English last minute Flashcards
A mare’s nest
A difficult situation
A lively wire
Lively and active
All and sundry
All included/Evereybody wo distinction
All thumbs
Clumsy/Physically awkward
Alphabet soup
abundance of acronyms
At sixes and sevens
In disorder/confusion
Be in the red
To be in a loss/debt
Break cover
Suddenly leave a place of shelter especially vegetation when being hunted/pursued
A bull in a China shop
An extremely awkward, clumsy person
To catch some Red handed
Split hair
To indulge in over-refined arguments
Queer fish
Strange person
Rest on one’s laurels
Complacent, self-satisfied
Bag of bones
Very thin person
Grey market
Unofficial market
Talk shop
Official talk, to talk about your work with people you work with
Snake in the glass
Secret enemy
Wear off
Not clear
Spartan life
Life of ascetic
In black and white
In writing
Grease the palm
Turn up one’s nose
To take lightly with contempt
Close fisted person
Chicken hearted
White elephant
Costly and troublesome, possession useless to its owner
To be all at sea
Achilles’ heel
Weakness/vulnerable point