English Bible - OT Flashcards
To attain to a high degree of familiarity with the content of the English Bible (Old Testament), including canonical divisions, book outlines, textual locations of key passages and characters, and historical dates.
How many books are in the Bible?
How many books are in the Old Testament?
How many books are in the New Testament?
Where in the Old Testament would you find the Ten Commandments (two references)?
Exodus 20:1-17
Deuteronomy 5:6-21
Where in the New Testament would you find the Law summarized (two references, quote one)?
Matthew 22:37-40 - “And He said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets.””
Mark 12:28-31 - One of the scribes came and heard them arguing, and recognizing that He had answered them well, asked Him, “What commandment is the foremost of all?” Jesus answered, “The foremost is, ‘Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is one Lord; and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ The second is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”
These two passages are direct citations/renderings of Deuteronomy 6:4-5 and Leviticus 19:18.
Deuteronomy 6:4-5 - ““Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord is one! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.”
Leviticus 19:18 - “You shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the sons of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself; I am the Lord.”
Locate two passages about the revelation of God in nature.
Psalm 19:1-6 - “The heavens are telling of the glory of God; And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands. Day to day pours forth speech, And night to night reveals knowledge. There is no speech, nor are there words; Their voice is not heard. Their line has gone out through all the earth, And their utterances to the end of the world. In them He has placed a tent for the sun, Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber; It rejoices as a strong man to run his course. Its rising is from one end of the heavens, And its circuit to the other end of them; And there is nothing hidden from its heat.”
Romans 1:18-20 - “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.”
Locate two passages about the revelation of God in Scripture.
Psalm 19:7-8 - “The law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul; The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.”
Psalm 119:105 - “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”
Name the general divisions of the English (and Vulgate) Old Testament, and the books in each.
(5) Pentateuch/Torah/Law/Books of Moses - Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
(9) Pre-Exilic History - Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings, 1 & 2 Chronicles
(3) Post-Exilic History - Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther
(5) Wisdom/Writings - Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon
(5) Major Prophets - Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel
(9) Pre-Exilic Minor Prophets - Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Naum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah
(3) Post-Exilic Minor Prophets - Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi
Give a general outline of Old Testament history, including key dates.
Creation & Fall - 4004 BC Flood - 2348 BC Babel - 2234 BC Patriarchs - 1921 BC - 1706 BC Descent to Egypt - 1706 BC Exodus - 1491 BC Judges - 1394 BC - 1095 BC United Monarchy - 1095 BC - 975 BC Division of Kingdom - 975 BC Exile of Israel - 722/721 BC Exile of Judah - 587/586 BC Restoration of Judah - 535 BC Close of the OT Canon - 400 BC
Give a general outline of Old Testament history from the perspective of the covenant, including key passages.
Adamic Covenant: Genesis 1:27-28; 2:16-17
Introduction of the Covenant of Grace: Genesis 3:15
Noahic Covenant: Genesis 6:18; 8:20-22; 9:8-17
Abrahamic Covenant: Genesis 12:1-9; 15; 17
Mosaic Covenant: Exodus 20 (10 Commandments); 21-23 (Stipulations of the Covenant); 24 (Confirmation Ceremony of the Covenant).
Davidic Covenant: 2 Samuel 7
New Covenant Foretold: Jer. 31:31-34 (cf. Hebrews 8); Ezekiel 36
Discuss briefly the life and significance of Adam. Reference relevant Scripture passages.
Adam was the first created man and the father of all men (Genesis 1 and 2). After being created with an uncorrupted nature, he fell from the state of innocency by eating the fruit of the forbidden tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 3). The result of Adam’s fall was death (spiritual separation from the comfortable presence of God and physical mortality) for both himself and all of his natural descendants (Genesis 2-3; Romans 5).
Discuss briefly the life and significance of Abraham. Reference relevant Scripture passages.
