English Anthology text Flashcards
people like Fide’s family have nothing
When Adichie’s mother says that Fide’s family has nothing, it means that they don’t have any type of possessions, or food or water. This makes the reader think that Fide’s family is really poor and suffers from insufficient food and water. This makes the reader feel pathos for Fide and his family because, according to Adichie’s mother, they dont have anything. This quote is found near the middle of the text. The writer put that there because she was going to link that to her point later on in the story which is the danger of a single story
The discovery of African writers saved me from having a single story of what books are.
keyword- saved, single story.
When Adichie say that she was saved from having a single story about books, she is trying to show the reader that firstly having a single story is bad, secondly, that having a single story about something comes easy and third, there is always something that proves that single stories are incorrect. This makes the readers imagine that Adichie was once about to be trapped into the single story of books but was saved by the discovery of African writers. This makes the reader think that it is easy to be convinced about a single story. This also relates back to the main title of the story. this quote occurs in the middle of the texts and it is there because Adichie wants to show how she was not part of having a single story
I must quickly add that, I too am just as guilty in the question of the single story
keywords(s)- guilty
when Adichie says that she is guilty of having a single story it means that there was a point of time where she had a single story about a place or people. This makes the audience think that although she is talking about not having a single story, she also had a single story at on point. This quote occurs in the middle of the text. Adichie puts it there because she wanted to show the readers that she was also once someone who had a single story.
I had bought into the single story of Mexicans and i could not have been more ashamed of myself.
keyword- ashamed
Adichie was ashamed of having a single story which means that she did not want to have a single story but she did and it might have hurt some people because of that. This makes the reader realise that we are humans too and we will make mistakes but we must realise it and accept it. This quote occurs near the end of the text. It is there to remind the readers of the text that we all make mistakes
when we realise that there is never a single story about any place, we regain a kind of paradise
keyword- paradise
this word coneys to the readers that, when we realise that there are no single stories, there will be happiness and joy regained because we all understand each other. this makes the reader imagine the happiness that will be created if there were no single stories. this quote is at the end of the text Adichie wants the reader to end of, reading the text, thinking, what life would be like without single stories
A Passage to Africa————I saw a thousand hungry, lean, scared and betrayed faces as I criss-cross Somalia
keyword- hungry,lean,scared,betrayed.
the people are hungry because they are in war and they dont have alot of food to live off of. therefore. they are hungry. The people are scared and betrayed because they dont know who to trust anymore. This makes the writer feel pathos for the people who are experiencing this harsh and treacherous life. This is the first sentence in the text and it is there to set the tone of the texts.
The search for shocking is like a craving for a drug
keyword-shocking, drug
The word shocking pulls the reader in to read more because it is a word that leads to events that will keep the reader interested in reading the text. The writer says that the search for shocking was like a craving for a drug. This shows that, one the “shocking” does not happen very often and secondly, the writers want for shocking is like a need for journalists. without it, they cannot survive. This makes the reader think that journalists are callous creatures that seek death and suffering to survive. This makes the readers start to dislike journalists or start to be disgusted by them. This quote happens near the start of the text and it is there as it will link to the rest of the text where the journalists describe the events that happen in the story.
the shattered leg has fused into the gentle V-shape of a boomerang. It was rotting.
Keyword- shattered, fused, rotting
The wod shattered gives the impression that something is completely broken into many pieces and cannot be repaired or fixed. therefore, it hooks the reader as it may lead to something interesting. The word rotting shows the reader that there is something disgusting and gross happening. the fact that it link to the leg of an old lady makes the reader feel pity and sympathy for the reader. This quote occurs in the middle of the text and it is there as an example, of the suffering and torture that the people go through
They had been sick for days and were reaching the final, enervating stages of terminal hunger
keyword- enervating, terminal
these words show suffering and torture. the word enervating means that someone is completely drained of energy. terminal is when someone is lose to death. It makes the reader think that the people in Africa are suffering and in pain with no food or reason to live. This makes the reader feel pathos for the people in Africa. This quote happens near the middle of the text and it shows the reader what happens in the text
i resolved there and then that I would write the story of Gufgaduud with all the power that i could muster
keyword- power
The writer says, with all the power i could muster. this shows the reader that, maybe, the writer had some problems or dilemmas when thinking about writing about Gufgaduud. He might have initially have problems with publishing his stories on Gufgaduud. This quote happens at the end of the text and it is there to show the readers that he had problems
the explorers daughter-Catching the light in a spectral play of colour
keyword- spectral
this quote is a reference to the light and its beauty. this makes the readers think about the scenery and the environment that Greenland has. This quote is at the start of the text and it is there to set the theme and tone for the text and to show that environment in Greenland
it was crucial to her that her husband catch a narwhal
This word shows the readers how important it is for their husbands to catch a narwhal. It makes the reader think that the catching a narwhal is very important to their survival. This quote happens in the middle of the text and it is there to create tension.
