english phrase Flashcards
Il ya voisine curieuse
there is this nosy lady next door who’s always in our bussiness
your’re such a tease
IT SAYS NOT TO take it on an empty stomac
THE THINGS ABOUT zombie is that they’re not fast or resourceful but they’re absolutely relentless
do you want me to take over
as you leave the train watch the gap between the train and the platform
Dear god we thank you for the meal that we’re about to receive
Americans have a lot of misconceptions about us
No I’m well Thanks
He’s not exactly what you’d call a team worker
Look at the size of that rock
sorry sorry sorry let me know if anything I Can do to help you through these moments
hey come on that has a sentimental value to me
there re a little bland don’t you think?
elle essaie un jean
she trying on a pair of pants
ton compte est a 2000 euro
your balance is 2000 euro
desole quelque chose s’est passe je ne pourrai pas venir
sorry something’s come up I won’t be able to make it
on est tombe a 3 maintement
we down to 3 people now
je base mon pourboire en fonction de la qualite du service
what if you put it up in a bud
i started watching over her shoulders but what can i say i got stuck into it
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I tried to talk him out of it
If you don’t behave yourself you re going straight to sleep after dinner do you understand me?
I believe it’s sold over the counter
absolutely. The war on drugs is a waste of our tax dollars, plain and simple
Can you pull up the pricing estimate I send out last week ?
I can tolerate a long commute as long as I’m able to get a seat on the train
I now prononce you man and wife you may kiss the bride
he inherited his position from his father
We should get started on that sooner rather later don’t you think?
A good of thumb is to put 10 % of your pay into savings
do you happen to know a guy by the name of georges passsa
I ‘m so psyched
I’ll take that as a “no”