Abraham was born with the name Abram, in Ur. He was the son of Terah (Genesis 11). He was called by God (c. 2000-1900 BC; Genesis 12:1-9). He received from God promises of descendants, a land, vindication, and a blessing (Genesis 12:1-4), being credited as righteous on the basis of belief/faith/trust in God (Genesis 15:1-6). He is the physical/hereditary father of the Jewish people; he is the spiritual father of all those who believe in the One True God (Romans 4).
Discuss briefly the life and significance of Joseph. Reference relevant Scripture passages.
Joseph was the eleventh son of Jacob (great-grandson of Abraham), and the firstborn from Rachel’s womb. His life is chronicled in Genesis 37-50. Favored by his father, he was sold into slavery by his jealous brothers (Genesis 37). God protected and prospered him in Egypt, first in the house of Potiphar, then from slavery and prison to his rise as Pharaoh’s Prime Minister (Genesis 39-41). Through him, Jacob and his family came to reside in Egypt (Genesis 46) until the Exodus under Moses 400 years later. Two of the 12 tribes of Israel are named for his sons Ephraim and Manasseh. As a prophesied, rejected (Genesis 37), forgiving (Genesis 50) redeemer of his brethren, Joseph is a striking type of Christ.
Discuss briefly the life and significance of Moses. Reference relevant Scripture passages.
Moses was born of Hebrew parents, but raised in the house of Pharaoh. After murdering an Egyptian assaulting a Hebrew man, he fled to Midian where he married Zipporah (Jethro’s daughter) and remained for 40 years, until he was 80 (Exodus 1-2). Appearing to Moses in a burning bush, God called Moses to deliver His people from Egypt (Exodus 3-4). Through Moses’ leadership, God delivered His people and led them out of Egypt, across the Red Sea and to Mount Sinai (Exodus 5-19). At Sinai, God delivered through Moses His servant the law and instructions for the tabernacle and its related items (Exodus 20-30). Due to rebellion, the people were to wander in the wilderness for 40 years (Numbers 14). Moses was allowed to see the land promised to the patriarchs, but was not allowed to enter for his sin at Meribah (Numbers 20). He died at 120 years old, and God buried him (Deuteronomy 34). Moses is a type of Christ our Mediator.
Discuss briefly the life and significance of Deborah. Reference relevant Scripture passages.
Deborah was a judge and prophetess in Israel (Judges 4-5). She resided (or executed her judgments) under a palm tree between Ramah and Bethel. She delivered God’s order to Barak to war against Sisera, which he would only do if she accompanied him. She did and Sisera was overthrown (killed by Jael, wife of Heber the Kenite). Deborah recounts Sisera’s defeat in song in Judges 5. She demonstrates that God is not constrained by the limits He imposes on us: He requires that we fill the offices of the church with men only, but He can use a woman to judge His people if He chooses. To be clear, the example of Deborah does not permit Christ’s church to ordain women (as Elder or Deacon).
Discuss briefly the life and significance of Ruth. Reference relevant Scripture passages.
Ruth was a Moabitess in the time of the Judges. Her story is told in the book bearing her name. She is the widowed daughter-in-law of widowed Naomi. She loyally returns to Israel from Moab (after a famine) with her mother-in-law. She is noticed by Boaz a relative of her dead father-in-law Elimelech. He redeems her according to the law of levirate marriage. Their first son, Obed, is the grandfather of King David. Her redemption by Boaz is a picture of Christ’s work and also shows that God’s redemptive plans involve Gentiles, even in the establishment of the royal/Messianic genealogy.
Discuss briefly the life and significance of Joshua. Reference relevant Scripture passages.
Joshua was a close associate/deputy of Moses (Exodus 17) and one of the 12 spies sent into the promised land. Only he and Caleb recommended invasion (Numbers 13-14). He was consecrated Moses’ successor near the Jordan (Numbers 27, Deuteronomy 31). He led the initial conquest of Canaan, including Jericho, Ai, and the confederacy of Canaanite kings (Joshua 5-12). Joshua’s acting as leader (Deuteronomy 34), warrior (Joshua 5-11), divider of inheritance (Joshua 13-23), and covenant maker (Joshua 8, 5, 24) picture/typify/fore-signify Christ.