Like watching a waterborne game with the hunters spread like a net around the sound
keyword- waterborne game,, hunters
This phrase is used in comparison to the hunters trying to catch the narwhals. The word, waterborne game suggests to the reader that the catching of narwhals.
the Dilemma stayed with me the whole time i was in Greenland
Keyword- greenland
this word means that the writer had a two sides to a story that stuck with her the entire time she was in Greenland. This makes the reader imagine that there was a big argument happening inside her head the entire time. This quote is at the end of the text and it is there to show the reader that she still had the dilemma after all that time.
My heart leapt for both hunter and narwhal
Keyword- heart, hunter, narwhal
the writer has split feelings. She wants the hunter to catch the narwhal so that he and his family can survive because that is their main source of food. She also wanted the narwhal to be able to be free and swim away because she felt pity for it
Between a rock and a hard place————-
As I dangle, I feel the stone respond to my adjusting grip with a scraping quake as my body’s weight applies enough torque to disturb it from its position
Keyword(s)- Dangle, scraping, quake. These words provide a sense of danger to the reader. They all mean that there might be some trouble that might come later on in the text. This make the reader imagine that the writer is about to be in danger. This quote happens near the start of the text and it is there to build tension. This quote makes the reader think about the dangers that may happen later in the text.
The next three seconds ply out at a tenth of their normal speed. Time dilates, as if I’m dreaming, and my reaction decelerate.
Keyword(s)- dilates, decelerate. These words are a link to time and how it affected the story. They show the reader that the writer experienced everything in slow motion. This makes the reader feel nervous or anxious and they read the text. This quote happens in the middle of the text and it is there to create tension and to make the reader feel tensed and be pulled to read the text.
crushes my right hand and ensnares my right arm
Keyword- crushes, ensnares. These words show the reader that the writer is in pain. It makes the reader think that the writer is in trouble and in extreme pain. The word crushes and ensnares both mean that something is being squashed or ripped apart. It happens in the middle of the text when the writer’s hand got stuck between the rock and the wall
Tearing the skin off the lateral side of my forearm
keyword- tearing, skin
These words describe to the reader in a gory way of how the writer’s hand was stuck between the rock and the wall. It makes the reader think that the writer is in
a lot of pain and cannot get out rom this dangerous situation. It makes the reader feel pathos for the writer and they ill want to read more to see if he is able to get out of this dangerous situation or not. This quote happens near the end of the text and it is there to create tension and pull the reader to read more to see what happens to the writer
Standing in that, I brace my thighs under the boulder and thrust upward repeatedly grunting, “come on…..move” Nothing
Keyword- brace, boulder, thrust. These words are there to show the writer’s struggles to get his hand out of the rock. The word brace and thrust show the writer’s tuggles to get his hand out of the rock although he was in searing pain. This makes the readers feel pathos for the writer because he was stuck there all alone. This quote is near the end of the text and it is there to create tension as well
young and dyslexic—–
We are architects, we are the designers
Keyword- we. this quote is repeated multiple times in the text. This quote is there to show the readers that Benjamin Zephaniah wanted to show the readers that just because they are dyslexic does not mean that they are useless. He wants to show the reader that dyslexic people are also useful and can also help the society. The quote is repeated to emphasis to the readers that dyslexic people are important too. This quote is in the start and the end of the text and its is there in the start to inform the readers about dyslexic people and at the end to remind the readers
no compassion, no understanding, no humanity……kind,thoughtful and listening
Keyword- no, compassion, humanity, kid, thoughtful. These quote is there to show the readers the difference between what the teachers in school used to tell him versus the thing that he wanted the teachers to tell him. Benjamin says that he thought that the teachers were being nice to him when he was a child but when he grew up. he realised that they were actually not. This quote shows the contrast between the real world and the one that Benjamin wanted to be in. This quote makes the readers to feel pathos for the writer. This quote uses the rule of three to emphasise his point. This quote happens in the start of the text and it is there to emphasise the point that dyslexic people can be useful too
A high percentage of the prison population are dyslexic, and a high percentage of the architect population
Keyword(s)- high, prison, architect. This quote is there in the text because Benjamin Zephaniah wanted to show the readers that there are many dyslexic people who are criminals and who have been put in jail but there are also many dyslexic people who are useful and helped the economy by being architects and helping to deign buildings. This makes the readers realise that there are many people dyslexics who are criminals but there are also many people who can help the society and be a benefit to it. This quote is in the middle of the text and it is there to add to context and to inform the reader about how dyslexic people can be criminals and bad people but they can also be contributors to society.
