English/History/General Knowledge Flashcards
To abolish
To discontinue (stop) something formally
To abandon
To cease (stop) to support or look after something/someone
To accept
To agree, say yes for a duty/role
To accompany
To go together
To accomplish
To complete successfully
To adapt
To make change to fit in (the group/environment)
To admire
To view with respect
To adjust
To move or change to fit in
To admit
Two meanings :
- to tell the truth
- allow to enter a place
Def : able to change their ideas or behaviour in order to deal with new situations
Ad: Adaptably
N: Adaptability
Verb: To adapt
Def : very cute
Ad: Adorably
N: Adorableness
Verb: To adore
Def : willing to take risks
An: Unadventurous
Ad: Adventurously
N: Adventure
Verb: To adventure
Def : showing love and care to others
Ad: Affectionately
N: Affection
Verb: To affectionate
Def : showing sudden anger
Ad: Aggressively
N: Aggressivity
Verb: To aggress
Def : nice, enjoyable
An: Disagreeable
Ad: Agreeably
N: Agreeableness
Def : Who has big goals and wants to succeed
Ad: Ambitiously
N: Ambition
Def : funny
An: Boring
Ad: Amusingly
N: Amusment
Verb: To amuse
Def : always worried, sad and scared
Ad: Anxiously
N: Anxiety
Def : looking down at others, thinking you know better or are better than others
An: Humble
Ad: Arrogantly
N: Arrogance
Def: having natural talent
Ad: artistically
N: art, artist
Def : who gives orders
Ad: bossily
N: boss
Def: not afraid to face danger and difficulties
An: scared
Ad: bravely
N: bravery
Verb: to brave
Def: smart quickly thinking
An: stupid
Ad: brightly
N: brightness
Def: quiet, not showing strong emotions
An: excited
Ad: calmly
N: calmness
Def: making sure of avoiding danger OR doing things nicely
An: careless
Ad: carefully
Def: not giving enough work or thought on something OR behaving in a dangerous way
An: careful
Ad: carelessly
Def: who attracts and inspires people by their qualities
Ad: charismatically
N: charisma
Def: behave in a way that makes people like him or her
Ad: charmingly
N: charm
V: to charm
Def: who talks a lot
Ad: chattily
V: to chat
Def: mentally quick, smart
A: stupid
Ad: cleverly
N: cleverness
Def: a person who stays very close to someone for protection and care
Ad: clingingly
V: to cling
Def: willing to talk and exchange information
Ad: communicatively
N: communication
V: to communicate
Def: understanding for people suffering
An: cruel
Ad: compassionately
N: compassion
Def: to be sure of yourself
An: shy,afraid
Ad: confidently
N: confidence
Def: behaving in an angry way that is likely to cause an argument
Ad confrontationaly
N: confrontation
V: to confront
Def: not afraid to face difficulties
An: coward
Ad: courageously
N: courage
Def : lacking courage, scared of responsibilities
An: courageous
Ad: cowardly
N: cowardice
Def : skill of being clever at planning something to get what you want, sometimes by tricking others
Ad: cunningly
N: cunningness
Def : using imagination or new ideas to make something
Ad: creatively
N: creativity
Verb: to create
Def: willing to cause pain to other and not care about it (dhunga heart)
An: compassionate
Ad: cruely
N: cruelty
Def: who can’t be trusted
An: honest
Ad: deceitfully
N: deceitfulness
Def: feeling hurt and answering badly to others to protect yourself from criticism
Ad: defensively
N: defensiveness
Def: to try hard to reach a goal
Ad: determinedly
N: determination
Def: to try hard to reach a goal
Ad: determinedly
N: determination
Def: to put a lot of effort into something
An: lazy
Ad: diligently
N: diligence
Def: slow to learn
An: bright, clever
Ad: dimly
Def: skilled in handling difficult situations without upsetting anyone
Ad: diplomatically
N: diplomacy
Def: quiet, not making problems
An: indiscreet
Ad: discreetly
N: discretion
Def: full of energy
Ad: dynamically
N: dynamism
Not annoyed, able to stay calm, easy to deal with
Def: The ability to achieve a goal without waste of effort or energy
Ad : efficiently
Noun: efficiency
Def: who shows emotions easily (sadness, anger..)
