English to Spanish phrases Flashcards
you/ they didn’t even try
ni siquiera le echaron ganas
not at all
para nada
he became a woman
se volvio mujer
pay attention to my dad
hazle caso a mi papa
I’m afraid that…
me temo que
Do you feel like having some beers?
Te hace unas birras?
What have you been up to?
Que es de tu vida?
No one needs to know
Nadie se tiene que enterarse
Wanna bet?
It came up
Salio el tema
I need to plug in my charger
Necesito enchufar mi cargador
Better than ever
Mejor que nunca
We have to get away from those that make us rotten
Tenemos que alejarnos de quien nos pudre
I hear a squeak
Oigo un rechinido
That ship already sailed
Este barco ya zarpo
As I was saying
Como te decía
The fancy dress turns me on
El disfraz me prende
It comes out of you
Se te brota
We all have a purpose
Todos tenemos un proposito
Very much on the look out
Muy pendiente
To try your best
Echarse ganas