English expressions #1 Flashcards
to take smth in one’s stride
спокойно относиться к неприятностям, преодолевать трудности Eg. Most people would be devastated if they lost their jobs, but Mike seems to have taken it all in his stride.
to take exception to smth
возражать, злиться, протестовать, раздражаться Eg. Tom took great exception to my remark about Americans; He took exception to the way his neighbours always parked their car outside his garage
smth takes it out of you
что-то вас очень выматывает, утомляет Eg. Teaching kids can certainly take it out of you
to get one’s comeuppance
получить заслуженное наказание Eg. You’ll get your comeuppance one day!
to make do with smth
справляться, обходиться (чем-л.имеющимся в наличие) Eg. If there is no butter, I’ll make do with margerine
to bring smth out in spots/a rash
появились сыпь, прыщи Eg. I love chocolate mikl, but I can’t have it. It brings me out in spots
from/at the outset
с самого начала Eg. You were warned at the outset that you had to train every day if you wanted to get into a team
a drawback
недостаток Eg. One of the biggest drawbacks of living in USA was that I was so far from Europe
to keep on/at smb about smth
ругать кого-л, доставать Eg. I said I’d fix the fence, so why do you have to keep on at me about it?
to tone smth down
смягчать, затушевать (речь, письмо, жалобу, сделать не таким агрессивным) Eg. I know it’s a letter of complaint but don’t you think that you should tone it down a bit?
to snuff a candle out
задуть свечку Eg. Dom’t forget to snuff a candles out when you leave
to push the door to
закрыть дверь Eg. It’s cold in here. Could you push the door to?
to ply smb with smth
засыпать, забрасывать, часто о еде (закармливать, усиленно угощать, потчевать) Eg. Aunt Ann plied us with so much food that I could hardly walked when it came time to leave
to patch things up/ to patch up smth (relationship)
улаживать ссору eg. I know that they are not talking to each other now, but i’m sure they will patch things up
to own up
откровенно признаваться, сознаться (о дурном поступке) Eg. Little boy owned up breaking the window