English Wk 16-20 Flashcards
What is the archetypal symbolism of a Mountain?
Knowledge, Climbing = Moving upward on a spiritual/emotional journey, Biblically = God reveals truth.
What materials did God want the people to use to build the tabernacle?
Gold, silver, brass, blue, purple, scarlet, fine linen, shittim wood, oil, spices, incense, onyx stones.
What was the purpose of the Tabernacle?
It is a sanctuary for God to dwell among his people.
What do the three courts/places symbolize?
Outer Court = Telestial Kingdom
Holy Place = Terrestrial
Holiest Place = Celestial
What does the Gate symbol? (TABERNACLE)
Faith in Christ, and it always faces east so it is always faces the light
Altar of Sacrifice? (TABERNACLE)
Baring sins and repentance
Leaving the world behind them
Candle Stick
Holy Ghost
Enduring to the end
What does Baptismal Font Symbolize?
Water - Cleansing, rebirth. 12= Priesthood Authority
Horns = power strength.
Angel Moroni
Messenger that the gospel of Christ is restored tot he earth.
Moroni’s trump
Call to each of us to attend temple
Temple Setup
Each ordinance takes you progressively higher as you climb toward God. Celestial room is the highest.
Direction the Temple faces
Aligns with the east to west orientation. East = Rising sun and life, anciently associated with God’s abode. West = moving away from darkness
Holiness to the Lord
Temple helps us become holy to the lord by separating us from the world. Clear purpose of the temple.
Fence around temple
World has no access to temple and sacred ordinances. We must cut ourselves off from the world to enter God’s house and enjoy its blessings.
Reflecting Pools
Purification. Becoming clean is essential to entering God’s Kingdom. Transforms our lives from chaotic to calm and reflecting God’s words. Like the Lavar.
Recommend Desk
Threshold Guardian. Are we prepared with clean hands and a pure heart to enter the house of the lord?
Sacrifice; sign of devotion. Covenant making. Prayer
Sealing Rooms
Altar - sacrifice and covenant. Fathering place for families and friends to witness covenants. Mirriors reflecting each other = eternity is endless, eternal nature of covenants made there. Connection between generations
Another Threshold. Pre - enlightened stat, separation, boundaries. Separation between first, second, and third estate. Passing through the veil = initiation and knowledge. Transition into eternity.
What is an appositive?
A noun or noun phrase that renames the noun in front of it.
What is a restrictive element?
REs restrict or change meanings of the sentence still use commas. But they cannot be deleted
Table of Shewbread
12 pieces of bread, represents priesthood, 13 tribes of isreal
Altar of insence
Prayers going to the Lord
Entrest to holiest of holies
old temples
Travel inwards towards God.
Modern Temples
Each ordinance takes you closer towards God. Baptismal font in basement, like graves of the dead being redeemed. Celestial room is highest and often centermost. Connection between heaven and earth.
Holiness to the Lord
Holiness = seperation.