English Vocabulary Flashcards
association, coalition, union, treaty , pact
governing, in charge, leading, dominant,controlling
firmness, steadiness, solidity, secureness, strength
a period of ten years
point to
indicate, suggest, be evidence of , evidence
indicated, denote, show , demonstrate , exhibit
release, free, let loose to; to let happen or begin something powerful that , once begun , cannot be controlled
set up or found
to implement, bring about
at face value
to accept it & believe it without thinking about it very much, even though it might be untrue
FPTP system
the first- past -the-post [fptp] is also known as the simple majority system.
predict, think of , expect(as likely to win something)
Overcome (verb)
Succeed in dealing with
(a problem or difficulty)
Coalition (noun)
alliance, union,
partnership, affiliation, the bloc
Helm (verb)
control or manage by
In terms of (phrase)
with regard to, as
regards, regarding
Mandate (noun)
the authority to carry
out a policy, regarded as given by the
electorate to a party or candidate that
wins an election
Long-standing (adjective)
long-lasting, enduring, well established
Mainstream (adjective)
belonging to or
characteristic of the mainstream
Emerge (verb)
come out, appear, come
into view, become visible
Fairly large in size
Vague (adjective)
Unclear, Imprecise,
Indefinite, Ambiguous, Inexplicit
Ideological (adjective)
Based on or
relating to a system of ideas and ideals,
especially concerning economic or political
theory and policy
Federalism (noun)
socialism, unionism, Unitarianism
Seek (verb)
Try, effort, strive, endeavor
Dissolve (verb)
disband, break up, splitup
Provincial (adjective)
local, regional,
state, territorial
Set up (phrasal verb)
Federalist (adjective)
relating to or
denoting a system of government in which
several states unite under a central
Point to (phrasal verb)
indicate, mention,
note, highlight, emphasize
Stability (noun)
permanence, constancy,
balance, solidity, firmness
Lift (verb)
raise, rise, boost, elevate
Living standard (noun)
the quality of
housing, material comfort, and wealth
experienced by an individual or group.
Out-migration (noun)
the action of
leaving one place to settle in another,
especially within a country.
Blow (noun)
shock, unexpected
outcome, setback, upset
Play a role (phrase)
contribute to, be
instrumental in, be a factor in
Federalization (noun)
The unification of
states to form a federal union
Legacy (noun)
a situation that has
developed as a result of past actions and
(be) Tired of (verb)
Lose interest in;
become bored with
Opportunist (adjective)
immediate opportunities, especially
regardless of planning or principle
Stance (noun)
attitude, stand, point of
view, viewpoint, opinion, way of thinking
Republicanism (noun)
support for
government by elected representatives of
the people
Secularism (noun)
the belief that religion
should not influence or be involved in the
organization of society, education,
government, etc
Comprehensive (adjective)
inclusive, all-inclusive, complete
Federal (adjective)
Relating to or
denoting the central government
Empower (verb)
authorize, license,
entitle, permit, allow,
Enthusiasm (noun)
Eagerness, interest,
fervor, passion, zest, keenness
Wane (verb)
Diminish, decrease, decline,
Buoy (verb)
make (someone) cheerful
and confident; encourage, stimulate
Veteran (noun)
Expert, old-time, past
master, Experienced person
Let (verb)
allow, permit, give permission
Take over (phrasal verb)
Assume control
of something
Sectarian (adjective)
rigidly following the
doctrines of a sect or other group
Diversity (noun)
variety, miscellany,
assortment, mixture
Beleaguered (adjective)
in a very difficult
situation; Stressed, longsuffering
Citizenry (noun)
The citizens of a place
regarded collectively
Be up to someone (phrase)
be decided
by a particular person; be the responsibility
of particular person