English 2 Flashcards
It is the most intense or exciting moment in the story when something happens to the side the outcome of the conflict.
It is the use of casual and informal language in writing which can also include the slang.
These are used to speculate about what could happen, what might have happened and what we wish would happen.
Conditional tenses
It is an idea that is implied or suggested.
It is the name given to a pair of rhyming lines of verse that are self-contained in grammatical structure and meaning.
“Crispin! Basilio! My children!” Is an example of _____.
It is the ability to carefully comprehend and evaluate information presented by visual media.
Critical viewing
Who is the author of the work Inferno, Purgatorio and Paradiso?
Dante Alighieri
It is the most direct or specific meaning of a word or expression.
It is the outcome of a complex sequence of events.
Who is the first Palanca Awardee for Play?
Dionisio Salazar
It utilizes authentic evidence as its basis for portraying recent historical events.
What does DRTA in reading mean?
Directed Reading and Thinking Activity
Who was the Victorian era writer who wrote the novel “Aurora Leigh” which was criticized?
Elizabeth Browning
Who is a poet that had an eccentric use of punctuations, making use of dashes liberally for emphasis?
Emily Dickinson
English Sonnet: Shakespeare :: Italian Sonnet: _____
Who is the Greatest among the Great Filipino Scholars?
Epifanio Delos Santos
Who wrote the short story “Magnificence,” about the girl abused by an older man?
Estrella Alfon
It is a short story by Estrella Alfon about the girl abused by an older man.
Who is the dramatist known as the Most Modern of Moderns?
Eugene O’Neill
_____ is when the narrative provides background information in order to help the reader understand what is going on.
Who is the writer of The Great Gatsby?
F. Scott Fitzgerald
It is a novel that explores the consequences of trying to live the American dream and questioned society’s definition of success and progress.
The Great Gatsby
It occurs when two or more parts of a sentence are similar in meaning but not parallel in form.
Faulty parallelism
It is a character based on true to life person.
These report about an issue, person or event with added depth and more background details.
Feature articles
It is the receivers’ verbal and nonverbal responses to a message such as a nod for understanding, a raised eyebrow for being confused or asking question to clarify the message.
Filipino as a language blossom during the _____ occupation.
These are previous events that split up present-day scenes in a story, usually to build suspense toward a big reveal.
It is when the author hints at events yet to come in a story.
It is a poetry that lacks a consistent rhyme scheme, metrical pattern are musical form.
Free verse poetry
Who is the first Palanca Awardee for short story?
Genoveva Edroza Matute
When was Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales was written?
14th century
It is considered as the Mesopotamian great hero and son of goddess Ninsun whose stories are told in Sumerian and Babylonian poems.
It is a traditional Japanese poem with three line and 17 syllables.
Helpful is an example of _____
derivational morpheme
- an affix (group of letters added before the beginning or after the end - prefix and suffix)
Who wrote the epic Iliad and Odyssey?
Who is the author of “How My Brother Brought Home a Wife”?
Manuel Arguilla
What is pointed out by the author in “How My Brother Brought Home a Wife?”
How Filipinos accept or treat in new family member.
It is an exaggerated statement that emphasizes the significance of the statements actual meaning.
It appeals to readers senses through highly descriptive language.
In this Mythology, a cosmic truth that “all things or simply a part of a greater whole one” is held.
Hindu Mythology
In this Mythology, Baal is said to be in charge of rain and weather and that man’s survival is dependent upon his provision.
Canaanite Mythology
It pertains to the ability of the learner to relate the written symbols to its corresponding sound.
It pertains to the familiarity of the student toward the sound of the language.
Phonemic awareness
Who is the most beautiful woman in the world in Greek Mythology?
Helen of Troy
- daughter of the god Zeus - best known for the party played in causing the Trojan War
In this Mythology, there is Helen of Troy and Trojan War.
Greek Mythology
Who is traditional depicted with four heads, four faces and four arms? He also symbolizes the supreme eternal deity whose essence pervades the entire universe.
In this Mythology, there is a traditionally depicted with four heads four faces and four arms.
Hindu Mythology
In Hindu tradition, _____ is regarded as the preserver of the universe, while _____ as destroyer.