English LOP Flashcards
a short amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person.
“told anecdotes about his job”
the expression of one’s meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.
““Don’t go overboard with the gratitude,” he rejoined with heavy irony”
a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition that when investigated or explained may prove to be well founded or true.
“in a paradox, he has discovered that stepping back from his job has increased the rewards he gleans from it”
feeling or showing profound respect or veneration. “maintained a reverent silence” synonyms: respectful. full of or exhibiting respect.
forbidding or uninviting.
“his grim expression”
extremely bad, worrying, or without hope: look grim The future looks grim. Synonyms. abominable. abysmal (BAD)
a person who expects or is excessively ready to accept failure.
- unwilling or unable to believe; doubting; skeptical. 2. showing doubt or disbelief.
returning to a previous and less advanced or worse state or way of behaving: Incinerating waste rather than recycling it would be a regressive step. Vigilance is needed to overcome the natural regressive tendency to become complacent.
Anthropomorphism is the attribution of human traits, emotions, or intentions to non-human entities. It is considered to be an innate tendency of human psychology.
-comply with rules, standards, or laws.
“the kitchen does not conform to hygiene regulations”
-a person who conforms to accepted behavior or established practices.
Cynicism is an attitude characterized by a general distrust of the motives of others. A cynic may have a general lack of faith or hope in people motivated by ambition, desire, greed, gratification, materialism, goals, and opinions that a cynic perceives as vain, unobtainable, or ultimately meaningless.
incapable of being satisfied : quenchless. had an insatiable desire for wealth
lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.
“widespread apathy among students”
comfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadness.
“she sought solace in her religion”
the quality of being futile; ineffectiveness; uselessness