Enlightenment Flashcards
What was the enlightenment and when is it associated with?
An intellectual movement associated with the 18th century
What did the enlightenment grow from?
Grew from the Scientific Revolution of the 17thC and associated with the rise of Capitalism and Imperial Expansion
Who were the continental thinkers?
The ‘philosophes’ - the American and Scottish thinkers
In what ways can it be seen as an English enlightenment?
The contribution of Newton and Locke and the example of the Revolution Settlement in 1688-9
What are the main ideas put forward by the enlightenment that link with modernity? (4)
- Its the foundation of ‘modern ideas’
- Rational thought and empirical experiment are the ways to discover truth
- Starting to question orthodoxy like religion
- Championed natural sciences
What was nature and natural law?
The idea that the world had a natural order, a dynamic order, and that humans have the capability to understand and manipulate these concepts of nature
What was rationalism?
The ability for us to reason and understand things, allowing us to understand how the natural world works meaning we can control it
Who was Descartes? What is he most famous for?
The Father of European philosophy.
“I think therefore I am” - the idea that by questioning things it shows you’re alive
What is empiricism?
The opposite of rationalism - knowledge based off experience, for something to be true it has to be verifiable - in science, its based off evidence, we have hypotheses and investigations through empirical methods`
What did materialism extend?
The views of natural law - the function of the human body, society etc
What was atomism?
The idea that the ‘atom’ was the basic unit of everything. It was applied to society to suggest that we are the atoms that make up society
What did the belief in progress mean?
That we are perfectable, and that if we understand how everything works then we can become better people
What did this line the enlightened way of thinking encourage?
Scepticism - starting to question things they had once taken for granted like religion, the divine right of monarchs etc
What can be argued are the 3 main origins of the enlightenment?
- The Scientific Revolution c1500-1700
- Capitalism from the 1500s onwards
- Exploration by West of rest of world in the 1400s - exposed Britain and Europe to foreign ideas and beliefs
What was the pre-enlightened world view?
Most people didn’t have access to education and instead had scripture. Where priests would tell you what knowledge was needed.
A geocentric model of the universe - the Great Chain of Being. Where everything has its place, everything is in order and everything is subordinate to something else