English literature poems Flashcards
What does the title ‘Prayer before birth’ insinuate?
Prayer = sense of desperation and fear , Before Birth = from the perspective of an unborn child
What do the imperatives ‘O hear me’ , ‘Console me’ etc suggest?
The imperatives suggest that the foetus is commanding God to help them, creating a sense of desperation.
What does the metaphor ‘White light’ suggest?
The white light could possibly be a metaphor for wisdom or God. As this is a prayer written in 1944 during the Second World War, this metaphor implies that the unborn child needs the hope and guidance that God provides during such a chaotic and terrifying time.
What does the alliteration and assonance ‘Grass to grow for me’ imply?
This image of nature highlights that this is what the foetus needs in consideration of the fact that this poem was written in 1944 during the world war 2, a time when the natural world was being destroyed by bombs and so on. Furthermore, this perceives the image that they are aware of the things they need being taken away from them through acts of war.
What does the imperative “Forgive me” highlight?
This imperative creates a great sense of loss of control as before the foetus is even born, it is asking for forgiveness for the sins that it will inevitably commit, creating an Image of hopelessness. To delve into the matter, Macneice is using this poem to criticise society as he is trying to show the readers how it is impossible to be nice when your born into this sinful and corrupt world.
What does the extended metaphor “I must play” showcase?
Showcases that in society there is a loss of free will and the modal verbs encapsulates the lack of freedom individuals have as they are expected to play along with the role that they are expected to fulfil, and cannot be themselves.
What does the metaphor “Who is beast” suggest about Macneice’s views?
This metaphor suggests that Macneice is critical of fascist leaders such as Adolf Hitler due to the fact that this poem was written in 1944 and the author is questioning why Hitler thinks he can decide who lives or dies. However, it could also be interpreted that this is based on the modern reader who in their actions are doing terrible things such as deciding the fate of others and acting as if they are God.
What does the metaphor of the machine “dragoon me into a lethal automation “ suggest?
This metaphor blatantly depicts the unborn child’s fear of being dehumanised and one could argue that this is linked to soldiers. The foetus could be scared that they will just be turned into a weapon that is used in times of war and viewed as government, not their own human being.
What effect does the repetition of “a thing” have?
The repetition reinforces this fear to lose their humanity. The foetus believes that they will no longer be a person but will just be considered a thing, dispensable and easily manipulated.
What Is the short sentence “Otherwise kill me” significant?
Creates an abrupt end to the poem which makes the reader self reflect and feel sympathy for the foetus as it hasn’t even been born yet would rather die than be apart of this corrupt society. It also alludes to the complete lack of hope the foetus has for its future.
Structure : what kind of poem is this and what does it suggest?
This is a dramatic monologue and it is a free verse poem. The irregularity of the lines may reflect the seemingly irregularity of the world the foetus is going to enter into. He sees it as unnatural as human beings are hurting one another.
What themes does this poem have?
Anguish , fascism , humanity and manipulation.