english exam quotes & film techniques Flashcards
Humanity and Dehumanisation 1
“You won’t find a violent bone in my body”
Humanity and Dehumanisation 2
“Don’t clean it too well… You might get ideas.”
Belonging and Discrimination 1
“I belonged to a new underclass no longer determined by social status or the colour of your skin”
Belonging and Discrimination 2
“We now have discrimination down to a science”
Determinism and Free Will 1
“I got the better end of the bargain, I lent you my body you lent me your dream”
Determinism and Free Will 2
“There is no gene for human spirit”
“There is no gene for fate”
Science and nature 1
“Naturally our standard is beyond that of the common citizen”
Science and nature 2
“They were determined that their next child would be brought into the world in what has become the natural way”
Empowered and Disempowered 1
“It was the one moment in our lives that my brother was not as strong as he believed - and I was not as weak”
Empowered and Disempowered 2
“Anton was by far the stronger swimmer and he had no excuse to fail”
Relationships 1
“Looks like the wind caught it”
Relationships 2
“By the way, have I ever told you about my son? Remind me to sometime.”