Ad: emotionally
N: emotion
Def: with a lot of energy
Ad: energetically
Noun: energy
Def: big excitement about something
Ad: enthusiastically
N: enthusiasm
Def: not afraid
Ad: fearlessly
N: fear
Def: adaptable, able to change his/her opinion
Ad: flexibly
N: flexibility
Def: who tells the truth
Ad: frankly
N: frankness
Def: liking to share and give to others
An: greedy, selfish
Ad: generously
N: generosity
Def: annoyed, in a bad mood
An: jolly
Ad: grumpily
Def: who works hard and diligently
Def: who helps others
Ad: helpfully
Verb: to help
Def: very very funny
Ad: hilariously
N: hilarity
Def: not lying or cheating
An: dishonest
Ad: honestly
N: honesty
Def: not thinking of yourself as better than the others
An: arrogant
Ad: humbly
N: humility
Def: uneducated, who doesn’t have knowledge
Ad: ignorantly
N: ignorance
Def: fair, who doesn’t take sides
An: partial
Ad: impartially
N: impartiality
Def: annoyed of waiting for something
An: patient
Ad: impatiently
N: impatience
Def: rude, without good manners
An: polite
Ad: impolitely
Def: who does things suddenly, without thinking beforehand
Ad: impulsively
N: impulsivity
Def: who can’t choose, who can’t decide
Ad: indecisively
N: indecisiveness
Def: able to do things own your own without the help of others
Ad: independently
Noun: independence
Verb: to (not) depend on…
Def: able to do things own your own without the help of others
Ad: independently
Noun: independence
Verb: to (not) depend on…
Def: not able to handle responsibilities
N: responsibility
Def: feeling unhappy or angry because someone has something you want
N: jealousy
Def: Feeling or showing happiness
An: sad
Ad: joyfully
N: joyfulness
Def: to criticize a lot others opinions, behaviours and values
Ad: judgementally
N: judgment
V: to judge
Related : judge
Def: having a lot of knowledge or information about many subjects
An: ignorant/uneducated
N: knowledge
V: to know
Always supporting someone or something
An: disloyal
Ad: loyally
Always supporting someone or something
An: disloyal
Ad: loyally
Def: unkind or unhelpful, treating others badly
An: kind
Def: frequently changing emotions. Feeling happy one moment and sad the next one.
Feeling very worried about something
An: calm
Ad: nervously
Def: who believes that good things will happen in the future
An: pessimistic
Ad: optimistically
N: optimism
Critical / overcritical
Def: who criticizes a lot / too much
Ad: critically
N: criticism
Def: being able to wait without being upset or angry
An: impatient
Ad: patiently
N: patience
Def: showing good manners
An: impolite
Ad: politely
N: politeness
How do we call the rulers in Egyptian civilizations ?
Who is the god of afterlife in Egyptian mythology and how would he judge if the dead had a good heart ?
Anubis. He will weigh the heart. If the heart was heavier than a feather, he will give it to eat to Ammit.
What would be placed in the pharaohs’ tombs ?
Gold, furniture, statues, pets, food, organ jars.. and everything they think they’ll use in the afterlife
What is the valley of Kings ?
Is a place where many pharaoh’s tombs are located.
What is a monument ?
A historical building
What is the holy book of Judaism ?
The Torah
In which language is written the Torah ?
How do we call the writing used by the Egyptian ?
How were the hieroglyphics translated in 1822 ?
Through the Rosetta Stone. Both Greek and hieroglyphics were written, therefore humans could translate.
In which continent is located Egypt ?
For how long Romans and Egyptian coexisted ?
700 years
Who conquered Egypt and put an end to the Egyptian Civilization ?
The Roman Empire
For how long lasted the Egyptian civilization ?
3000 years
What means polytheism ?
Worshiping many gods
What means monotheism ?
