English "Act 1 and 2" Flashcards
Laughing in church, taking the Lord’s name in vain, and destroying sacred objects are considered acts of _____.
For these reasons, among others, they carried about an air of _____ resistance, even of persecution. Their fathers had, of course, been persecuted in England. So now they and their church found it necessary to deny any other sect its freedom; lest their New Jerusalem be defiled and corrupted by wrong ways and deceitful ideas.
After the show, the _____ magician still refused to reveal his clever secrets.
Parris: Now then, in the midst of such disruption, my own household is discovered to be the very center of some obscene practice. _____ are done in the forest…
The _____ of her face made her illness much more obvious.
[Thomas Putnam’s] _____ nature was demonstrated long before the witch-craft began.
The witch-hunt was a perverse _____ of the panic which set in among all classes when the balance began to turn toward greater individual freedom.
An _____ sports fan probably watches games on TV, goes to live games, and may even play on a team.
I sought _____ upon the man who stole and then broke my heart.
Abigail: He knows Tituba _____ Ruth’s sisters to come out of the grave.
worried more about his reputation than his daughter’s affliction
Reverend Parris
has 11 children and 26 grandchildren; does not believe in witchcraft
Rebecca Nurse
a deeply bitter and vengeful man who is always fighting about land
Thomas Putnam
lost seven children during childbirth
Mrs. Putnam
unable to pray while his wife was reading
Giles Cory
“I want to open myself! I want the light of God, I want the sweet love of Jesus!”
Abigail Williams
was seen dancing naked in the woods
Mercy Lewis
“What victory would the Devil have to win a soul already bad?”
Reverend Hale
wanted to “fly” to her dead mother
Betty Parris
“You lie, Devil, you lie!”
the Proctors’ newest servant girl
Mary Warren
Based on the events of “Act One,” Abigail is most likely to come into conflict with
John Proctor