English Deck 6 Flashcards
Not long lasting. Eg. An xxxxx love affair Eg. The dictators influence over the country was xxxxx Eg. The Autumn colours are to be treasured all the more because they are so xxxxx Picture. Feminine lady. Picture. Tiny midget. Pic. Tiny midget lady.
Suitable, appropriate, enjoyable, friendly Eg. She left politics for a more xxxxx lifestyle. Eg. On the course tiger is a ruthless competitor bit off the field he is warm and xxxxx. Eg. Sydney is a very xxxxx place to raise children. Eg. Tessa is happy working at the baby store and finds it a very xxxxx environment. Pic 1 = genie Pic 2 = genie smoking weed.
Very impressive. This lanky Texan with xxxx talent fired a huge salvo in the thawing of the Cold War The xxxx author His feats of memory about novels or history were xxxxx. Pic = cattle prod. Pic 2 = walking on a tight rope.
1 : to inflame with love. 2 : to cause to feel a strong or excessive interest or fascination Eg. I was xxxx of the beautiful dancer; We were xxxxx with the charming island. Pic 1 = armour Pic 2 = love hearts. Pic 3 = pink armour with hearts all over.
Continuing without interruption Eg. Stop your incessant complaining . Eg. The child prodigy practiced xxxxxly until she mastered it. Eg. It’s been raining xxxxxly all week.
Not controlled, restricted, relaxed Eg. She lives her life with xxxxx bounds of optimism. Eg. Obamas delivers incredible xxxxxx speeches. Pic 1. = fetta cheese. Pic2 = flying not air balloon. Pic 3 = hot air balloon made of fetta cheese melting.
done, felt, or expressed in a free and uncontrolled way Eg. The crowd was swept with xxxxxx enthusiasm. Eg. a case that was solved only because of one detective’s xxxxxx determination to bring the killer to justice. Pic = bride Pic 2 = dancing in an uncontrolled way.
Not long lasting. Eg. An xxxxx love affair Eg. The dictators influence over the country was xxxxx Eg. The Autumn colours are to be treasured all the more because they are so xxxxx Picture. Feminine lady. Picture. Tiny midget. Pic. Tiny midget lady.
Causing harm in a gradual way and not easily noticed Eg. Sugar is an xxxxx killer Pic 1 = insect Pic 2 = crawls up and stings u slowly
To spread out and disappear Eg. Investor confidence xxxxxed at the first hint of the news Eg. The morning sun xxxxed the fog.
Continuing without interruption Eg. Stop your incessant complaining . Eg. The child prodigy practiced xxxxxly until she mastered it. Eg. It’s been raining xxxxxly all week.
Authoritative Oder. Eg. I made the change at the authors xxxx Eg. He now has to cancel his holiday at the xxxx of his boss Pic 1 = beehive Pic 2 = queen been giving a hitler style lecture
Not controlled, restricted, relaxed Eg. She lives her life with xxxxx bounds of optimism. Eg. Obamas delivers incredible xxxxxx speeches. Pic 1. = fetta cheese. Pic2 = flying not air balloon. Pic 3 = hot air balloon made of fetta cheese melting.
Very bad, dirty, Eg 1. They’ve unmasked his xxxx past. Eg 2. Spare me the xxxx details please. Pic 1 = sore Pic 2 = covered in mud
Suitable, appropriate, enjoyable, friendly Eg. She left politics for a more xxxxx lifestyle. Eg. On the course tiger is a ruthless competitor bit off the field he is warm and xxxxx. Eg. Sydney is a very xxxxx place to raise children. Eg. Tessa is happy working at the baby store and finds it a very xxxxx environment. Pic 1 = genie Pic 2 = genie smoking weed.