Worshipping only one god
What was the first monotheistic religion ?
When did Judaism started ?
Around 3000 years ago
How do we call the paper used by Egyptians during the Egyptian civilization?
The papyrus
Which organ was kept with the dead body during the process of mummification and which organs were removed?
All the organs were removed except the heart
According to Jews, how long did it take for god to create the world ?
Six days, resting on the seventh day
How do we call the first chapter of the Torah ?
The book of Genesis
How to we call the first chapter of the Torah ?
The book of Genesis
Fertile meaning
Producing or capable of producing
Prosperous meaning
Successful and wealthy (rich)
What was the unit of measurement of the Egyptian civilization ?
Cubit measurement (half arm and palm)
Who is the central figure of Christianity ?
Who is the central figure of Christianity ?
What is monotheism ?
Belief in one god
What is the holy book of Judaism?
According to the bible, in how many days was the earth created ?
Six days, resting of the seventh day
What are the names of the first siblings mentioned in the Torah ?
Cain and Abel
Who allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem to build the second temple ?
Cyrus the Great
Name two most holy places for Jews
Western wall and Temple Mount
What’s the meaning of Jihad ?
Fight against the enemies of Islam
Def: keeps going despite difficulties
Ad: perseveringly
Noun: perseverance
To affect
Def: to influence or make a change
To afford
To have enough money to buy something
To anticipate
To expect or look forward to something
To appear
To come into sight
To appreciate
To like
To approach
To come near to something
To approve
To agree with something
To argue
To discuss with opposite opinions; to fight verbally
To bear
To carry or support
To beg
To ask very nicely or desperately for something
To confess
To admit to something wrong or bad
To connect
To join together
To conquer
To win against something or someone
To consider
To think about carefully
To contain
To hold or include
To convince
To make someone believe you
To cooperate
To work together
To cure
To make someone healthy again
Monuments def
Historical structures built to honour people or events
Land that is good for growing crops
Having a lot of money or success
According to the Torah, who build an ark to save pairs of animals and humans from a flood ?
Anciently and according to the Torah, what was the name of the region that is now Israel/Palestine ?
According to the Torah, who lead the Israelites out of Egypt ?
List the ten plagues
Water turned to blood
Livestock disease
Death of the firstborn
According to the Torah, where was the First Temple built ?
Who destroyed the First Temple and made the Israelites run away from Jerusalem ?
The Babylonian Empire
Who conquered Canaan from the Babylonians and allowed Jews to build the Second Temple ?
Cyrus the Great
Who destroyed the Second Temple ? When ?
Romans in 70CE
Diapora def
The movement of people away from they homeland
How do we call racism against Jews ?
What is the name of the movement from the 19th/20th century which pointed the antisemitism and the persecution of Jews and aim for a Jewish homeland ?
Zionist Movement
How many Jews were killed during the Word War II ?
Six millions
When was the State of Israel created and by whom ?
In 1948 by the United Nations
What do we call the ritual of killing animals, mandatory in Judaism ?
What are the two types of food that Jews are forbidden to eat ?
Pork and shellfish
How do we call the process of taking out the extra skin of the penis, performed at a young age in Jewish culture ?
How do we call the small hat that Jews wear (mostly during prayers) as a sign of respect for God ?
What is the place of worship for Jews?
What is the main symbol of Judaism ?
The Star of David
Who are the leaders and teachers in Jewish communities ?
How is Judaism transmitted to a child ?
Through the mother
Why is the Western wall a sacred site for Jews ?
It is considered the last remnant of the Second Temple
Why is the Temple Mount sacred for Jews ?