so dont be heavy on yourself
Keyword(s)-dont, heavy, yourself. The word, yourself is said because the writer wants to be more personal with the dyslexic readers and he wants them to feel better. The word heavy does not literally mean heavy but what the writer means is that he wants the dyslexic readers, not to feel bad or low of themselves. This quote is there because, Benjamin Zephaniah wants people who are dyslexic not to feel lowly about themselves just because they are dyslexic. He is saying that being dyslexic is better than being non dyslexic. This makes the readers think that living as a dyslexic person is harder than living as a non dyslexic person and that dyslexic people may be hurt because of that and that we should not make fun of them just because they are dyslexic. This quote is at the end of the text and it is there because the writer wanted tell the readers who are dyslexic, not to feel bad and he wants to tell the non dyslexic readers that they should not make fun of dyslexic people or treat them lower than other humans
If someone can’t understand dyslexia, it their problem
Keyword(s)- dyslexia, problem. This quote is there for the dyslexic readers who feel like they are to blame. The writer wants to tell the non dyslexic readers that they are the ones to be blamed, not the dyslexic people. This makes the non dyslexic readers think that maybe they should change the way they read, maybe non dyslexic people are the problem. This quote is near the end of the text and it is there to emphasis to the readers that the non dyslexic people are not to blame.
H is for hawk- feathered shoulders and the box shook as if someone had punched it, hard, from within
Keyword(s)- feathered, punched, within, hard, someone. This quote happens in the text before the bird was revealed. The word someone is personification. The writer personifies the bird as if there is someone inside the box where the bird was in and was punching the box really hard from the inside of the box. This amplifies the effect of a really big creature, someone or something trying to break free from the box and get out. the word punched is also personification as it links to someone punching the box from within. This builds tension and makes the reader imagine that the bird inside is really big, ferocious and wants to get out as soon as it can. This quote is at the start of the text and it is there to create tension and set the mood for the text which is a little scary. This quote also shows that the writer and the people she was with was afraid of what would come out of that box
The last few seconds before a battle
Keyword(s)- last, battle. These quote describes how the writer felt before they opened the box that had the bird in it. This quote shows the readers that the writer and the people that she was with was extremely terrified of the bird. This is seen as she compares the moments before they open the box to the last few seconds before a battle which shows the readers how scared they were of the bird. This quote is near the start of the text and it is there to create suspense.
Something bright and distant, like gold falling through water. A broken marionette of wings, legs and light splashed feathers.
Keyword(s)- bright, distant, gold, marionette, light. This quote greatly describes the first bird that came out. The words bright and gold describes the bird as majestic and magnificent. These words make the readers think that the bird is very shiny and bright and looks attractive. The phrases and words that describe the first bird is there to make the readers prefer that bird. This quote is in the middle of the text and it tis there to add to context and to describe the bird
She is hanging head downward, wings open, like a turkey in a butcher’s shop, only her head in turned the right way up.
keyword(s)- downward, butcher, turkey. This quote describes the next bird which, when came out, disappointed the people in the room. The simile, “ turkey in a butcher’s shop” shows to the readers that the second bird looked sickly, did not have energy or even looked dead. This makes the readers picture the bird as a weak, old, shriveled up bird that had no energy to survive. This quote happens in the middle of the text and happens right after the first bird is described and it is there to compare with the first hawk. The writer wants to make the comparison between the two birds very obvious.
My stuttered request wasnt a simple one
Keyword(s)- stuttered This quote is there to show the readers that the writer of the text knew that she was asking for too much. Yet she still asked for it. This makes the writer imagine that the bird was so uninviting that she had to go against all odds to ask for the other bird. This quote happens at the end of the text as to end of with a cliff hanger
Chinese Cinderella——-
Time went by relentlessly
Keyword(s)- time, relentlessly. This quote is a reference to time. The writer says this because she fees like time is going by too fast and she does not want to leave school. This makes the readers imagine that the writer is a very studious person who puts in alot of effort in her work. The quote happens in the start of the text and it is there to set the tone for the text
The thought of leaving school throbbed at the back of my mind like a persistent toothache
Keyword(s)- persistent, toothache. This quote is written by the writer because she wants to convey to the readers that she really misses school and that she does not want to go back home. This makes the readers imagine that maybe she is not treated well at home and that her only escape is school. This quote happens in the start of the text and it is there because she wants the readers to see that she misses school.
Timidly, i knocked on the door.
Keyword(s)- timidly, knocked. This quote is there because the writer wants to show the readers that she was very scared of he dad. It makes the readers think that maybe she is mistreated or maybe not treated with love. This makes the readers feel pathos for the writer.. This quote is in the middle of the text and it is there to add to tension.
Dare I let my guard down
keyword(s)- dare, guard. This quote is in the text because the writer wants the readers to know that she has not let her guard down yet. Readers may imagine that her father is like a threat to her and that she has to keep her guard up in order to face her father if at any time she needs to. This makes the readers feel pathos for the writer as they may think that she is in danger. This quote happens in the middle of the text and it is there to create tension keep the reader reading.
Writer, he scoffed
Keyword(s)- scoffed. This quote is there because the writer’s father did not approve of her decisions. The writer wanted to be a writer but her father did not. This makes the audience imagine that there is a big argument between the writer and her father The word “scoffed” shows that the writer’s father thought of being a writer as a low job. He did not think that being a writer would pay well. This quote happens in the end of the text and it is there to show that there will still be problems between the writer and her father about what she has to study