Discuss briefly the life and significance of Gideon. Reference relevant Scripture passages.
Gideon was a judge in Israel. He was called by God while secretly threshing wheat (lest it be stolen by the Midianites) (Judges 6). He defeated the Midianites with a tiny army of 300 men (Judges 7). He declined the people’s offer to establish himself as king, but did take a reward of gold with which he made an ephod which became a tool of apostasy (Judges 8). He is lauded in Hebrews 11 as great man of faith.
Discuss briefly the life and significance of Samuel. Reference relevant Scripture passages.
Born of previously barren Hannah and Elkanah, he was dedicated as a Nazirite, raised in the Shiloh temple, and received a prophetic call as a boy (1 Samuel 1). He is viewed as the first of the prophets (Acts 3:24; 13:20). At God’s command he reluctantly anointed Saul as the first king of Israel (1 Samuel 8-9). After Saul’s sin and God’s rejection of him, Samuel anointed David as king (1 Samuel 16). After his death, Saul tried to discern God’s will by calling Samuel from the dead (1 Samuel 28).
Discuss briefly the life and significance of David. Reference relevant Scripture passages.
David’s name is first mentioned at the end of Ruth 4. After being anointed king by Samuel (1 Samuel 16), he came to Saul’s court as a musician. Shortly thereafter, youthful David distinguished himself for his faith and bravery in slaying Goliath (1 Samuel 17). As David ascended and Saul descended, the king’s hatred for David grew and numerous attempts on David’s life were made (1 Samuel 18-19). After a long period wherein David was a fugitive, Saul was killed by the Philistines (1 Samuel 31); and David ascended to the throne, first of two tribes (2 Samuel 1) then of all 12 (2 Samuel 5) (reign: c. 1010-970 BC). He made Jerusalem his capital (2 Samuel 5). God rejected David’s plan to build Him a house, but promised an everlasting house for David (2 Samuel 7). David’s kingdom prospered greatly for a time; and then David committed adultery with Bathsheba and proxy-murdered her noble husband Uriah (2 Samuel 11). Despite genuine repentance (Psalm 51), these sins brought trouble on David and his house until the end of his days in the forms of Amnon’s sin (2 Samuel 13), and the rebellions of Absalom (2 Samuel 13-18), Sheba (2 Samuel 20), and Adonijah (1 Kings 1-2). David’s death is recorded in 1 Kings 2. David’s love of God (1 Samuel 13) and his roles as shepherd and anointed king of God’s people show him as a picture of Christ; while his sins show that the true king of God’s everlasting kingdom was still to come.
Discuss briefly the life and significance of Solomon. Reference relevant Scripture passages.
Solomon was David’s son by Bathsheba. He became king (after some intrigue) with David’s approval (1 Kings 1) (reign: c. 970-931 BC). In a dream, God offered Solomon his choice of gifts, and he chose wisdom (1 Kings 3). This wisdom was displayed in the matter of the harlots (1 Kings 3), his administration, proverbs, and areas of knowledge (1 Kings 4). He was also a noted builder: of the temple (1 Kings 6) and his palace (1 Kings 7). He dedicated the temple with a beautiful prayer (1 Kings 8); God answered, promising to sustain His covenant with David. Solomon’s reign declined through his devotion to many foreign wives and his syncretism with their idolatrous religion (1 Kings 11). God’s judgment for this son (division of the kingdom) was stayed during Solomon’s life on account of David but came to fruition in his son Rehoboam’s reign (1 Kings 12). Solomon’s glorious kingdom and his wisdom picture Christ, and demonstrate God’s faithfulness to the covenant, while his sins point to the perfect fulfillment yet to come.
Discuss briefly the life and significance of Rehoboam. Reference relevant Scripture passages.