- It is believed to be the site where Abraham nearly sacrificed his son Isaac
- believed to be the center of the universe - where the world was created
Temptation def
A strong desire to do something that is wrong
The act of not following rules or instructions
Sin def
A mistake according to religious laws
Wicked def
Very bad or evil
To spare
To save someone from something unpleasant or to not harm someone when you could
A person who comes from a specific ancestor like a child or grandchild
Sacrifice def
To give up on something valuable often for the sake of something or someone else
To refuse
To say no to something
To adopt
To take in or accept someone as part of a family or group
Crops def
Plants that are grown for food like vegetable fruits and grains
To wander def
To move around
Miracle def
An event that can’t be explained by natural or scientific laws
Information or facts that help to prove something is true
Unfair treatment of a person or a group based on their beliefs or identity
To co-exist
To live together peacefully even with différences
To co-exist
To live together peacefully even with différences
How many people are Christian worldwide nowadays ?
Around 2 billions
What is the holy book of Christianity ?
The bible
What are the two parts of the bible ?
The Old Testament (the Torah)
The New Testament (life of Jesus Christ)
What are the two parts of the bible ?
The Old Testament (the Torah)
The New Testament (life of Jesus Christ)
According to the Bible, who are the parents of Jesus ?
Virgin Mary and God it self
Name a few miracles performed by Jesus according to the Christian mythology
Turning water into wine
Waking on water
Healing the blind
Raising the dead
Why is the cross the symbol of Christianity ?
Because Christians believe Jesus was crucified on a cross
Who were the first to declared Christianity as their official religion ? When ?
The Roman Empire in 380CE
What are the Crusades ?
Crusades were military campaigns initiated by the Pope to reclaim Jerusalem from the Muslims
Who was the main Muslim sultan and respected leader who fought against Christian’s during the crusades ?
Who is Stephen of Cloyes ?
In 1212 CE Stephen is a child who believed he could take to god and conquer Jerusalem. He gathered around 30,000 children and went for this mission.. which ended up unsuccessful.
What type of Christians are there in majority in the USA ?
Who created the Church of England ?
Henri the VIII who wanted to divorce but was not allowed by the Pope
What is called the ritual performed to become Christian ?
What are the main two festivals for Christians and why ?
Christmas (believed to be the birth of Jesus)
Easter (celebrating the resurrection of Jesus)
Where does the Pope love ?
Vatican City (located in Italy)
What is the Holy Sepulchure ?
Located in Jerusalem, believed to be the site of Jesus’s crucifixion, burial and resurrection
How many Muslims are there worldwide ?
Around 1.8 billions
What is the meaning of Islam ?
Submission to god
Who is the final Prophet in Islam ?
How do Muslim call their god ?
Where is the Kaaba located ?
In Mecca, in Saudi Arabia
What is a caliph ?
A religious and political leader in Islam
Why did Muslims split after the death of Muhammad ?
Because Muhammad never pointed a successor
How did the Muslims split after Muhammed’s death ?
Sunni : believed Abu Bakr, Muhammad’s best friend should be the new leader
Shia : believed Ali, Muhammed’s cousin should be the new leader
How do we call the way of killing animal for food in Islam ?
What food is forbidden for most of the Muslims ?
What are the five pillars of Islam ?
Read the Quran
Pray five times a day
Zakat : charity to the poors
Fasting during the month of Ramadan
Pilgrimage to Mecca once in life
What is the holy book in Islam ?
The Quran
Extremists def
A person who holds extreme political or religious opinions, especially who encourages illegal and violent actions
What is the KKK ?
The Ku Kulx Klan is a white-supremacist Christian group in the USA that promotes extreme racist, antisemitism, Islamophobic and homophobia views. They’re are know for their acts of violence and hate crimes.
What means “jihad”?
Fight against the enemies of Islam
What is Hamas ?
Palestinian extremist jihadist organization
What is Hezbollah?
A Shia extremist jihadist organization based in Lebanon
What is Hezbollah?
A Shia extremist jihadist organization based in Lebanon
What is Al Qaeda ? Who founded it and what are they known for ?
A extremist jihadist terrorist organization founded by Osama Bin Laden.
Known for attacking the USA with plan crashes on the 11th of September 2001.
Who are the Talibans ?
They are a Islamic extremist group in power in Afghanistan. They’re known for their violents actions and their strict laws against women.
Who are the Talibans ?
They are a Islamic extremist group in power in Afghanistan. They’re known for their violents actions and their strict laws against women.