, less common staph epidermatis
Fungal Otitis externa is caused by aspergillus niger (80%) and less common Candida albicans
Predisposing factors to otitis externa?
Heat, humidity, maceration.
These factors result in edema of the stratum corn rum and inclusion of the apopilosebaceous units. Leading to pruritis , edema and a sense of war fullness.
Infection of the eac caused by fungus. Aspergillus or candida.
What is it, prevention, complications
Ferm, bony, broad based lesions composed of lamellar Bone in the EAC. These are formed by reactive bone formation and have been associated with thermal irritation. They arise from the bone portion of the external auditory canal. Most require no Intervention.
Prevention: Avoid exposure to cold water may prevent the formation.
Complication. Conductive hearing loss may result occurring secondary to his room and infection or accumulation of debris or complete obstruction of the bony mass
Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS)
causes of conductive hearing loss
Perforation Fluid behind TM Ososclerosis Ossicular discontinuty cholesteatoma superior canal dehiscence
what is a cholesteatoma
cholesteatoma is an abnormal, noncancerous skin growth that can develop in the middle section of your ear, behind the eardrum. It may be a birth defect, but it’s most commonly caused by repeated middle ear infections. A cholesteatoma often develops as a cyst, or sac, that sheds layers of old skin
Occurs in the anterior superior in kids
occurs superior posterior in adults
When putting in a T tube, what quadrant of the TM is avoided
superior posterior
Bullous Myringitis
What are the 3 layers of TM?
The outer layer arises from the ectoderm which consist of squamous epithelium.
The inner layer originates from the endoderm And consist of cuboidal mucosal epithelium
The middle layer originates from the mesenchyme And is called the middle of virus layer