English Lessons Flashcards
To go take sth and bring back
Attend a meeting
Comparecer/participar de uma reunião
Presented Proposal
Apresentou proposta
Pull over
Encostar o carro - Mover-se para a beira da estrada quando o carro está em movimento
recusado adj. refused, denied, rejected, declined recusado adj. [ekuz'adu] adj refused, rejected, not accepted. recusado refused denied, declined, rejected, refusal recusar v. decline, refuse; deny, reject; repulse, turn down; reprobate
n. dano, perda; prejuízo, custo (Gíria)
v. danificar; causar perdas
Sign up
sign up registrar; assinar; recrutar sign up inscrever-se verb: inscrever-se se inscrever, inscrever
Even though
mesmo que, embora even though apesar de conjunction: apesar de mesmo que, embora, apesar even though despite the fact that.
Rule Thumb
regra do polegar (princípio básico)
rule of thumb
regra de ouro
regra, regra geral, regra básica, regra prática
rule of thumb
regra de ouro
regra, regra geral, regra básica, regra prática
rule of thumb
a broadly accurate guide or principle, based on practice rather than theory.
→ headword
Reach out
reach out estender a mão reach out chegar alcançar, estender a mão, chegar a, estender
At least
pelo menos, no mínimo; de qualquer modo at least pelo menos adverb: pelo menos de pelo menos at least not less than; at the minimum. if nothing else. anyway. → headword
valor; preço; importância
adj. digno; merecedor; que vale; que vale para; que vale a pena; que merece
que vale a pena
noun: valor, mérito, merecimento, excelência
adjective: no valor de, digno, que vale a pena, merecedor
valor, no valor de, digno, pena
n. ■ adjective
equivalent in value to the sum or item specified. ▶having income or property amounting to a specified sum.
deserving to be treated or regarded in the way specified.
■ noun
the value or merit of someone or something. ▶an amount of a commodity equivalent to a specified sum of money.
the amount that could be achieved or produced in a specified time.
for all one is worth informal as energetically or enthusiastically as one can.
for what it is worth used when offering a suggestion or opinion without making a claim as to its validity.
Rede de deitar, maca, cama suspensa de hammock
noun: maca, rede para dormir, cama suspensa de bordo
hammock, rede, rede de descanso