Enlightenment Units 1-4 Flashcards
Why might historians come to different interpretations about the same historic events?
- Different evidence
* Different sources (P or S)
What geographic factors influenced the diffusion of Enlightenment ideas?
Gigs chugs
Why should all societies live under a social contract?
• There’s an agreement between the people & the government, in which the people give up state of nature for organized society
Why & How did new “Enlightened” ideas come about?
How did accessibility & hierarchy lead to the diffusion of enlightened ideas?
How might enlightened ideas spark revolutionary movements?
People started thinking for themselves
Why might historians come to different conclusions about the influence that the enlightenment had on society, government and economics?
- Different perspectives
* Different sources/evidence
Social Contract
An agreement by which people give up the state of nature for an organized society
Human Rights
Fundamental rights belonging to an individual and in whose exercise a government may not interfere
State of Nature
How people would behave if left unchecked by an organized society
A time of rebirth of learning, particularly the ideas of the Ancient Greeks and Romans, which had been lost to Europeans in the chaos of the early Middle Ages
A philosophical movement of the 18th century, characterized by belief in the power of human reason and by innovations in political, religious and educational doctrine
The religious movement in the 16th century that’s objective was the reformation of the Catholic Church
A way of thinking about people and their place in the world
How people or things move in certain directions at certain speeds
any system of persons or things ranked one above another.
that can be used, entered, reached, etc.: an accessible road; accessible ruins.
Free Market
an economic system in which prices and wages are determined by unrestricted competition between businesses, without government regulation or fear of monopolies.
an assembly of guests in such a room, especially an assembly, common during the 17th and 18th centuries, consisting of the leaders in society, art, politics, etc.
Primary Source
first in time; earliest; primitive source of information
Secondary Source
next after the first in order, place, time etc. source of information
Conclusions influenced by personal opinions
Point of View
Personal influences such as nationality, race, gender, age & personal background
The time period on which a person lives and writes
Divine Rights Theory
The theory that monarchs receive their power from God and consequently should not be questioned or disobeyed
Why might philosophers challenge the Divine Rights Theory?
The people read The Bible for themselves
Absolute Monarch/Absolutism
Ruler with complete authority over the government and lives of the people he or she governs. Ex: Louis XIV (France), Hapsburg family (Marie Antoinnettes mother)
Why did Humanism & The Renaissance begin in Florence, Italy?
- In the center of the Roman Empire
- Cities survived the Middle Ages
- Wealthy & powerful merchant classes further prompted the cultural rebirth
How might the physical geography of Italy influence the diffusion of Renaissance ideas?
The Alps & mountains within Italy limited accessibility by land, so the diffusion of ideas took place by sea
What were the 3 effects of the printing revolution?
- Made book production easier
- More people learned to read/Literacy rate increased
- Readers gained access to a broad range of knowledge
A lessening of the time a soul would have to spend in purgatory
95 Thesis
Arguments against indulgences
How did Luther gain wide-spread support?
The movable type helped diffuse the 95 Theses throughout Europe. This caused people to read The Bible for themselves & questioning the actions of The Catholic Church
How did the Reformation reflect humanist ideas?
People started thinking for themselves
How did the architecture of the Medieval era & The Renaissance differ?
Medieval Era: protection
Renaissance: Beauty & Comfort
How did the Astronomy in the Medieval Era & The Renaissance differ?
Medieval Era: The Earth was in the middle of the universe
Renaissance: (Copernicus) The orbit of the Earth revolves around the Sun. (Galileo) Proved the Earth revolves around the Sun with the telescope
How did the books in the Medieval Eea & The Renaissance differ?
Medieval Era: Books hand written, mostly religious and Latin
The Renaissance: Johannes Gutenburg invents the movable type
How does the religion on the Medieval Era & The Renaissance differ?
Medieval Era: The Catholic Church is the only church
The Renaissance: Martin Luther posts 95 Theses & begins the Protestant Church
How did the explorations in the Medieval Era & The Renaissance differ?
Medieval Era: Prince Henry of Portugal collected information about stars, oceans, etc.
The Renaissance: Christopher Columbus discovered North & South America while on 3rd voyage
How do you think the Renaissance may have been different from the Middle Ages?
Humanists focused their writing, art, and thinking on people & their achievements. While people on the Middle Ages everything in people’s lives centered on the Church, religion, & the “hereafter”.