English Club Flashcards
I am responsible for payrol agenda
jsem zodpovědná
keep records, internal regulation
dělat záznamy, vnitřní předpis
to be entitled
mít nárok
lump sum
administrative burden
administrativní překážky
I have been used to working…
be liable for (the contractor is now liable for the wages), in charge of
it didn´t draw my attention
nepřitáhlo to mou pozornost
be in comply with th obligation (not to neglect to comply with…)
volatile - /vol¨tail/ nestabilní, nestálý
volatility /vol¨tilititi
it is likely that he will win the election
he is likely to win the election
to cut it short
abych to zkrátil
control statement
kontrolní hlášení
non- residential premises
nebytové prostory
appeal, file an appeal / a tax return (he is accused of not having filed a tax return) (he wants to appealing)
podat odvolání / daňové přiznání