English Verbs Flashcards
Can I RELY ON you to take care of my kids?
Rely on = confiar em/depender de/contar com
He STRUGGLED desperately to save his son
struggle = luta/lutar/grande esforço
U r not a child, so u should BEHAVE as a man
Behave = agir/comportar-se
Vc ñ é uma criança, então deveria agir como um homem
Problemas frequently ARISE in the workplace
What time will he AWAKE?
Despertar, acordar
I cant BEAR this anymore
Suportar, aguentar
Why did you BEAT in your son?
Bater, espancar
His problemas have BECOME a sadness to his family
Tornar-se, começar a ser
This is the worst thing that can BEFALL us
Acontecer, suceder
She cant BEGETS a baby
Gerar, procriar
I’d like to BEGIN speaking
Começar, iniciar
I BET he will win the match
At the auction, james BID $600
Oferecer, fazer lance/licitação
The political corruption can BIND the brazilian people/ You can use this line to BIND the package
Unir, atar
Be careful, that dog can BITE us
The my son’s nose was BLEEDing
A cold wind began to BLOW
Soprar, assoprar
He can BREAK his leg fighting
That female dog cant BREED anymore
Criar, gerar, procriar
BRING me the newspaper
The radio will BROADCAST the president’s speech
I’m finishing BUILD my house
Our speech will CAST doubts about capitalism / Im trying to CAST a rock in that river
Lançar, jogar
Im sure the cops will CATCH the thieves
Pegar, capturar
You can CHOOSE only one t-shirt
Afther the game, everyone starts CLAPping
Kyle tried to CLING your cellphone before it fell
Segurar, agarrar
How are you gonna come to my party?
I think this dinner will COST a fortune
We saw a crocodile CREEPing along the road
Rastejar, engatinhar