english techniques Flashcards
an appeal to emotion
an appeal to logic or reason
an appeal to credibility or character using people
avante garde
the suggestion that using this product puts the user ahead of the times
weasel words
are used to suggest a positive meaning without actually really making any guarantee.
magic ingredients
the suggestion that some almost miraculous discovery makes the product exceptionally effective.
the suggestion that purchasing this product shows your love for your country
positive words, images, and ideas are used to suggest that the product being sold is also positive
Plain Folks
the suggestion that the product is a practical product of good value for ordinary people
Snob Appeal
the suggestion that the use of the product makes the customer part of an elite group with luxurious and glamorous lifestyle
offers you somethign extra
the suggestion that you should join the crowd or be on the winning side by using a product
historical/extinct/irrelevant in modern society
the innacurate belief that indigenous people live in the past or are not releveant in modern society
depicting indigenous people using primal technologies. It included wrongly positiong indigenous peoples as unrefined, animalistic or prehistoric, conpared to european representation
resisting progress
the suggestion that indigenous people are preventing a coubtry from moving into the modern world through expansion into the west
wrongly assumes that the intelligence of an individual based on race. May seen by derogatory use of broken english
the degradation of someone to the status of an object
the degradation of treating someone to the status of a mere sexual object
all ingigenous people are indistinguishable from eachother
The princess
the stereotype of a beautiful infigenous woman who is sympathetic enough to the white mans wuest to be lured away from her culture and community to marry into his culture and to further hos mission to colonize her people
The warrior
the warrior is fierce and formidablw and a threat to civilized society. Bare chested and brandishing a weapon. Seen as savage
The noble mystic
elevated sphere of goodness unreachable by those living in contaminated non-indigenous society and usually processing spiritual connection to the land. Are seen as all knowing and wise
indigenous people are also often removedfrom a central role in narritives so non indigenous people may be pirttayed sympathetically but reauire a non indigenous protagonist to save them or achieve their goals
socially responsible media
representation from indigenous creatord/actors/producers
including non-stereotypical depictions of race or gender
allowing a portion of proceeds to go towards supporting fiverse communities
resisting harmful and reductive narratives
positive messages of diversity and inclusion