ENT I Flashcards
what are Aphthous ulcers (canker sores)?
- Single or multiple, shallow, mucosal ulcerations that are common, often recurrent and painful
What causes these canker sores
- Can be associated with immunologic disorders e.g. inflammatory bowel disease
How long to canker sores take to resolve
- Usually self-resolve in a week but may persist for longer especially in immunocompromised patients
What causes oral herpes?
Oral herpes usually caused by HSV-1 but HSV-2 (genital herpes) can also occur
How does herpes simplex virus infection present in children?
In children, usually present as acute herpetic gingivostomatitis (usually between 2-4 yo) with
vesicles and ulceration of the oral mucosa
how does herpes infection present in adults
- In adults, usually presents as acute herpes pharyngitis
What happens after acute herpes infection?
- After acute infection, the virus treks along regional nerves and becomes latent within local ganglia.
what happens when the latent virus reactivates in ganglia?
Reactivation results in recurrent herpetic stomatitis
In immunocompromised pts, herpes can persist as_________________
chronic mucocutaneous infection
What is thrush
Thrush refers to the pseudomembranous form of oral candidiasis: superficial gray-white inflammatory membrane composed of matted organisms in a fibrinosuppurative exudate that can be scrapped off, showing an erythematous inflammatory base
In what case can thrush be invasive?
What is Ludwig’s angina?
This is a severe, acute streptococcal cellulitis involving the neck, tongue and back of the throat.
What is Vincent’s angina?
Vincent’s angina is a painful condition of the throat
Characterised by local ulceration of the tonsils, mouth and pharynx.
What causes Vincent’s angina?
Vincent’s Bacillus
What is anotia/atresia?
Total Absence of the auricle and narrowing/absenc of external auditory meatus