Rehoboam was the son of Solomon, and the last king of a united Israel (reign: c. 931-913 B.C). Upon his ascension there was revolt against Solomon’s heavy rule. Rehoboam foolishly chose to increase the burden (1 Kings 12). The northern ten tribes made Jeroboam son of Nebat their king, and the kingdom was sundered according to the prophecy of Ahijah (1 Kings 11).
Discuss briefly the life and significance of Jeroboam son of Nebat. Reference relevant Scripture passages.
Jeroboam son of Nebat was at one time in the employ of Solomon, overseeing his workforce in the northern tribes. He fomented revolt and fled to Egypt (1 Kings 11). During the reign of King Rehoboam, he returned and led the rebellion of the northern tribes, becoming the first king of Israel (1 King 12) (reign: c. 931-910 B.C). He led that kingdom into idolatry, establishing golden calves at Bethel and Dan (1 Kings 12), complete with a non-levitical priesthood. For these God rebuked him through Ahijah (1 Kings 13-14), promising the violent end of his house.
Discuss briefly the life and significance of Elijah. Reference relevant Scripture passages.
Elijah was a prophet in the northern kingdom of Israel during the reign of King Ahab (reign: c. 874-853 BC) and Queen Jezebel. He contended for the worship of Yahweh against Baal worship. He announced a drought (and was miraculously sustained through it) (1 Kings 17). Through him, God humiliated the worshipers of Baal on Mt. Carmel (1 Kings 18). Afterwards he fled to Horeb and was comforted by God. He confronted King Ahab regarding Naboth’s stolen vineyard (1 Kings 21). He was taken to heaven in the presence of a fiery chariot (2 Kings 2). He is frequently (almost 30 times) mentioned in the New Testament. His return was anticipated as a precursor of the Messiah (and fulfilled in John the Baptist’s ministry, Matthew 11:14). Further, he stands for the prophets at Christ’s transfiguration (as Moses does the Law).
Discuss briefly the life and significance of Elisha. Reference relevant Scripture passages.
Elisha was the attendant and successor of Elijah. He was called through Elijah (1 Kings 19), from whom he inherited a “double portion of his spirit” (2 Kings 2). His long ministry was marked by numerous miracles, among them: the purifying of water (2 Kings 2), the increase of the widow’s oil (2 Kings 4), the restoration of the Shunammite’s son (2 Kings 4), and the healing of Naaman’s leprosy (2 Kings 5). He also foretold a number of events. The large number and variety of Elisha’s miracles, following on the career of Elijah, is suggestive of Christ’s ministry following John the Baptist (who came in the spirit of Elijah, Matthew 17:12-13).
Discuss briefly the life and significance of Hezekiah. Reference relevant Scripture passages.
King Hezekiah was the 14th king of Judah (reign: c. 716-687 BC). He reigned over Judah for 29 years and was noted for his piety (2 Kings 18). During his reign, Samaria fell and Israel was deported. He instituted religious reforms, purifying the temple (2 Chronicles 29), and reestablishing the Passover (2 Chronicles 30), and destroying high places (2 Chronicles 31). The Assyrians, through Sennacherib, tried to subdue Jerusalem but suffered a huge (miraculous) loss (2 Kings 18-19). Hezekiah is also noted for the extension of his life by 15 years(2 Kings 20); his relationship with Isaiah; and his entertaining the emissaries from Babylon.
Discuss briefly the life and significance of Josiah. Reference relevant Scripture passages.
King Josiah was the great-grandson of King Hezekiah (reign: c. 639-609 BC). He ascended to the throne at 8 years old, reigned for 31 years, and enacted many religious reforms (2 Kings 22). During his reign, the “Book of the Law” was found in the temple by Hilkiah (2 Kings 22), leading to greater reform. He fulfilled the prophecy of 1 Kings 13 regarding the destruction and defilement of the high places; and he celebrated the Passover in grand style (2 Kings 23). He was killed in battle against Pharaoh Neco (2 Chronicles 35).
