English Vocabulary Flashcards
Deep worry or suffering; being in danger or trouble (noun)
To trouble or upset, to cause worry or stress, to make unhappy (verb
Syn: anguish, anxiety, grief
Ant: calm, joy, delight, comfort
To wet or soak through and through, to cover or fill completely
Syn: to saturate, flood, douse
Ant: to dry, parch
To live, especially in a particular place, to remain or stay
To keep one’s attention on something
Syn: to inhabit, reside, linger
Not fully grown, meant for children or young people
Foolish or immature
Syn: youthful, childish, a youth
Ant: mature, developed
Standing apart from others due to excellence
Unpaid for
Syn: remarkable, great, noteworthy, superior
Ant: ordinary, regular, usual, average
To go on or continue in an orderly way, to start again after a pause, to start an action
Syn: to advance, progress
Ant: to recede, retreat, stay, stop
An official record book, the range of a voice or musical instrument (noun)
To sign up, to note or understand (verb)
Syn: roster, catalog, ledger
Ant: withdraw
To put through a strainer to separate or break up lumps, to sort through or examine
Syn: to filer, separate, screen
A lively or wild burst of activity
Syn: a riot, binge, bash, splurge
Not on time, delayed, slow-moving
Syn: late, overdue, sluggish
Ant: early, prompt
Not suitable or proper, not good enough, unhealthy
Syn: bad, improper, inappropriate, unqualified
Ant: suitable, proper, qualified, healthy, fit
Change, lack of sameness, a number of different forms or types, a category of plants or animals
Syn: diversity, difference, assortment
Ant: sameness, unity
To close off, to keep people or supplies from going in or out (verb)
Closing off of an enemy port, nation or city, usually by the military (noun)
Syn: to barricade, a siege or barrier
Ant: to open
To sing, to recite in a tone that does not vary at all (verb)
A song or words or phrases repeated in rhythm
Syn: to intone, vocalize, a hymn
To give up all hope, lose heart (verb)
Syn: hopelessness
Ant: to hope, take heart
To lift up, raise in position or rank
Syn: to hoist, advance, promote
Ant: to lower, demote
Beyond the usual or expected, highly unusual or rare
Syn: great, exceptional, amazing, remarkable
Ant: ordinary, usual, average
Brave, noble, larger than life, involving extreme effort
Syn: courageous, bold, fearless, gallant
Ant: cowardly, trivial, minimal
A long, metal-tipped weapon used by knights or soldiers on horseback (noun)
To pierce with a lance, to open a wound (verb)
Syn: a spear, shaft, to puncture or cut open
A person on an assignment, often of a religious nature, or someone sent by a church to a foreign land to teach religion or do charity work
Syn: a preacher
Having no meaning or effect
Syn: senseless, aimless, futile, ineffective, worthless
Ant: fitting, meaningful, sensible, effective, valuable
To throw back as heat or light or sound, to think deeply about
Syn: to copy, echo, return; to consider or ponder
Ant: absorb, retain, disregard, ignore
A location, scene or place where something was, is or will be
Syn: a spot, position
Poisonous or deadly
Syn: dangerous, harmful, venomous, lethal
Ant: safe, harmless
A stiff short hair or fiber (noun)
To have hair standing on end, to show anger (verb)
Syn: a whisker, spine, quill, to stiffen, to seethe
In some ways like a circle, round, indirect (adj)
A leaflet or printed advertisement meant to be given to many people (noun)
Syn: ring shaped, roundabout, flyer, brochure
Ant: linear, straight, direct
Low, common, of poor quality, or made of comparatively large parts, rough to the touch, using bad manners or rude language
Syn: rugged, crude, harsh, grainy, scratchy, vulgar, foul, gross
Ant: smooth, silky, delicate, refined, polite
To get rid of or throw away (verb)
Something cast off or thrown away (noun)
Syn: to dump, dispose of, eliminate
Ant: to save, keep, retain
To the highest or greatest degree, exaggerated, farthest possible (adj)
The highest, farthest, one end of a range (noun)
Syn: ultimate, excessive
Ant: mild, ordinary
Sharpness or clarity, the center of activity or interest (noun)
To correct for sharpness or clarity, to concentrate
Syn: emphasis, direct
Ant: to blur
To take hold with the arms or hands, to take eagerly, to understand (verb)
The ability to achieve, understanding
Syn: to clutch, perceive, comprehend
Ant: to drop, release, loosen, to misunderstand
To guide, excite, uplift or encourage, to bring about or cause
Syn: to influence, motivate, arouse, affect
Ant: to deter, discourage
To increase in importance, exaggerate, to make bigger
Syn: to intensify, to enlarge
Ant: to diminish, reduce
Related to the sea or the seagoing branches of the armed forces (adj)
A soldier who serves on a ship, a member of the U.S. Marine Corp
Syn: nautical, maritime, oceanic, aquatic, naval
To shake or move back and forth, to tremble (adj)
A shaking back and forth, an earthquake (noun)
Syn: to shudder, shiver, vibrate
Difficult; causing annoyance, bother or worry
Syn: hard, annoying, upsetting
Ant: easy, untroubling
Having to do with an idea or quality rather than an object, hard to understand with little likeness to real people or things
Syn: conceptual, theoretical, obscure
Ant: real, concrete, realistic
To unite or join for a special purpose (verb)
A person or country joined with another for a special purpose (noun)
Syn: to associate, partner
Ant: an enemy, opponent
To choose (someone) for a position or duty, to decide on
Syn: to designate, assign, elect
Ant: to dismiss, remove, suspend
Paying attention, thoughtful and polite
Syn: alert, considerate, courteous
Ant: inattentive, inconsiderate
Something extra or beyond what is owed or expected
Syn: a reward, benefit, gift, prize
Ant: a penalty, deduction, fine
Without troubles, worries or responsibilities
Syn: untroubled, lighthearted
Ant: troubled, worried, anxious
Polite, thoughtful or considerate behavior, a polite act or favor
Syn: care, concern, regard, politeness, thoughtfulness
Ant: discourtesy, disregard, rudeness
To make something, especially using machinery, or to make up
Syn: to assemble, construct, build, produce; to invent, concoct
A lack of confidence, to have no confidence in or to be suspicious of, to doubt
Syn: doubt, uncertainty, suspicion, to question or disbelieve
Ant: trust, confidence, belief
Easy to see, likely to be observed, worthy of attention
Syn: observable, visible, obvious, evident
Ant: overlooked, hidden, obscure
To overturn, to bring about the fall or end of, to defeat
Syn: to remove, bring down, topple, destroy, ruin
Ant: to preserve, support, restore
Not like the normal or usual, odd or curious; belonging to a particular group, person, place or thing
Syn: bizarre, unusual, strange
Ant: ordinary, routine, regular