English Grammar In Use Flashcards
Môj sveter sa zrazil/zmenšil.
My sweater has shrunk.
On si zaväzuje šnúrku na topánke.
He is tying a shoelace.
Práve sa vrátila späť.
She has just came back.
Hoci sme išli rýchlo, predbiehalo nás veľa iných áut.
Although we were driving fast, we were overtaken by lot of other cars.
Včera sa stala nehoda, no našťastie nebol nikto zranený.
There was an accident last night, but fortunately nobody was injured.
Minulý týždeň si povedal, že spolu nevychádzajú.
Last week you said they didn’t get on with each other.
Komu patrí táto kniha?
Who does this book belong to?
Čo spadlo z poličky?
What fell off the shelf?
Koho ti pripomína Emma?
Who does Emma remind you of?
Stále na niečo zabúdam.
I keep forgetting things.
Vieš si predstaviť, že by bol niekto taký hlúpy?
Can you imagine anybody being so stupid?
Moje auto je nespoľahlivé. Stále sa kazí.
My car is unreliable(anrelájebl). It keeps breaking down.
Daj si sušienku
Have a biscuit! (Biskit)
Neil si nechal nárast bradu, pretože už mal po krk holenia.
Neil grew a beard because he was fed up with shaving.