Discuss briefly the life and significance of Jeremiah. Reference relevant Scripture passages.
Jeremiah was a prophet in Judah from c. 626 to 587 BC. He prophesied through 40 years and five kings (Josiah, Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin, Zedekiah). He was called as a young man (Jeremiah 1). Much of his recorded prophesy deals with the nation’s unfaithfulness (Jeremiah 2) and the inevitable judgment to come (Jeremiah 3-6, 8-10). In the midst of God’s judgment, Jeremiah also holds forth hope, particularly as he speaks of the New Covenant (Jeremiah 30-34). He wrote to the exiled Jews, assuring them that God would hear them and care for them in a foreign land, highlighting the spiritual nature of worship (Jeremiah 29). He also wrote Lamentations, a series of dirges portraying the capture and destruction of Jerusalem.
Discuss briefly the life and significance of Ezekiel. Reference relevant Scripture passages.
Ezekiel was likely carried to Babylon along with Jehoiachin (c. 597 BC) (2 Kings 24). Five years later, he received his call as prophet (Ezekiel 1) to the exile community. His prophecies are full of Temple/priestly imagery, and naturally deal with the disaster of his day: the destruction of Jerusalem, the Temple, and its meaning. He also pronounced judgments on surrounding nations. He also held forth great hope in the promise of a new heart (Ezekiel 36) and the picture of the revived dry bones and the reunited people (Ezekiel 37). The last portion of the book bearing his name takes up a detailed description of a rebuilt Temple (Ezekiel 40-48). This seems to point figuratively to kingdom of God.
Discuss briefly the life and significance of Daniel. Reference relevant Scripture passages.
Daniel was a Hebrew youth of a noble family taken into Babylonian captivity by Nebuchadnezzar and trained (with others) for royal service (Daniel 1). He distinguished himself by interpreting the king’s dreams of a large statue of various metals (Daniel 2) and of a great tree cut down (Daniel 4). He endured the trials of a fiery furnace (Daniel 3) and the lion’s den (Daniel 6). Much of his apocalyptic book deals with his own visions, which portend the rise and fall of men’s kingdoms and the coming of the Son of Man whose kingdom is without limits (Daniel 7).
Discuss briefly the life and significance of Nehemiah. Reference relevant Scripture passages.
Cupbearer for the Persian king Artaxerxes (reign: c. 465-424 BC). He was granted permission to return to Jerusalem, was appointed governor, and oversaw the rebuilding of the walls (Nehemiah 6). With Ezra, great efforts at reform and repopulation were made, resting on the law (Nehemiah 8) and confession (Nehemiah 9). Nehemiah’s book is noted for frequent prayers, and revival born by great faith and work amidst poverty and earthly opposition.
Discuss briefly the life and significance of Malachi. Reference relevant Scripture passages.
Malachi was a post-Exilic prophet, whose name is given to a short prophetical book that closes the English Bible. He likely lived during the time of Nehemiah. His exhortations came when the people were drifting back into syncretism, a negligent view of worship, and rampant divorce (Malachi 1-2). Against these sins, Malachi promised coming judgment (Malachi 3) and the coming vindication of the faithful on the “Day of the Lord” (Malachi 4).
Where (book and chapter) do you find the Passover?
Exodus 12
Where (book and chapter) do you find the Ten Commandments?
Exodus 20; Deuteronomy 5
Where (book and chapter) do you find the Day of Atonement?
Leviticus 16
Where (book and chapter) do you find the Shema and reiteration of the Law?
Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Where (book and chapter) do you find reference to the Watchman?
Ezekiel 33
Where (book and chapter) do you find the New Covenant?
Jeremiah 31
Where (book and chapter) do you find the phrase, “I will pour out my Spirit?”
Joel 2:28
Where (book and chapter) do you find the phrase, “The just shall live by faith?”
Habakkuk 2:4
Where (book and chapter) do you find the phrase, “I am going to send my messenger?”
