English Vocabulary Flashcards
“For some reason or another you decided he was making d__________ r_____ about you or your group” the judge said.
comentários depreciativos
disparaging remarks
/ disp’erigring/
…appeared for sentence after p_______ ______ to injuring with intend to injure and theft…
se declarar culpado
pleading guilty
/ ‘pli:ding/
n. roubo
n. ladrao
n. theft /0’eft/
n. thief /0i:f/ or burglar /’b3: gui la/
v. vazar
n. goteira
n. bica, calha, goteira
v. jorrar
spout / spaut/
n. calha, goteira
v. escavar, gotejar
gutter /’ga:ta/
septic tank
They are taking samples from
riachos que alimentam as lagoas…
creeks feeding into the lagoons
v. disparage
/ di’sp’eridz/
v. denegrir/ rebaixar
…septic tanks are the main c____.
culpado (responsible for)
n. culprit /’k^olprit/
They get worn out over time and need to be repaired.
worn out
v. pleitear, alegar, declarar-se
note: law
v. plead /pli:d/
n. desgaste, uso, roupa
v. usar, vestir, desgastar (present, past and pp)
n. wear
v. wear, wore, worn /wo:n/
this project will be in the *back burner
segundo plano
A decision may be right when judged against the objectives of an enterprise, but wrong when judged against social objectives or desires.
Uma decisão pode ser direita quando em função dos objectivos de uma empresa, mas errado quando em função de objectivos ou desejos sociais.