ENT lecture Flashcards
Must measure head circumference at each visit up until ____ months
Anterior fontanelle closes between ___-___ months
10-24 months
Posterior fontanelle closes by….
2 months
Visible pulsations in the anterior fontanelle can be normal, but it may be a sign of…
increased intracranial pressure
A depressed anterior fontanelle can indicate..
Dehydration and malnutrition
- Microcephaly (decreasing head circumference)
- Craniosynostosis (ridging at suture lines)
- Hyperthyroidism
- Hypophosphatasia
- Hyperparathyroidism
these can cause…
premature closure of the fontanelles
(but premature closure can also be normal)
- Primary megalencephaly
- Congenital hypothyroidism
- Elevated intracranial pressure
- Down syndrome
- Rickets
these can cause….
delayed closure of anterior fontanelle
- Premature fusion of cranial sutures
- Occurs 1 in 2000 births
- Affects sagittal >coronal>metopic>lambdoid sutures
- Seldom involves multiple sutures
-More common twins and infants born to mothers with
uterine abnormalities
(complications= increased ICP, inhibited brain growth, cognitive impairments)
- More frequent due to general adoption of supine sleeping for SIDS prevention
- Affects nearly half of infants between 7-12 weeks and resolves, without intervention, by age two in most cases
- The ear is displaced anteriorly from the flattened region which can help differentiate from craniosynostosis.
Positional Plagiocephaly
Anomaly of eye alignment which can occur in either eye and in any direction
Nasal deviation strabismus?
Temporal deviation strabismus?
Nasal= Eso
Temporal= Exo
-phoria strabisumus is present only when…
fixation is interrupted
-tropia strabismus is present…
without interruption
agonist muscles in both eyes receive equal innervation to ensure coordinated movement (eg: as right eye abducts the left eye will adduct)
Hering’s Law
agonist/antagonist muscle pairs within each eye receive reciprocal innervation.
(eg: as muscle in the right eye contracts its antagonist muscle will relax)
Sherrington’s Law
Occurs in 2-4%
Risks= family hx, low birth weight, prematurity
Conditions that Predispose:
Vision depirvation: severe ptosis, cataracts
optic nerve hypoplasia
head trauma
cranial nerve palsies
orbital fracture
myasthenia gravis and Graves’ disease
…can all cause?
Secondary strabismus
Amblyopia occurs in what percentage of strabismus pts?
Optical illusion seen in children with wide nasal bridge and large epicanthal folds in first year of life which results in hiding the nasal sclerae.
can be confirmed with corneal light reflex and cover/uncover test (will have normal alignment)
(MC type of pseudostrabismus)
MC site of foreign bodies
R nostril
Unilateral purulent nasal discharge
Nasal obstruction
Mouth breathing
Foreign body sxs
Gm positive, alpha hemolytic bacteria
MAJOR invasive pathogen in children
Main causes:
Otitis media
Streptococcus pneumoniae