Malachi 3:1
Where (book and chapter) do you find the Messianic Psalms?
Psalms 2, 18, 22, 45, 69, 72, 110, 118, 132
Where (book and chapter) do you find the Songs of Ascents?
Psalms 120-134
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of Creation?
Genesis 1-2
Why are the accounts of Creation in Genesis 1 and 2 different?
The account of Creation in Genesis 1 is a general statement from God’s perspective. The account of Creation in Genesis 2 is a more limited and detailed description of the same event from man’s perspective. There is a telescoping progression and recapitulation in the narrative from Genesis 1 to Genesis 2.
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of the Fall?
Genesis 3
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of the Flood?
Genesis 6-9 (esp. 8)
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of the attempted construction of the Tower of Babel?
Genesis 11
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of God’s promise to Abraham? When was it?
Genesis 12; c. 1900 BC
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of the sign of the Abrahamic Covenant?
Genesis 17
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of Isaac’s marriage to Rebekah?
Genesis 24
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of Jacob’s ladder dream?
Genesis 28
What was God’s promise to Jacob after the latter experienced the dream of angels ascending and descending upon a ladder? Include Scripture reference.
Genesis 28:15 - “Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.”
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of Jacob’s marriage to Leah (and to Rachel)?
Genesis 29
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of Jacob’s prospering with the flocks of Laban? What did Jacob do?
In Genesis 30, Jacob peeled poplar, almond, and plane trees in a breeding scheme.
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of Jacob’s secret departure from Laban, for Canaan, and of the Covenant at Mispah?
Genesis 31
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of Jacob’s wrestling with the angel? Where was it?
In Genesis 32, Jacob wrestled with the angel at Peniel.
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of Esau’s reconciliation with Jacob?
Genesis 33
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of Shechem’s violation of Dinah and subsequent destruction by Simeon and Levi?
Genesis 34
Where (book and chapters) do you find the account of the Exodus? When was it?
Exodus 5-15 (esp. 12-14, which include the last Plague and the crossing of the Red Sea); c. 1450 BC
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of the fall of Jericho?
Joshua 6
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of the anointing of David? When was it?
1 Samuel 16; c. 1050 BC
Where (book and chapter) do you find the Davidic Covenant?
2 Samuel 7; Psalm 89
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of the dedication of the first Temple? When did it happen?
1 Kings 8 and 2 Chronicles 6; c. 1000 BC
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of the division of the Kingdom? When did it happen?
1 Kings 12 and 2 Chronicles 10; c. 950 BC
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of the Exile? When did it happen?
Deportations: 2 Kings 24
Fall of Jerusalem: 2 Kings 25; 2 Chronicles 36
c. 586 BC
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of the return from the Exile? When was it?
Ezra 1; c. 535 BC
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of the Red Sea crossing?
Exodus 14
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of David’s confrontation against, and victory over Goliath?
1 Samuel 17
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of Moses’ raising of the bronze serpent in the wilderness?
Numbers 21
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of the sin of Baal Peor, and the zeal of Phineas?
Numbers 25
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of Elijah’s victory over the prophets of Baal at Mt. Carmel?
1 Kings 18
Where (book and chapter) do you find the the prophetic vision of the Valley of Dry Bones?
Ezekiel 37
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of Moses’ victory over the Amalekites? Describe simply what happened.
In Exodus 17, the Israelites fought against the Amalekites. As long as Moses kept his hands raised, the Israelites were victorious over the Amalekites.
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of God’s provision of manna to the Israelites in the wilderness?
Exodus 16
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of Gideon’s fleece?
Judges 6
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of the Sun (and Moon) standing still? What was the situation in which this took place?
In Joshua 10, five Amorite kings came up against Gibeon, and Israel warred against the Amorites.
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of the sun dial going back 10 degrees? Of what was this a sign?
In Isaiah 38:7-18, the sun dial went back 10 degrees as a sign to Hezekiah that he would be granted another 15 years of life.
