English 8 mid term review- vocab Flashcards
acquit (vb.)
clear of a charge; find
not guilty
acrimonious (adj.)
sarcastic; bitter; nasty
amiable (adj.)
assuaged (verb)
to lessen or to calm
audacity (noun)
boldness or daring, especially with confident or arrogant disregard for personal safety,conventional thought, or other restrictions.
auspicious (adj.)
bade (verb)
past tense of bid; to command; order; direct
boisterous (adj.)
rough and noisy; noisily jolly or rowdy; clamorous; unrestrained
condensed: (Adjective)
reduced in volume, area, length, or scope; shortened; made denser, especially reduced from a gaseous to a liquid state; thickened by distillation or evaporation; concentrated
consternation (noun)
a sudden, alarming amazement or dread that results in utter confusion; dismay.
defiance (noun)
a daring or bold resistance to authority or to any opposing force.
diligently (adv.)
industriously; in a hard-working manner
drape: (Verb)
to adjust (curtains, clothes, etc.) into graceful folds, attractive lines, etc.; to arrange, hang, or let fall carelessly
emancipated: (Adj.)
To free (someone) from someone else’s control or power
impediment (noun)
obstruction; hindrance; obstacle; any physical defect that impedes normal or easy speech; a speech disorder.
impudent (adj.)
disrespectful; bold; sassy
irked (verb)
to be annoyed
jut: (Verb)
to extend beyond the main body or line; project; protrude (often followed by out)
malignant (adj.)
dangerous; evil
perpetrated (vb.)
carried out; committed
pinioned (adj.)
confined; held down
quelled (vb.)
To quell is to overwhelm something until it is powerless.
recluse (n.)
someone who stays away from society and the company of others
reprimand (verb)
to reprove or rebuke severely, especially in a formal way.
synchronize (verb)
to cause to go on, move, operate, work, etc., at the same rate and exactly together
tedious (adj.)
boring; tiresome
tirade (n.)
a long angry speech
vexed (adj.):
irritated; annoyed
waft: (Verb)
to carry lightly and smoothly through the air or over water; to send or convey lightly, as if in flight
waned (verb)
1) to decrease in strength, intensity, etc. 2) to decline in power, importance, prosperity, etc. 3) to draw to a close; approach an end 4) (of the moon) to decrease periodically in the extent of its illuminated portion after the full moon.