English Flashcards
What does “melancholy” mean?
Melancholy is beyond sad: as a noun or an adjective, it’s a word for the gloomiest of spirits.
What does “ergo” mean?
It means “therefore.”
What does “vis-a-vis” mean?
It means “face-to-face.”
What does “posit” mean?
To posit something is to assume or suggest that it is true. You can posit an idea or opinion.
What does “scruples” mean?
Having scruples is kind of like having a conscience: your morals or scruples cause you to act in ways you think are right.
What does “nonplus” mean?
To nonplus is to baffle or confuse someone to the point that they have nothing to say. Something weird and mysterious can nonplus you, like a play that is performed entirely by chickens.
What does “bemused” mean?
If you’re bemused, you’re muddled or preoccupied. It happens when you’re lost in thought, dazed, or overwhelmed (say, on the first day of high school).
What does “plethora” mean?
Plethora means an abundance or excess of something. If you have 15 different people who want to take you on a date, you have a plethora of romantic possibilities.
What does “fulsome” mean?
Compliments usually make you feel pretty good, but fulsome compliments, which are exaggerated and usually insincere, may have the opposite effect.
What does “literal” mean?
The adverb literally means “actually,” and we use it when we want others to know we’re serious, not exaggerating or being metaphorical.
What does “unique” mean?
If something is unique, it’s the only one around. You might think getting a nose ring would make you unique, until you see five other people on the street with the same piercing.
What does “idiom” mean?
An idiom is a form of expression that is particular to a certain person or group of people. If your friend always says, “squirrelly nuteriffic!” when she means something is great, she’s using her own idiom.
What does “oxymoron” mean?
Jumbo shrimp? Open secret? Use oxymoron to refer to a word or phrase that contradicts itself, usually to create some rhetorical effect.
What does “enormity” mean?
An enormity is something extreme or huge, almost beyond comprehension. If you call having to paint the house all by yourself an enormity, your friends might take pity on you and show up with brushes and rollers.
What does “fiscal” mean?
The word fiscal resembles the word financial, which makes sense because both involve money.
What does “psychosomatic” mean?
Psychosomatic describes a physical illness that results at least in part from mental causes. If you are under a lot of stress, the strain can trigger a psychosomatic condition like a stomach ulcer.
What does “psychologist” mean?
A psychologist is a scientist who studies the mind. Unless specified, you should assume the psychologist studies the human mind — as opposed to, for example, a pet psychologist.
What does “psychiatrist” mean?
A psychiatrist is a doctor who specializes in emotional, behavioral, or mental disorders. Sigmund Freud is the founder of the field of psychiatry, pioneering psychoanalytic treatment.
What does “physiology” mean?
Physiology is the branch of biology that deals with the functions and processes of living organisms, both animals and plants. It’s biology in motion.
What does “pious” mean?
If someone is deeply religious and visibly follows all the moral and ethical codes of his religion, he is pious. Don’t become a priest if you’re not prepared to live a pious life.
What does “platonic” mean?
Platonic describes a relationship that is purely spiritual and not physical. If a guy and a girl hang out all the time but aren’t boyfriend and girlfriend, they’d describe their friendship as platonic.
What does “fiat” mean?
You might think a fiat is just an Italian car, but it actually means a legal, authoritative decision that has absolute sanction. From the Latin for “let it be done,” the word fiat is a binding edict issued by a person in command. It can gain an almost Biblical aura of authority, like a movie Pharaoh saying, “So let it be written, so let it be done.” So let it be a fiat.
What does “alma mater” mean?
Your alma mater is your old school, college or university. It’s generally used as a positive term, implying reverence and loyalty for the nurturing qualities of the institution.
What does “edict” mean?
If your mom orders you to clean your room, that’s an order. If the king asks you to do it, that’s an edict — an official order from some higher up.