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of Gideon being visited by an angel?
Judges 6
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of the fiery furnace?
Daniel 3
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of the King of Babylon’s dream of nations being crushed by another kingdom?
Daniel 2
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of Daniel’s prayer?
Daniel 9
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of Daniel in the lions’ den?
Daniel 6
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of Hezekiah and Sennacherib?
Isaiah 36-37
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of Elijah brings back the widow’s son from death?
1 Kings 17
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of Naaman being healed of leprosy?
2 Kings 5
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of Elijah being caught up in the whirlwind, by the chariot of God?
2 Kings 2
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of Jehoshaphat’s prayer?
2 Chronicles 20
Where (book and chapter) do you find the account of Elisha’s servant’s eyes being opened to see the armies and chariots of the angel host?
2 Kings 6
Where (book and chapter) do you find mentions and descriptions of Melchizedek?
Genesis 14; Psalm 110; Hebrews 5-7
Outline the life of David.
Ruth 4 - David is first mentioned as a descendent of Boaz/Ruth, Obed, and Jesse, Ephrathites of Bethlehem.
1 Samuel 16 - God chooses David to be king, and David joins Saul’s court as a musician
1 Samuel 17 - David kills Goliath
1 Samuel 18 - Saul becomes jealous of David, David marries Michal, and David fosters friendship with Jonathan
1 Samuel 25 - David meets and marries Abigail
2 Samuel 2 - David becomes King over Judah
2 Samuel 5 / 1 Chronicles 11 - David becomes King over all Israel, and captures Jerusalem
2 Samuel 6 / 1 Chronicles 13-16 - David brings the Tabernacle to Jerusalem
2 Samuel 11-12 - David commits adultery with Bathsheba, and arranges to have her husband killed in battle
2 Samuel 12 - Solomon is born
2 Samuel 15 - Absalom rebels against David
2 Samuel 18-19 - Absalom dies and David mourns
2 Samuel 24 - David takes a census of the people, against the express will of God
1 Kings 2 - David gives final instructions to Solomon, and dies
Which of David’s children died as a result of his sin?
The Unnamed Son, Amnon, Absalom, and Adonijah
Describe the Creation Week, by day and content.
Day One - Light separated from Darkness
Day Two - Waters Below separated from Waters Above
Day Three - Dry Land and Vegetation separated from Water
Day Four - Sun, Moon, and Stars
Day Five - Fish of the Sea and Birds of the Air
Day Six - Land Creatures and Man
Day Seven - Rested from the Work of Creation
Name the Four Wives and Twelve Sons of Jacob
Leah: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun
Zilpah (Leah’s Servant): Dan, Naphtali
Bilhah (Rachel’s Servant): Gad, Asher
Rachel: Joseph, Benjamin
Name the Twelve Tribes of Israel
Reuben, Simeon, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Benjamin, Manasseh, Ephraim
The Levites had no land, and served the priesthood.
Name the Kings of Judah (Southern Kingdom) after Solomon
Rehoboam, Abijah, Asa, Jehoshaphat, Jehoram, Ahaziah, Queen Athaliah, Jehoash/Joash, Umaziah, Uzziah/Azariah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah, Manasseh, Amon, Josiah, Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin/Jeconiah, Zedekiah
Name the Kings of Israel (Northern Kingdom) after Solomon
(Rehoboam), Jeroboam I, Nadab, Baasha, Elah, Zimri, Omri, Ahab (Jezebel), Ahaziah, Jehoram, Jehu, Jehoahaz, Jehoash, Jeroboam II, Zechariah, Shallum, Menahem, Pekahiah, Pekah, Hoshea
Name the Ten Plagues of Egypt. Where are they found?
Water into Blood Frogs Lice/Gnats Swarming Flies or Pests Diseased Livestock Boils Hailstorm Locusts Darkness Death of Egyptian Firstborn These are found in Exodus 7-12.