English Poetic/Literary Devices Flashcards
- anxious anticipation of what will happen
- goes hand in hand with foreshadowing
-an indicator of what is going to happen later - advances plot
2 contrasting ideas, characters, or settings to create emphasis ex angel or devil, moon and sun
anything that makes pity or sympathy
reference to the past ex reminder or memory
pathetic fallacy
descriptions of environment/nature mirrors the moods of the characters
when the opposite of what is expected to happen actually occurs ex Billy assumes the landlady is kind and sweet but she is the complete opposite
when something represents something else ex sun in all summer in a day or the phrase “Pretty Polly” in Star Beast
character foil
a characters (sometimes antagonist) that contrasts with another to emphasize their traits
an obvious exaggeration or overstatement to emphasize a message
sensory imagery
when a writer invokes the 5 senses, using descriptive language ex the smell reminded him of rotting tomatoes
a polite word or phrase used in a place of one that may be too direct, unpleasant or embarrassing ex saying pass away when someone dies
a humourous play on words, often involving a double meaning. ex there was a shootout at the Gap, there were many casual-tees.
starting a series of sentences with the same phrase to create a rhythmic effect for emphasis
a sentence which contains extra “joining” wprds such as “and” rather than simply listing with commos to emphasize what is being listed. Often slows down the tempo of the text
ex: I was bruised and beaten and broken down