English Finals Flashcards
Amenable (adj)
willing or open to cooperating or submitting (to something)
Pilfer (v)
to sneakily steal in small quantities
Insolent (adj)
Purposely and boldly disrespectful
Gaudy (adj)
showy but tasteless
Rash (adj)
too hasty, reckless
Exploit (v)
to make unethical use of for one’s own profit
Infringe (v)
to intrude or impose on (the rights of others, etc)
Corruption (n)/Corrupt (adj)
depraved or evil; taking bribes
Depravity (n)/ Depraved (adj)
morally bad, corrupt
Presumption (n)
an assumption, something taken for granted
Whim (n)
a fancy, a sudden, passing idea or inclination
Facade (n)
a front that conceals the (true) interior
Dingy (adj)
dirty, unclean, shabby
Piety (n)
devotion to religion
Defunct (adj)
no longer existing
Spendthrift (n)
some one who wastes money
Obstinate (adj)/ Obstinacy (n)
stubborn, determined to have one’s own way
Imprudent (adj)/ Imprudence (n)
rash, failure to exercise sound judgement
Scrupulous (adj)
precise, careful, conscientiously honest
Indulgent (adj)/ Indulge (v)
to humor, to gratify the wishes of (some one else)
Frivolous (adj)
silly, trivial, not serious-minded
Squander (v)
to spend or use wastefully
Capricious (adj)
impulsive, changeable, unpredictable
Hypocrite (n)/ Hypocritical (adj)
a person who pretends to be virtuous, but really isn’t
Reproach (v/n)
to scold, to accuse of wrongdoing
Plight (n)
a desperate, terrible situation
Brandish (v)
too hold something in a threatening way
Rapt (adj)
deeply focused, absorbed, or consumed with something
Surmise (v)
to conclude or guess based on limited evidence
Peerless (adj)
incomparable, matchless, without equal
Chastise (v)
punish by scolding
Impede (v)
to interfere with progress
Entreat (v)
to request, ask or implore
Augment (v)
to make larger or bigger
Palpable (adj)
so intense it is almost able to be felt physically
Unruly (adj)
uncontrollable, wild, unmanageable
Temperate (adj)
calm, mild
Divulge (v)
to reveal or tell
Consort (v)
to mingle or spend time with undesirable people
Dauntless (adj)
Valor (n)
courage, bravery, especially in the field of war or battle
Bounteous (adj)
generous, liberal
Incense (v)
to make some one extremely angry
Jocund (adj)
happy, cheerful
Infirmity (n)
a weakness or failing in some one’s character or body
Sear (v)
to burn or scorch
Malevolence (n)
an ill will, or bad feeling toward someone
Pernicious (adj)
causing great harm, destruction: wicked, evil
Clamorous (adj)
loud, chaotic, noisy
Dispute (v/n)
to fight or disagree/ a fight or disagreement
Tangible (adj)
clear and definite; able to be touched
Intangible (adj)
vague, difficult to understand; not able to touch or grasp
Sullen (adj)
sulky, gloomy, bad-tempered
Lucid (adj)
sane, clearly understandable
Wistful (adj)
vague or regretful longing
Rapport (n)
a good relationship, connection, and common understanding among people (often a group)
Comport (v)/Comportment (n)
to conduct or behave oneself/ one’s behavior or bearing (how you present yourself to others)
Servile (adj)
Dainty (adj)
delicate, small and pretty
Frugal (adj)
thrifty or prudent with money
Imperative (adj)
not to be avoided, very necessary, urgent
Tedious (adj)
extremely boring
Eviscerate (v)
to gut (an animal or person); to deprive (some one or something) of its essential core
Giddy (adj)/ Giddiness (n)
silly, lighthearted, joyful elated/ the state of lightheartedness or elation
Reticence (n)
reserve and reluctance
Impassive (adj)
expressionless, revealing no emotion
Trite (adj)
(a saying or idea) overused, unoriginal, stale
Exploit (n)
a notable act or deed (daring prank)
Tentative (adj)
not fully worked out (tentative agreement) hesitant, unsure
Atrocity (n)
a horrible act